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CS235102 Data Structures

CS235102 Data Structures. Chapter 9 Heap Structures. Min-Max Heap Deaps Leftist Trees Binomial Heaps Fibonacci Heaps. MIN-MAX Heaps (1/10). Definition A double-ended priority queue is a data structure that supports the following operations: Insert an element with arbitrary key

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CS235102 Data Structures

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  1. CS235102 Data Structures Chapter 9 Heap Structures

  2. Min-Max Heap • Deaps • Leftist Trees • Binomial Heaps • Fibonacci Heaps

  3. MIN-MAX Heaps (1/10) • Definition • A double-ended priority queue is a data structure that supports the following operations: • Insert an element with arbitrary key • Delete an element with the largest key • Delete an element with the smallest key • Min heap or Max heap: • Only insertion and one of the two deletion operations are supported • Min-Max heap: • Supports all of the operations just described.

  4. MIN-MAX Heaps (2/10) • Definition: • A mix-max heap is a complete binary tree such that if it is not empty, each element has a field called key. • Alternating levels of this tree are min levels and max levels, respectively. • Let x be any node in a min-max heap. If x is on a min (max) level then the element in x has the minimum (maximum) key from amongall elements in the subtree with root x. We call this node a min(max) node.

  5. MIN-MAX Heaps (3/10) • Insertion into a min-max heap (at a “max” level) • If it is smaller/greater than its father (a “min”), then it must be smaller/greater than all “max”/“min” above. So simply check the “min”/“max” ancestors • There exists a similar approach at a “min” level

  6. MIN-MAX Heaps (4/10) • verify_max • Following the nodes the max node i to the root and insert into its proper place item = 80 i = 3 13 grandparent = 0 3 #define MAX_SIZE 100#define FALSE 0#define TRUE 1#define SWAP(x,y,t) ((t)=(x), (x)=(y), (y)=(t))typedef struct { int key;/* other fields */}element;element heap[MAX_SIZE]; [1] 80 [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] 40

  7. MIN-MAX Heaps (5/10) item.key = 80 5 • min_max_insert: Insert item into the min-max heap *n = 14 13 12 complexity: O(log n) parent = 6 7 [1] min 5 7 [2] [3] max 70 40 80 [4] [5] [6] [7] 30 9 10 7 15 min max 45 50 30 20 12 10 40 [11] [12] [13] [14] [8] [9] [10]

  8. MIN-MAX Heaps (6/10) • Deletion of min element • If we wish to delete the element with the smallest key, then this element is in the root. • In general situation, we are to reinsert an element item into a min-max-heap, heap, whose root is empty. • We consider the two cases: • The root has no children • Item is to be inserted into the root. • The root has at least one child. • The smallest key in the min-max-heap is in one of the children or grandchildren of the root. We determine the node k has the smallest key. • The following possibilities need to be considered:

  9. MIN-MAX Heaps (7/10) • item.key heap[k].key • No element in heap with key smaller than item.key • Item may be inserted into the root. • item.key heap[k].key,k is a child of the root • Since k is a max node, it has no descendants with key larger than heap[k].key. Hence, node k has no descendants with key larger than item.key. • heap[k] may be moved to the root and iteminserted into node k.

  10. MIN-MAX Heaps (8/10) • item.key heap[k].key, k is a grandchild of the root • In this case, heap[k] may be moved to the root, now heap[k] is seen as presently empty. • Let parent be the parent of k. • If item.key heap[parent].key, then interchange them. This ensures that the max node parent contains the largest key in the sub-heap with root parent. • At this point, we are faced with the problem of inserting item into the sub-heap with root k. Therefore, we repeat the above process.

  11. complexity: O(log n) *n = 12 11 i = 5 1 • delete_min: • Delete the minimum element from the min-max heap last = 5 k = 11 5 parent = 2 temp.key = x.key = 12 [1] [0] 7 9 7 [2] [3] 70 40 [4] [5] [6] [7] 30 9 12 10 15 45 50 30 20 12 [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

  12. MIN-MAX Heaps (10/10) • Deletion of max element • Determine the children of the root which are located on max-level, and find the larger one (node) which is the largest one on the min-max heap • We would consider the node as the root of a max-min heap • There exist a similar approach (deletion of max element) as we mentioned above max-min heap

  13. Deaps(1/8) • Definition • The root contains no element • The left subtree is a min-heap • The right subtree is a max-heap • Constraint between the two trees: • let i be any node in left subtree, j be the corresponding node in the right subtree. • if j not exists, let j corresponds to parent of i • i.key <= j.key

