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How do you write an original research article and have it published – Pubrica

The introduction sets the standard for the rest of your speech. It's divided into three sections: what's known, unknown, and your burning query, hypothesis, or goal Original Research Manuscript Writing Services.<br><br>Continue Reading: https://bit.ly/3zlvIxO<br>For our services: https://pubrica.com/services/physician-writing-services/orginal-research-article/<br>

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How do you write an original research article and have it published – Pubrica

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  1. HowdoyouWritean OriginalResearch Articleandhaveit Published? AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.Nancy Agnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,Pubrica Group:www.pubrica.com Email:sales@pubrica.com

  2. TODAY'SDISCUSSION InBrief Introduction Methods Results Discussion Don'toverreach AboutPubrica

  3. INBRIEF TheJournalof (JMLA)serves theMedicalLibraryAssociation amoresignificantfunctionthan storingdatafromlibrarianstudies. Ourobjectiveistomakeresearchfindingsas valuable as possible to end-users. In its most basic form, the "Knowledge Transfer" model comprises threeparts:producinginformation(research), translating and transmitting it to the user, and putting theknowledge intousage. The JMLA is located in the centre of the process, conveyingandsummarisinginformationtotheuser. Contd...

  4. TheJMLAmustfirstgatherinformationandexpertisefromresearchers,thencollaboratewith themto deliver itin the most usable way possible. That implies the data mustbe presented ina standardized, comprehensible way. A conventional,preferredmethodforwritinganoriginalresearchreportexists. Contd...

  5. Since the second part, IMRAD has dominated academic, scientific,andpublic healthmagazines. The IMRAD framework, which is suggested in the "Uniform RequirementsforManuscriptsSubmittedtoBiomedical Journals," helps to minimize extraneous material and allows essential information to be presented clearly and in a logical order. TheIMRADportionsaredescribedhere,alongwithour commentsand suggestions. Double-check the publisher's requirements if you're using thisguidetosubmittoWriteAOriginalResearchArticle.

  6. INTRODUCTION The introduction sets the standard for the rest of your speech. It's divided into three sections: what's known, unknown, and your burning query, hypothesis, or goal Original ResearchManuscript Writing Services. Write for a general readership and keep this part brief (clear, concise, and as non-technical as you can be). Howwouldyoudescribethestudy'spurposeand methodologytoa distantcolleague? Contd...

  7. Takeyouraudiencethroughthethreeprocesses beforeposingyourunique question. Emphasize how your research fills in the blanks (the unknown)andclarify yourresearchtopic. Answerno to theresearchquestion. Rememberto savethefacts,descriptions, hypotheses,andcriticismsofotherresearchfor theDiscussion. Contd...

  8. METHODS TheMethodssectionprovidesaconcisesummary ofyour work. Giveyouraudienceadequateinformationtoassess yourstudy's persuasiveness. Asinarecipe,describethestagesyoudid,butdon't gointo toomuch detail. Explainhowyouchooseyoursubjectstorepresent ifyou'reundertaking qualitative research. Contd...

  9. Youmightwish such tosplititintosmallerpartswith ascontext:when,where,whohas subheadings, permission or approval, sample selection, data collection (how),follow-up,and analytictechnique. Rather than discussing all the specifics, cite a reference for regularly used or previously utilized procedures in Scientific OriginalResearch Article. Method explanations can be made more accessible with flowdiagramsandtables.Whendiscussingyour approaches,youmay usefirst-personvoice.

  10. RESULTS The data aresummarised in theResultssection. Make connectionsand definepatterns. Avoidjustrepeatingthenumbersfromthetablesand figures. Asfaraspossible,datashouldbekepttotables. Summarizethetablesasthekindnarrationwould;do notrepeat thefacts inthe text. Contd...

  11. Ifyouhad ademographictablewitha row of ages,andtheagesof thegroupswerenot substantially different, your reader might state, "All ofthe participants were47years old onaverage. Thetable showsthattherewasnosignificant differencebetweenthe groups." "Themeanageofgroup1was48.6(7.5)years, and group 2 was 46.3 (5.8) years, a non-significant difference," is superior to "The mean age of group 1 was 48.6 (7.5) years and group 2 was 46.3 (5.8) years,a non-significant difference." Contd...

