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CATALOGUL CĂRȚILOR VII. LIVING BOOKS CATALOGUE Baia Mare I AM because YOU ARE. Romii si societatea contemporana ROMA people and the contemporary society. Autor: Bardai Vladimir Titlul cărții: Romii si societatea contemporana
Romii si societatea contemporana ROMA people and the contemporary society • Autor: Bardai Vladimir • Titlul cărții:Romiisisocietateacontemporana • Ce se spune despre carte: suntcerșetori, hoți, needucați, murdari, leneși, răi, n-au cultură, nu știu sărespecte, nu știu săvorbească etc.. • Despre cartea noastră:Dacaintrebammajoritateacetatenilorcecunoscdespreetniaroma, nu am fi delocsurprinsisaaflamnisteparerievazivesi negative despreacestsubiect; daca ne uitam in presa, canalulcelmai relevant pentru public, raspunsurilesiargumentele legate de subiectulromiiamplificaopresiunea, neadevarulsiprejudecatileasupracomunitatiirome. Oameniistiufoarteputindesprenoi, nicimacar in scoli nu se face cunoscutadevarul, faptpentru care generatiedupageneratie se afla in necunostinta de cauza, iarmentalitatile bat pasulpe loc ******************************************************************************************************************************************* • Author: Bardai Vladimir • Book Title:ROMA people and the contemporary society What they say about the book: they are beggars, thieves, uneducated, dirty, lazy, mean people, they have no culture, they do not respect the others, they are illiterate About our book: If we ask the majority of the people about the Roma Community, we would find out some evasive and negative opinions about the subject, opinions influenced by media, the most important communication channel. The answers and motivations about this subject amplifies the oppression, the untruth and prejudices about the Roma community. The people know very little about us, there is not an education about our true histories and values and like this generation after generation the labelling and discrimination continues , the mentalities are not changed. BOOK SPEAKS ROMANIAN
ORFAN/ORPHAN • Autori: Tery si Ghiță • Titlul cartii: Am fost odata ai nimanui, azi ai HHC-ului • Ce se spune despre carte: copiii institutionalizatisunt “ai nimanui”, intotdeauna sunt evitati, marginalizati, expusi la o sumedenie de piedici, probleme; ca pot fi posibile piedici ale acestei societati (rau-facatori, prostitutie, droguri, nefrecventarea scolii sau orice alt tip de invatamant),respinsi de catre societate. • Despre cartea noastra: Am fost nascuti si abandonati in Spitalul Judetean Baia Mare. De atunci pentru noi a inceput calvarul deoarece am ajuns copii orfani, lasati pe mana statului. Dar totodata am fost si salvati de catre el.Amandoi am fost adusi la leaganul din Cavnic pana la 3 ani, dupa care ne-au mutat la gradinita Meda din orasul Baia Mare, pe urma la Centru de Plasament Valea Borcutului, iar pe Ghita l-au dus la Bocicoiu Mare. Tery a fost institutionalizata la protectia copilului 24 de ani iar Ghita -26 de ani. Am urmat amandoi studii universitare, iar acum suntem modele pentru societate. ************************************************************************************************************************************************* • Authors: Teryand Ghiță • Book Title: Once we were of anyone, today we belong to HHC (Hope and Homes for Children Romania, NGO) • What they say about the book: orphans/institutionalized children do not belong to anyone, they are always avoided, excluded, exposed to many obstacles and problems; they can turn out criminals, prostitutes, drug addicts, they are not educated, so they are excluded from society. • About our book: We were born and abandoned in the County hospital of Baia Mare. For us, then started our nightmare because we were orphans, let in the hands of the state institutions. But in the same time, they were also our salvation.Both of us grew up until the age of 3 in the orphanage from Cavnic, after that we have been moved to Meda kindergarden in Baia Mare, after to the orphanage from Valea Borcutului, but Ghita was taken to Bocicoiu Mare. Tery has been institutionalized at child care/child protection 24 years and Ghita-26 years.Both of us graduated from university, nowadays being role models for society. We work now as social workers and we are dedicating each day for the children in the foster homes! BOOK SPEAKS Romanian and English
Points of view • Book title: Points of view • What they say about the book: fashion experts, perversion, disease, artist, monster, against nature, against wish of God, very creative people, not appropriated behavior, sick, scandal, over the top, showmen, he wants more, the bigger threatening for mankind. • About our book : This book tells about 2 different stories which are based on opposite elements, vulnerability and strongness; defending and embracing, getting stuck; move forward; the power of human mind; the possibility to have a choice or not; isolation rejection; bottom line, resurrection; acceptance; confusion; comfort; anxiety; anger and love. BOOK SPEAKS English
Refugiat politic Political Refugee • Author: GuneyNuri • Book Title: Political Refugee • What they say about the book: We cause mayhem in our host country. We are all dirty and poor. We are causing people to pay more taxes. We are not grateful for being in a new country. • About our book: 1984 Turkey – Askale I was born. Graduated from elementary school, middle school and high school in Istanbul, graduated from Bursa Uludag University-Faculty of Engineering and Architecture – department: Electronic engineer. After graduation I was a TISK manager at the European Union table. Later, I worked at European countries and US Embassies and Consulates as business development manager in the visa information service. After, I started my own company which was shut down in 2013 because the political pressure in my country was growing. So then I decided to go for an EVS (European Voluntary Service) in Romania, Baia Mare. After I finish my EVS I applied as a political refugee and I got accepted. I have now a Romanian passport. I have experience in volunteering and offering my support in project management in various organizations and university, on topics such as democracy, minorities, human rights. Why and how I become a refugee? Do you want to find out? Come and read my book! BOOK SPEAKS Turkish and English