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Rejection is something that all go through, and it may be a good thing. Authors who are just starting in their professions and highly established will face rejection while submitting papers.<br><br>Continue Reading: https://bit.ly/3AMpC93<br>Reference: https://pubrica.com/services/publication-support/<br>
Mypaperwasrejected injournalsubmission– WhatNext AnAcademicpresentation by Dr. Nancy Agnes, Head, Technical Operations, Pubrica Group: www.pubrica.com Email:sales@pubrica.com
Today'sDiscussion OUTLINE InBrief ReadingtheRejectionLetter Peer-reviewed papers that are rejected Succeeding the Author Instructions Conclusion AboutPubrica
INBRIEF Rejection is something that all go through, and it may be a goodthing. Authors who are just starting in their professions and highly establishedwillfacerejectionwhilesubmittingpapers. One should not rip a rejection letter to shreds or completely delete the message in response to a rejection letter in today's modernenvironment. Similarly, choosing never to write another paper should be avoided.
Many rejected manuscripts (BK1) may eventually find a home with rewrites or improvedtargeting to amore appropriate journal. This article will look at some of the alternatives available to authors looking for a placeto publish their work.
INTRODUCTION READINGTHEREJECTIONLETTER Readtherejectionletterascarefullyasyouwouldinstructions forcashing ina winninglottery ticket. Never skim or read only the last few lines of a storey (reject). It's amazing how many authors email me with questions that havealreadybeenansweredin therejectionletter. If the letter looks to be confused or useless, having a co- workerread itmight be beneficial.
Despite the exponential expansion in the number of online and print journals1, more manuscripts being rejected "internally" without external peer review(SK1) as the numberof submissions tojournals rises. Some clinical publications(SK2)don'tprovideyouwithanymoreinformation. Please take a close look at these suggestions since they should help you figure out whatto do next.
PEER-REVIEWEDPAPERSTHAT AREREJECTED Papers that pass the first round of screening will be sent out forpeer review(BK2). Papersthatarerejectedfollowingpeerreviewgenerally include comprehensive comments from the reviewers on the meritsand flawsof the work. This data is frequently highly useful in enhancing the paper or planningfutureinitiatives. Althoughthepeerreviewmethodhaslimitations,itlooksto bethebest approachavailableat themoment.
SUCCEEDINGTHEAUTHOR INSTRUCTIONS ManymanuscriptswillberejectedbytheJournalof Graduate Medical Education (JGME) editor if they do not adhere to the author guidelines(BK3) in terms of structure, word count, number of figures and tables, and referencestyle.JGMEavoidsaninitialrejectionby suggesting that writers resubmit their papers in the right formatorwith thecorrect wordcount. However,ifyousubmitamanuscriptthatdoesnot followtheauthor'sguidelines,youriskirritatingthe journaleditorsanddelayingyourarticle'sevaluation(1). Contd...
PUBRICA PEER REVIEW HAS BEEN DEFINED AS A PROCESS OF SUBJECTING ANPUBRICA PEER REVIEW HAS BEEN DEFINED AS A PROCESS OF SUBJECTING AN AUTHOR’SSCHOLARLYWORK,RESEARCHORIDEASTOTHESCRUTINYOFOTHERS WHO ARE EXPERTS IN THE SAME FIELD 1. MATCHING PAPER TO JOURNAL Amismatchbetweenthemanuscriptandthejournal'sscopeisatypicalreasonfor theinternal rejection ofsubmitted papers. Thereareat least99print andonlinehealth professionseducationpublications, with alot of overlap ingoal and scope. Authorscanlearnaboutthemostprevalentthemes,studydesigns,andauthorsby readingone or two journalissues.
2.OBTAININGADDITIONALDATAORRE-EXAMININGALREADY COLLECTED DATA Arelationshipisonlydiscoveredwithsmallsamplesizeswhentheeffectsize (magnitudeof the influence)is very big. Becausesmallsamplesrestrictgeneralizability,gatheringdataonmany participants, such as repeating the intervention over several years, may give more enlighteningand reliable results.
3.RESUBMITTING TO THE SAME JOURNAL You may be able to resubmit your article(SK3) with the missing techniques or data iftheflawslistedintherejectionletteraffectproceduresorfindingsthatyou performedbut wereremoved fromyour workfor whateverreason. It'sagoodideatodouble-checkwiththejournalofficefirst.Alternatively,the reviewersmayadvisethatyour manuscriptbeplacedina differentcategory. Thiswillnecessitateathoroughrewritingofthepapertoconformtothenew category'sauthor guidelines. Contd...
4.MAKECHANGESANDSUBMITTHEMTOA DIFFERENT JOURNAL Because no two journals have the same author instructions or structure, you'll need to make some changes before submitting yourarticle(SK4) toanother. Therefore,itiscriticaltomakeanynecessaryadjustments basedonthecommentsofferedduringtheinitialevaluation. Whenyoucan'tmakeasignificantadjustment,it'sagoodidea toexplainwhyinyourcoverletterorasupplementalappendix. Contd...
5.FILETHEDOCUMENTAWAYANDNEVER RESUBMIT IT Weallgetrejectionlettersforpaperswe'vesubmitted. Typically, many experts in the field have contributed significant time to provide comprehensive recommendations to help you develop yourpaper and futurework. Use this criticism to enhance your work for submission (SK5) to another publication and your future, more thorough investigation of thesubject. Contd...
As a responsible citizen of the medical education community and to enhance your editingabilities,considervolunteeringtoreviewpapersforoneormorepublications(2). Aboveall,keepthinkingaboutandstudyingmedicaleducationconcepts(BK4),as wellas producing papers. Contd...
CONCLUSION Afterthat,either"RejectafterEditorialReview"or "SendforPeerReview"isdecided. Ifamanuscriptisrejectedatthisphase,the Editorialstaffmakeseveryefforttogive constructive criticismandexplain therejection. A "Reject and Resubmit"(BK5) decision can also beusedtorejectamanuscript.Theeditors determined that the paper is of high quality, novelty, andimpact inthis case. Still, the authors must address critical aspects of the manuscripttomeettheminimumcriteriaforreview.
Forexample,themanuscriptmayrequireadditionalexperiments,amorerigorous dataanalysis,orsignificantrewritingto meettheminimum criteriaforreview (see moreinformation below). This decision typeimplies that theeditors actively urgethe paper's resubmissionif theidentified flaws are rectified(3).
ABOUTPUBRICA Pubrica meets summit standards and protocols of journal publishing ethics in every single phase of servicesand processes. Pubrica adheres to authorship guidelines drafted by the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME), and the scope for services will be routinely updated as per the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE)andInternationalSocietyofMedical PublicationProfessionalsguidelines(ISMPP).
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