  12. DividetheResultssectionintosubsections,ifnecessary, usingheaders. Complementthedatainthetablesandfigureswithadditional information. Also,onlythemostsignificantfiguresshouldberepeated andhighlighted in the text. IntheResultssection,usetheactivevoiceandmakeit vibrant. Nothere,butintheMethodssection,youshouldinclude informationabout whatyou performed. Contd...

  13. Also,saveyouropinionsonthesignificanceofyourfindingsfortheDiscussionsection.Also,saveyouropinionsonthesignificanceofyourfindingsfortheDiscussionsection. OthertipstohelpyouwiththeResultssection: Ifyouneedtocitethenumberinthetext(notjustinthetable),andthetotalinthegroupislessthan 50,do not includethe percentage. Write"7 of 34," not"7 (21%)." Donotforgetthatyouprobablyneedadjustmentifyouhavemultiplecomparisons.Askyour statisticianif you are not sure.

  14. DISCUSSION ThemostflexibilityisintheDiscussion section.The majorityofauthorsbeginbyreiteratingwhatthey accomplished. Every contributor should summarise the main points and respondtothe questionposed inthe introduction. Concentrateonwhatyourstatisticsshowratherthan whatyou anticipatedthey woulddeliver. Begin by saying "We discovered..." (or something similar) andthen explainwhat the datameans. Contd...

  15. Anticipate your audience's inquiries and explain why your findingsare significant. Then relate your results to those of other people. Thisiswhereyourliteraturereviewwillbehelpful. Discuss how your findings corroborate or contradict the findingsof previousresearch. Unless you're doing a narrative or systematic review, you don'tneedtoincludeeveryarticlefromyourOriginal Research Review Articleliterature review in your paper or referencelist. Contd...

  16. Your paper isn't meant to be a comprehensive overview of thesubject. Don't give a lengthy summary of the literature; instead, focus onpast work directlyrelated to yourresults. Contrary to widespread assumption, many references in the References section do not indicate that the article is more scholarly; instead, it suggests that the author is attempting to appearintellectual. (The citation list may be longer if your paper is a systematic review.)

  17. DON'TOVERREACH Don'tgotoofarwithyourfindings. Findingaperceivedknowledgeneed,for example,doesnotindicatethatlibrarycolleges must reform their curriculum right once or that it wouldenhancehealthcareandsavelivesand money. However,youmaysay"hasthepotentialto." Always note the restrictions that matter, not the constraintsthatapply toeveryone.

  18. Makealistofunsolvedquestionsandpotentialfuture directions. Giveyourresults'big-pictureimplicationsandexplainwhy youraudience shouldcare. Finishyourstudy'ssignificantresults,anddon'tdeviate toofar from yourdata. Remembertoincludeafinaltake-homemessageand implicationsin yourpresentation. It'sworthnotingthatthisapproachlacksadistinct Conclusionsection. Contd...

  19. TheDiscussionconcludeswith aconclusion.For example, consider the last paragraph of a recent NEJM article'sDiscussion section. Finally, our study did not reveal the predicted benefit [of theintervention]inpatients athighrisk forproblems. Forabstracts,however,aseparateConclusionsection isfrequently suitable. AnInterpretationsectionshouldbeincludedin systematicreviews.

  20. OtheraspectsofyourstudyarticleunrelatedtoIMRADinclude:Thefoundationofyourcontent is tables and numbers, and they are the narrative's plot. Thetitles,abstracts,tables,andfiguresarefrequentlythefirstthingseditors,reviewers,and readers glance at. Figuresand tables shouldcommunicate a fullstory on their own. It should notbe necessaryfor yourreaders to return to the primarymaterial.

  21. ABOUTPUBRICA PubricaHas Writing. Further,The AProfessionalExperienceInMedical TeamOfMedicalProfessionalsFrom Pubrica,OfferUniqueMedicalWritingServicesIncludes Public Forms Health, (Crf), ClinicalResearch,Pharmacology, Regulatory Biostatistics, Radiology, Cardiology, Neurology, Writing,ClinicalReport Psychology,LifeScience,Dentistry, Dermatology, Gynecology, Surgery, Diabetology, Biochemistry, Forensics, Psychiatry,Genomics,MedicalDevice, Pharmaceutical,Nutraceutical, FmcgCompanies, Hospitals,Universities,Publishers, PhD,Students PursuingMedicine,Physicians,Doctors, AuthorsAnd Provide Support In Writing AnyMedicalStream Paper.

  22. ContactUs UNITEDKINGDOM +441618186353 INDIA +91-9884350006 EMAIL sales@pubrica.com

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