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Reporting guidelines are tools that advise authors publishing a scientific article on particular study items to be disclosed to improve the research rigour, reproducibility, transparency, and scientific community acceptance of the study results and conclusions.<br><br>Continue Reading: https://bit.ly/3Ap017y<br>For our services: https://pubrica.com/services/physician-writing-services/ <br>
ReportingGuidelines– Manuscript Writing in MedicalResearch AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.NancyAgnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,Pubrica Group: www.pubrica.com Email:sales@pubrica.com
Today's Discussion WhatareReportingGuidelines? Relevanttotheevaluationofreportingguidelines Scenario WhyareReportingGuidelinesImportant? AboutPubrica
What are Reporting Guidelines? Reporting guidelinesare tools that advise authors publishing a scientific article on particular study items to be disclosed to improve the research rigour, reproducibility, transparency, and scientificcommunityacceptanceofthestudyresultsand conclusions. Reporting guidelines usually outline the development process and give researchers a checklist of elements that should be reportedbased onthe studydesign. The checklist is extremely valuable since it offers writers an easy-to-follow structure for planning the research endeavour, from study protocol preparation to study implementation, data analysis,andmanuscript writing. Contd...
Eachresearchdesignhasitsreportingstandards (Table1). The Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Research(EQUATOR)Network,aglobalproject aimed at improving published health research reporting quality, has established the most widely used reporting guidelines. Themostwell-knownEQUATORrecommendationsare ConsolidatedReportingTrials(CONSORT)for randomisedclinicaltrials(RCTs)andSTROBEfor observationalresearch. Contd...
Severalofferssharespecificcomponents,suchastheexperimentalresearchdesigninthepaper title and the participant flow diagram, which shows how many people were screened for eligibility, how many were eliminated, and why they were excluded. Other factors to consider are unique to each research design (e.g., the type of randomisation procedure used in RCTs within the CONSORTguideline) (1)
Endorsement— a journal's action to show that it supports using one or more reporting guideline(s) by authors submittingresearch reports for review; generally accomplished throughastatementinits"Instructionsto authors"section. Adherence— Actiondidbyanauthorto ensure that a manuscript complies with the items indicated by the appropriate/relevant reportingguideline(reportsallspecified items). Relevanttothe Evaluation of Reporting Guidelines Contd...
Implementation— Journals are taking steps to guaranteethatauthorsfollowapprovedreporting criteriaandthatpublishedarticlesarefully documented. Complete reporting— the status of a research report's reporting and whether it complies with anyapplicablereportingstandard.
Scenario Researchersconducted aprospectivecohortanalysisof 101patientsadmittedtotheICUatauniversityhospitalin SoPaulo,Brazil,andanalysedmechanicalventilator waveformstoquantifytheprevalenceofpatient-ventilator asynchrony. According to the researchers, a high majority of asynchrony was linked to more significant weaning failure, but not to death. ThestudyresultswerepublishedusingtheSTROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology)reporting criteria(3).
Why are Reporting Guidelines Important? The use of reporting rules ensures that writers disclose all essential components of a research study, allowing the reader to comprehend all relevant parts of the investigation properly. This is critical because other researchers may duplicate methods. Results can be included inefficient reviews or utilised by clinicians to assist clinical decision making when a paper providesaccurateandcomprehensivestudyinformation. Contd...
Forexample,whenapaperpublishestheresultsofan mention how many prospective removed from the study, the RCT but fails to participants were generalizability and internal validity of the findings may becompromised. Similarly, in our supposed situation, if the publication omittedtoindicatehowmanyparticipantswerelost duringfollow-up,readerswouldbeunabletoassess thecohort study'srisk ofbias. As a result, the findings would be useless in clinical decision-making. Contd...
Theinternationalresearchcommunityincreasinglyrecognisesthatfollowingreporting requirements enhances the quality of research and helps to reduce resource waste in poorly reportedprojects. Asaresult,mosthigh-impactmedicaljournalsnowrequireRCTstofollowCONSORT standards,and most observational studies incorporate STROBE flow diagrams(4).
AboutPubrica Pubrica'smanuscripteditingservicesaresecondtonone. Proofreading,whichisthecorrectionofgrammar, spelling,andothersurfaceproblemsandisthefinalstepin theeditingprocess,issometimesmistakenwithediting. Thegoalofscientificwritingeditingistoreviseand organise the material of a document so that it is more succinctand exact. Themethodreducesidiomandeliminateswordiness, allowingforimproved communication.
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