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The rationale of your research is the objective of the study. The reason should explain why the research was started in the first place. <br><br>Visit Here - https://pubrica.com/academy/physician-writing/how-to-write-the-rationale-for-research/<br>
HOWTOWRITETHE RATIONALEFOR RESEARCH? AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.NancyAgnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,Pubrica Group:www.pubrica.com Email:sales@pubrica.com
TOPICDISCUSSION Inbrief Introduction Therationaleforthestudy Basic elements of the researchrationale Hopetoaccomplish Conclusion
INBRIEF The research's rationale describes why the studywasundertaken(inathesisorarticle) orwhythe study should be accompanied (inaproposal). Thisimpliesthattheresearch justification shouldexplainwhythe studyis/was necessary to the reader or examiner. Itis sometimes known as a study's "purpose" or "justification." contd...
The research's rationale describes why the study was undertaken (in a thesis or article) or why the study should be accompanied (in a proposal). This implies that the research justification should explain why the study is/was necessary to the reader or examiner. Itis sometimesknownasastudy's"purpose"or"justification."
INTRODUCTION Therationale of yourresearch is the objective of the study. The reason should explain why the researchwasstartedinthefirstplace. It'sanessentialpartofyourworksinceit demonstrates the significance and uniqueness ofyourresearch. contd...
As a result, it's often referred to as the study's reason. Your analysis would be arranged in an idealworld:observation,justification,hypothesis, objectives,methodology,findings,and conclusions. To begin writing your rationale, offer background information on all the research onyourstudytopic. Thenconsider,"Whatismissing?"or"Whatare theresearch's unanswered questions?" Identify the gaps in the literature and explain why they must be filled. Finally, it resolves to serveasthefoundationforyourinvestigation. contd...
Astudy'sreasonmightbeprovidedbeforeandafter theinvestigation. Before: The reason is essential to your research proposal since it represents the work plan you developedbeforecarryingoutyourinvestigation. After:Whentheinvestigationisover,the justificationisgiveninaliteratureresearchpaper or thesis to explain why you choose to focus on thespecificsubject.Inthiscase,youwould connectyourresearchproject'slogictothe study'sgoalsandoutcomes.
THERATIONALEFOR THESTUDY Considera researchrationale,a setofarguments explaining whya study isrequired and significant in lightofitscontext. Itisalsothestudy'sreason,rationale,orthesis statement.Essentially,youwanttopersuade your reader that you are not repeating what others have alreadystatedandthatyourperspectivedidnot emergefromthinair. You'veresearchedandfoundaknowledgegapthatthis justificationnowfills.
BASICELEMENTSOFTHE RESEARCHRATIONALE Typically,aclinicalresearchjustificationisprovidednearthe conclusion of the introduction.Thisarea isprominent in high-impact-factorinternationalpublicationssuchas NatureandScience. There is usually a line after the introduction that begins with "hereweshow"or"inthispaper,wedemonstrate."This paragraph ispart of a logical sequence of information, which is often (but not always) presented in the following order: contd...
Research background: What brings you here? Present (and cite) previousresearchanddataonthesubject. Agap intheliterature:Whichgaps haven'tbeen addressed based on the background evidence presented? Or,what is the problemthatneedstobesolved/processthatneedstobe improved? Researchrationale:Whyisitcriticaltofillthesegaps orto solve/improvethisproblem/process? Research objectives and methodology: What will you investigate (yourresearchquestion/goal)?Howareyou goingtoapproachit (methods)?
HOPETOACCOMPLISH Describe the issue that yourresearch will address:Theproblemyourstudywill address,alsoknownasyourresearch subject, informs the reader about the scope ofyourinvestigation. Yourresearchtopicshouldbeasdetailedas possible,especiallyinaprofessional environment.Inaddition, specific research topics are more likely to lead to financing opportunitiesforyourproject. contd...
Discourse the methodology for your study: Explain to your audience how you intend to conduct your clinical research and offer a broad timeline for each stage. Include details about how you plantocontactresearchparticipantsifyourstudyspansseveralmonthsoryears. Predict the results of your study: A hypothesis isn'talways necessary, but itmight assist in supporting your case. Ifyou can make a more than speculative forecast, include itin your rationale.Torepresentyourresearchtopic,makeyourhypothesisasdetailedaspossible. Clarifywhatyouhopeyourstudywillaccomplish:Yourclinical researchshoulduncover something fresh that has not before been explored in your sector. Finding something that no one else has discovered isn'tenough.Youmust also explainthatyourfindings willsignificantly advanceyourfieldorthatthey willclearupapastmisunderstanding. contd...
In a journal-acceptedresearch manuscript, your justification should be no more than a few words long (no longer than one brief paragraph). A longer description is generally allowed in a manuscriptorthesis;dependingonthe length and type of your material, this might beuptoseveralparagraphslengthy. Awhollyneworuniquetechniquemay requirea moreprolongedandextensive justificationthanonethatdeviates somewhatfromwell-established proceduresandapproaches.
CONCLUSION Itiscriticaltodiscussthereasonforyourstudytounderstandthe relevanceanduniquenessofyourresearcheffort.Youwillhave persuadedreadersofthesignificanceof yourworkonceyouhave adequatelyexpressedthereason(s)foryourstudy. Defining the justification research is a critical component of the research processandacademicwritinginanyreasoningresearchendeavour. This is what you use in your research paper for the first time to explain the research problem inside your dissertation subject. This will give you the research reason you require to define your research topic and potential outcomes.
ABOUTPUBRICA Pubrica'sresearchteamgeneratesscientificand medicalresearcharticlesthatpractitionersand authorsmayuseasaresource. Pubrica medical writers help you create and modify theintroductionbyadvisingthereaderofany defectsorholesinthechosenresearchsubject. Ourexpertsarefamiliarwiththestructurethat begins with a broad topic and then continues to a problemandbackgroundbeforegoingontoa targetedissuetoprovidethehypothesis.
REFERENCES Huggett, Kathryn N., and William B. Jeffries. "Overview of active learning researchandrationaleforactivelearning."How-toGuideforActive Learning.Springer,Cham,2021.1-7. Bandrowski,Anita,etal."Sparcdatastructure:Rationaleanddesignofa fair standardforbiomedicalresearchdata."bioRxiv(2021). Andriotis,Konstantinos."RATIONALEFORLAUNCHINGANEWJOURNAL." JournalofQualitativeResearch1.1(2020):1-6. Russell, David R. "Retreading, Non-ing, and a TPC Rationale for Sub- disciplining in Writing Studies."CollegeEnglish82.5(2020):472-483.
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