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What Do You Want in Research journal Publishing A Revolution Or an Evolution – Pubrica

In the life of an academic, journal publishing is critical. It hurts if someone else publishes comparable work earlier or in a u201chigh impact publicationu201d with a larger readership.<br><br>Continue Reading: https://bit.ly/3gjNn0q<br>For our services: https://pubrica.com/services/publication-support/<br>

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What Do You Want in Research journal Publishing A Revolution Or an Evolution – Pubrica

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  1. What Do You Want in Research Journal Publishing?ARevolution? OranEvolution? AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.NancyAgnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,Pubrica Group:www.pubrica.com Email:sales@pubrica.com

  2. Today'sDiscussion Inbrief Publishorperish? Theproblemswithpublishing Evolutionorrevolution? Evolution Conclusion AboutPubrica

  3. InBrief TheInternetquicklychangeshowacademicresearch findingsaresharedwithingroupsandwiththegeneral public. The European Commission has suggested a proposal to alter the way academic research journalis published, with assistance from a group of high-profile donors, to expedite changeandmakethefindingsofresearchquicklyand freely available online for anyone to read and use Here, to explore the plan’s anticipated influence on the publishing environment,aswellas itspotentialadvantagesand unexpectedconsequences. Contd...

  4. It’s tough to be published in significant publications. But, it’s also really satisfying. Successful authors understand that the publication process may be a lengthy, challenging, and sometimes unsafejourney Thefirst—andmostcrucial—stageinthetripisimagination,whichentailsgeneratingan excitingresearch topic that,if answered correctly, willhave an impact onhow we think andact.

  5. PublishorPerish? Inthelifeofanacademic,journalpublishingiscritical. It hurts if someone else publishes comparable work earlier orina“highimpactpublication”withalargerreadership. Suchoccurrencescaninfluencewhetherornotan academic gets employed and whether or not their study is supported. Publishingisessentialbecauseacademicsputtheir researchtothetestandsharetheresultswithpeersand thegeneral public. Contd...

  6. The primary output of most sponsored research is peer-reviewed publicationsand their related data. Theyareasignificantsourceoftrustworthy public information utilised to develop technology andguidefuturefundingandpolicychoices. Intoday’ssociety,informationisavaluable commodity(2).

  7. TheProblemsWithPublishing Agoodpublicationsystemshouldmeetthefollowing requirements: Broadaccessibility:Papersfromthepastandpresent should be available for as large an audience as possible to quicklyread and applytheir results. Peer review of high quality: Papers should be edited and evaluated objectively by relevant specialists in the area to validateandimprove thequality ofpublishedwork. Contd...

  8. Papers shouldbepreparedandorganisedclearlyandconcisely. Verificationstandards:Thereshouldbechecksforplagiarismandrequirementsto rectify therecordifmistakesarediscovered (e.g.,retractionsandcorrections)(3).

  9. EvolutionorRevolution? There are several reasons to request to see significant changes in howacademic publicationoperates. TheInternethasopenedupaslideofnewpossibilitiesand problems. Many journals now enable articles to be viewed for free at the time of publication in exchange for an open access fee to cover the expensesofonlinejournalpublicationwithoutasubscription. Furthermore, most journals enable authors to upload an electronic versionoftheirarticlebeforepeerrevieworprepublication, makingtheworkavailabletothepublic,promptingsometo imagineafutureinwhichpublicationsarechangedand evaluatedafter beingmade public.

  10. Therehavebeensomemovementstowardjournalshavingamoreopen review process, where the reviews and the names of reviewers are made available. Journals such as PLoS ONE have emerged with low standards for potential fieldimpact,whichcanonlybefullyassessedretrospectivelyinanyevent. Communitiesattempttopromote,critique,andevaluatecriticalarticlesin their fields, regardless of where they were uploaded or published (e.g., F1000 andPre-lights). Asaresult,thenatureofsciencecommunicationisrapidlyevolving. Contd...

  11. Plan S was drafted by the European Commission and pushedbyseveralmajorEuropeanresearchfunders. The strategy emphasises broad accessibility, based on thebeliefthatindividualshave amoralrightto“free accesstoallscientificpapersfrompubliclyfinanced research.” Itaimstoacceleratethealterationoftheacademic publishingmarketbyimposingrulesthatlimitthetypes of journals in which authors can publish: “After 1 January 2020, scientific publications on the results of research funded by public contributions provided by national and European research councils and funding groups must be publishedincompliantOpenAccessjournalsoron compliantOpen Accessplatforms.” (4)

  12. Evolution Overmanyyears,thepresentpublicationsystemhas evolved. It is far from ideal, yet science has flourished under this system. With the introduction of the Internet, the rate of change hasaccelerated considerably. As a result, open access publication of peer-reviewed papers(and publicly accessible posts) currently accounts forasubstantialportionofthesectorandisexpanding.

  13. Most academic journals enable authors to self-archive their work on a publically accessiblewebpage. Thesystemisevolving. In graceful of these developments, while we agree with Plan S’s goal of increasing access to published work, we believe that rushing to implement change, which will begininaboutsixmonths,withoutconsideringthepossiblenegative consequences,is irresponsible. Moreover, plan S has the potential to cause unneeded conflict and confusion in a community that, in the post-truth age, stands out as a haven where shared ideals and agreed-upon norms of transparency and objectivity have allowed steady growth onsolid foundations(5).

  14. Conclusion Toconclude,nowthatPlanShasgotteneveryone’s attention, let’s make use of the momentum to revisit the present system’s flaws and implore everyone’s opinion (academics, donors, the general public, and publishers) onhow to improveit. Everyone agrees that greater accessibility is beneficial, andhowever,itshouldbethegoaltoachieveitby evolutionrather thanrevolution.

  15. Pubricameetssummitstandardsand protocols of journal publishing ethicsin every singlephaseofservicesandprocesses. Pubricaadherestoauthorshipguidelines draftedbytheInternationalCouncilof Medical Journal Editors (ICJME), and the scopeforserviceswillberoutinelyupdated as per the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE)andInternationalSocietyofMedical AboutPubrica PublicationProfessionalsguidelines (ISMPP).

  16. ContactUs UNITEDKINGDOM +441618186353 INDIA +91-9884350006 EMAIL sales@pubrica.com

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