  14. Deaps(2/8) • i = min_partner(n) = • j = max_partner(n) = • if j > heapsize j /= 2

  15. public void insert(int x) { int i; if (++n == 2) { deap[2] = x; return; } if (inMaxHeap(n)) { i = minPartner(n); if (x < deap[i]) { deap[n] = deap[i]; minInsert(i, x); } else maxInsert(n, x); } else { i = maxPartner(n); if (x > deap[i]) { deap[n] = deap[i]; maxInsert(i, x); } else minInsert(n, x); } } Deaps Insert(3/8)

  16. Deaps(4/8) • Insertion Into A Deap

  17. Deaps(5/8)

  18. Deaps(6/8)

  19. public int deleteMin() { int i, j, key = deap[2], x = deap[n--]; // move smaller child to i for (i = 2; 2*i <= n; deap[i] = deap[j], i = j) { j = i * 2; if (j+1 <= n && (deap[j] > deap[j+1]) j++; } // try to put x at leaf i j = maxPartner(i); if (x > deap[j]) { deap[i] = deap[j]; maxInsert(j, x); } else { minInsert(i, x); } return key; } Deaps delete min(7/8)

  20. Deaps(8/8)

  21. Leftist Trees(1/7) • Support combine (two trees to one)

  22. Leftist Trees(2/7) • shortest(x) = 0 if x is an external node, otherwise • 1+min(shortest(left(x)),shortest(right(x))}

  23. Leftist Trees(3/7) • Definition: shortest(left(x)) >= shortest(right(x))

  24. Leftist Trees(4/7) • Algorithm for combine(a, b) • assume a.data <= b.data • if (a.right is null) then make b be right child of a • else combine (a.right, b) • if shortest (a.right) > shortest (a.left) then exchange

  25. Leftist Trees(5/7)

  26. Leftist Trees(6/7)

  27. Leftist Trees(7/7)

  28. Binomial Heaps(1/10) • Cost Amortization(分期還款) • every operation in leftist trees costs O(logn) • actual cost of delete in Binomial Heap could be O(n), but insert and combine are O(1) • cost amortization charge some cost of a heavy operation to lightweight operations • amortized Binomial Heap delete is O(log2n) • A tighter bound could be achieved for a sequence of operations • actual cost of any sequence of i inserts, c combines, and dm delete in Binomial Heaps is O(i+c+dmlogi)

  29. Binomial Heaps(2/10) • Definition of Binomial Heap • Node: degree, child ,left_link, right_link, data, parent • roots are doubly linked • a points to smallest root

  30. Binomial Heaps(3/10)

  31. Binomial Heaps(4/10) • Insertion Into A Binomial Heaps • make a new node into doubly linked circular list pointed at by a • set a to the root with smallest key • Combine two B-heaps a and b • combine two doubly linked circular lists to one • set a to the root with smallest key

  32. Binomial Heaps(5/10) • Deletion Of Min Element

  33. Binomial Heaps(6/10)

  34. Binomial Heaps(7/10)

  35. Binomial Heaps(8/10)

  36. Binomial Heaps(9/10)

  37. Binomial Heaps(10/10) • Trees in B-Heaps is Binomial tree • B0 has exactly one node • Bk, k > 0, consists of a root with degree k and whose subtrees are B0, B1, …, Bk-1 • Bk has exactly 2k nodes • actual cost of a delete is O(logn + s) • s = number of min-trees in a (original roots - 1) and y (children of the removed node)

  38. Fibonacci Heaps(1/8) • Definition • delete, delete the element in a specified node • decrease key • This two operations are followed by cascading cut

  39. Fibonacci Heaps(2/8) • Deletion From An F-heap • min or not min

  40. Fibonacci Heaps(3/8) • Decrease Key • if not min, and smaller than parent, then delete

  41. Fibonacci Heap(4/8) • To prevent the amortized cost of delete min becomes O(n), each node can have only one child be deleted. • If two children of x were deleted, then x must be cut and moved to the ring of roots. • Using a flag (true of false) to indicate whether one of x’s child has been cut

  42. Fibonacci Heaps(5/8) • Cascading Cut

  43. Fibonacci Heaps(6/8) • Lemma • the ith child of any node x in a F-Heap has a degree of at least i – 2, except when i=1 the degree is 0 • Corollary • Let Sk be the minimum possible number of descendants of a node of degree k, then S0=1, S1=2. From the lemma above, we got (2 comes from 1st child and root)

  44. Fibonacci Heaps(7/8) • That’s why the data structure is called Fibonacci Heap

  45. Fibonacci Heaps(8/8) • Application Of F-heaps

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