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Reviewers frequently comment that the document was not thoroughly vetted in-house before submission or was lengthy and disorganized. Peer reviewers are subject specialists from the scientific community you're hoping to reach, and they're more likely to understand the article's substance.<br><br>Learn More : https://bit.ly/3u9LEkQ<br>Reference: https://pubrica.com/services/editing-and-translation/manuscript-editing/<br>
WhyshouldIEditmy Manuscript before Submitting? AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.Nancy Agnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,Pubrica Group: www.pubrica.com Email:sales@pubrica.com
TODAY'SDISCUSSION Outline Introduction Theeditor'sperspective Whatyourreadersarelookingfor Whatthereviewernotices Whatyoucando AboutPubrica
INTRODUCTION When planning to publish your findings in a journal to reach out to a larger peer group or scientificcommunity,thereareafewthingsto consider in addition to the primary research effort. Gettingone'sresearchpublishedina reputable journal also necessitates meeting specificeditorialrequirements Contd...
Journal editors strive to strike a balance between relevance a publication's novelty and and the expectations of its scientificaudience.Publishedarticlesmust havehigh-quality. Science writing and manuscript editingin a reader-friendlystyle.Withoutathorough review of the content, an editor may reject a publicationduetobadlanguageor organization.
Reviewers frequently comment that the document was not thoroughly vetted in-house beforesubmissionorwaslengthyand disorganized. Peer reviewers are subject specialists from thescientificcommunityyou'rehopingto reach, and they're more likely to understand thearticle'ssubstance.
Ontheotherhand,apoorlyconstructed document can be highly irritating and time- consuming for reviewers and is more likely to bedismissed. When it comes to manuscript editing work forpublication,therearethreeessential factorsto consider. Contd...
MANUSCRIPTEDITINGA CONTENT If you need your manuscript to be accepted by a journal, make sure it has some novel insights/ideas or a new piece of evidence that willpiquethescientificcommunity'sattention. Thedocumentmusthaveadefinedgoal expressedintheintroduction.
reportingoftheactionsinwell-delineated sections, and the inferences or conclusions drawnasaresultofthoseactivitieswith sufficientreferencesatthe end. Whiletheauthorcancompletethefirst component,thetwocrucialaspectsshouldbe delegatedtoacompetentlanguageeditor. Contd...
EDITINGALINE Lineeditingfocusesonthepublication's languageandisparticularlydifficultfor authors because it is easy to overlook how phrasessoundto thereader. Thisisbestaccomplishedbyathird-party languageeditorwhoisunattachedtoyour textandcanassessyourwritingstyle objectively.
Language editors specialize in scientific editing, guaranteeing that the final languageis clear, concise,and straightforward.
COPYEDITING: This final editing step employs a keen eye for detail,scrutinizinggrammar,spelling, punctuation,andsyntaxforconsistency. It'scritical annotations, papers. to double-check and characters in formulas, scientific
Again,havingalanguageeditorlookinto these issues is preferable to having an author lookintothem.Awell-editedpublication improves the reading experience and allows theresearchandfindingstobepresented morecommunicatively. Adecentresearchpapercanthusbe elevatedtoadesirablepublicationforthe scientificcommunitywiththehelpofa competentlanguageeditor.
THEEDITOR'SPERSPECTIVE When it reaches the editor, your work may be amongalonglineofotherhopefuls. The editor may have a set of 'desk rejection' criteria to follow; editors have the authority to rejectupto50%ofsubmissionswithout sendingthemoutforpeerreview. Contd...
Yourcontributionmayberejectedonthespotifyourlanguageispoorand manuscripteditingquality is less. Editors are concerned with a submission's overall quality: bad language implies – correctly or incorrectly – that the science is equally shoddy, and this raises a red signalfor the editor. Ifyoursubmissionisfulloferrors,itwillnotgotothenextstepbecausetheyhave somany other suggestionsto deal with.
WHATYOURREADERSARE LOOKINGFOR Theultimatepurposeofsubmissionistogetyour researchintothehandsofyourreaders;thisis somethingtoconsiderbeforesubmitting. So, what precisely do they want to see? Would they be able to comprehend what you've written? Would they be satisfied if the language was inadequate? If the battle for publishing is challenging, readership is evenmore challenging. Contd...
Your readers have millions of papers to select from; if your paper isn't effectively writtenandedited theywon'tknowifit'srelevantor enjoyable to read, which could result in fewerdownloadsandcitations. One method to avoid this is to proofread andmodifyyourmanuscriptediting beforesubmittingit.
WHATTHEREVIEWER NOTICES Although it is not the reviewer's responsibility to copy edit your paper, they may become distractedenoughtobegineditingyour wordingiftheyseeenougherrors. Peerreviewisessentialinensuringthat scientificpapersareofhighquality
Becausereviewersarescarceandheavy, rectifyinglinguisticerrorsaggravatesthem. They will have a wrong opinion of your paper ifitcontainstypes,grammaticalerrors,or misused punctuation, and they will be less likelytorecommenditforpublication.
WHATYOUCANDO Fewbasicthingstoavoidfallingintothepoorlanguagetrap.Firstand foremost, use spellcheck. It may seem obvious, yet a startling number of manuscriptscontainerrorsthatawordprocessorcouldquicklyand automaticallydetect. Afteryou'vefinishedwritingyourmanuscript,thenmanuscripteditingit,have it read by a native English speaker. Better still, hire a professional language editor to check over your book; they'll know exactly what to look for and can helpyou improve it.
ABOUTPUBRICA Pubrica'smanuscripteditingservicewriters have collaborated with various medical and scientificperiodicals. and researchers worldwide to create unique We collaborate with academics publications that clearly and concisely explain findings. Weofferprepublicationservicesforyour book,includingediting,proofreading, rewriting,andtranslation.
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