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Guide to preparing case reports for the Journal of Medical Case Reports – Pubrica

Case reports are a well-established, significant, and well-regarded section of the medical literature. Case report publishing is a priority for both the Journal of Medical Case Reports and the Case Report section of BioMed Central Research Transcripts, and each has its own set of criteria.<br><br>Continue Reading: https://bit.ly/35IOlB9<br>For our services: https://pubrica.com/services/research-services/case-report-writing/<br>

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Guide to preparing case reports for the Journal of Medical Case Reports – Pubrica

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  1. AGuidetoPreparingCase Reports for the Journal of MedicalCaseReports AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.Nancy Agnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,Pubrica Group:www.pubrica.com Email:sales@pubrica.com

  2. TODAY'SDISCUSSION Outline Inbrief Introduction AshorthistoryoftheBMCseries,JMCR, andBMCRN Theactualcasereport AboutPubrica

  3. INBRIEF Casereportsareawell-established,significant,and well-regardedsectionofthemedicalliterature. Case report publishing is a priority for both the Journal of Medical Case Reports and the Case Report section of BioMed Central Research Transcripts, and each has itsown setof criteria. The Publication of Medical Case Reportswas the first worldwide, PubMed-listed medical journal dedicated to casereportsfrom allclinical fields. Contd...

  4. Thousandsofpeer-reviewedcasereportshavebeenpublishedwithaglobalaudience, appreciatingthetwo of them. Thiscasualeditorialexplainshowtowriteacasereportandwhentodosoandanindicationof theeditorial processbehindeach of these related publications.

  5. INTRODUCTION In the medicalfield, case reportsare a time-honoured practice. Physiciansofvariousdisciplineshaverecordedintriguing situationsinvolvingallspecialisationssinceHippocrates,and maybe even further back since the records of ancient Egyptian medicine,through the present day. Published case reports are vital for providing optimal patient care because they can explain key scientific facts that are omitted or unnoticed in medical case study report writing studies and give particularclinical insights, enhancing our knowledge base. Case reports havebecome a regularpart of themedical literature. Contd...

  6. Thereareseveralexamples. Few practising physicians would be unaware of the importance and subsequent discovery of a disease whosefirstexplanationin1981beganwiththetitle"A preliminarycommunicationonwidely widespreadKaposi's sarcoma in a single young mal" inthemedical casereportliterature. Thereisn'tasingleneurologistIknowwhoisn't familiar with the condition, which was first described in 1817 by James Parkinson in "An article on the shakingpalsy. Contd...

  7. A case report is a detailed description of a patient's symptoms, signs, diagnosis, therapy, and follow-up in medicine. Although reports usually detail an unusual or unique incidence, they may containa patient's demographic data. Somecasestudywritingalsoconsistsofanassessmentofpreviouspatientsthathavebeen published."

  8. ASHORTHISTORYOFTHEBMC SERIES,JMCR,ANDBMCRN The BMC series is a collection of open-access, peer- reviewedpublicationscoveringawiderangeof biologicaland clinicaltopics. There are now 65 journals in the series, ranging from BMCAnesthesiologytoBMCWomen'sHealth(in alphabeticalorder). Someofthesejournalspublishcasestudiesintheir fields,while othersdo not. Contd...

  9. JMCRisopenaccessonlinejournalpublishedbyBMC thatfocusesonpublishinghigh-qualitycasestudy reportwritingandadvancingmedicalknowledge. UndertheauspicesofBMC,BMCRNisanonline, open-accessjournalthatpublishesscientifically soundresearchinallfieldsofbiologyandmedicine. The journal serves as a home for brief papers, case studies, and incremental updates to existing work to lessentheacademiccommunity'slosswhensuch findingsgo unpublished.

  10. THEACTUALCASEREPORT TITLEPAGE Themanuscript'sfirstpageshouldbedevoted tothetitle page,including the article's title. The title should contain a clear and concise statement of the case,aswellas alistofallauthors'completenames, institutionaladdresses, and email addresses. Thereshouldalwaysbeatleastoneacknowledgedthe correspondingauthor.Abbreviationsinthe titleshouldbe avoidedat all costs. Contd...

  11. ABSTRACT "Short andsimple"shouldbe thethemeoftheabstract, anditshouldnot bemorethan 350words. WithintheAbstract,noabbreviationsorreferences shouldbe utilised. Threecomponentsshouldbeincludedintheabstract: Backgroundinformationandanexplanationofwhythis caseissignificantandshould berecorded. Contd...

  12. Pleasespecifywhetherornotthisisthefirstreportof itssort intheliteraturesearch. Shortspecificsofwhatthepatient(s)presentedwith, includingthepatient'sage,sex, background;Casepresentation, andethnic thebrief informationofwhatthepatient(s)presentedwith, includingthepatient'sage,sex,andethnic background; Conclusions, a quick summary of what the reader should take away from the case study and theclinical implications. Contd...

  13. Thissection contains three toten keywordsrepresentingthearticle's corecontent. Itisnecessaryforindexingandsimpleinternetretrievalofthearticle. INTRODUCTION Thecasecontext,includingthecondition,customarypresentation and course, and an explanation of the product if it is a novel disease, shouldbeexplainedintheIntroduction(JMCR)orBackground (BMCRN)section. Ifthecaseisaboutanunpleasantmedicationinteraction,the introduction should include frequent use of the medicine and any previouslyknown adverse effects. Contd... KEYWORDS

  14. Itshouldalsohaveaquickoverviewoftheliterature. This should serve as an introduction to the case report forindividualsunfamiliarwiththesubject,clearly outliningthebackground ofthe issue. Itshouldconcludewithaquicksummaryofthe informationpresentedin thearticle. CASEPRESENTATION This should include all pertinent information about the case. Contd...

  15. A description of the patient's relevant demographic details (without adding any details that could lead to thepatient'sidentification);anyrelevantmedical history of the patient; the patient's symptoms and signs;anyteststhatwereperformed;anda descriptionofanytreatmentorinterventionshould beincludedintheCasepresentation section. Allpatients'informationmustbeprovidedifit'sa casestudy. This section might be divided into subsections with subheadings. Contd...

  16. DISCUSSION ThisisanoptionalareainJMCRforsupplementary remarksthatgiveextraimportantmaterialnotincluded in the case presentation and background for the case or explanationsforspecifictreatmentdecisions. CONCLUSIONS Thissectionshouldclearlyexpresstheclinicalcase studyreport'sprimaryconclusionsandexplaintheir significanceand relevance. Contd...

  17. Isthisanoriginalcasereportrelevanttoaparticularclinicalspecialityofmedicine,orwillithave abroader clinical impact? Informationonhowitwillconsiderablyincreaseourunderstandingofadisease'sgenesisor therapeutic mechanismshouldbe supplied (if appropriate).

  18. ABOUTPUBRICA TheresearchersandauthorsatPubricacreate scientific and medical researcharticles that may be invaluabletoolsforpractitionersandauthors. By presenting the reader to the deficiencies or gaps in the selected study field, Pubrica medical writers assistyouinwritingandeditingtheintroduction. Our professionals are familiar with the framework thatfollowsthebroadtopic,problem,and backgroundtoasmallissuewherethehypothesis isstated.

  19. ContactUs UNITEDKINGDOM +441618186353 INDIA +91-9884350006 EMAIL sales@pubrica.com

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