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MnRAM 3.3 Database Training. Visual Quick Start User Manual. Database information Downloading MnRAM software Getting started entering data Overview of reports Using MnRAM highlights Field/office procedures List of all questions Step by step through all the questions.
MnRAM 3.3 Database Training Visual Quick Start User Manual
Database information Downloading MnRAM software Getting started entering data Overview of reports Using MnRAM highlights Field/office procedures List of all questions Step by step through all the questions Contents of this slideshow
Disclaimer • 3.3 is in beta release—not yet fully tested (although much improved over 3.2). • Your comments are welcome. • If you don’t see a soil type, watershed, or other item you expect in a drop-down list, contact us. • MnRAM is being improved all the time. Planning for Version 4.0 has already begun.
Downloading MnRAM 3.3 www.bwsr.state.mn.us/wetlands/mnram/index.html <Save> the file to your hard drive.
Downloading MnRAM 3.3, cont. Documentation to supplement MnRAM: These will help you understand the assessment tool, how to prepare for field work, and one way to manage the data after you collect it. They are not required to run the program. Comprehensive Guidance includes a written Quick Reference guide.
This is the first screen of an empty database. Click <OK>. These are a standard Microsoft security warnings. Click <Open> on each screen. Opening the Database
Wetland Name can be any combination of text +/or numeric id. LocationID will fill in automatically. Three-digit identifier unique to each wetland in a cluster (see Comprehensive Guidance) or leave blank. Letter indicates first (a) or subsequent assessment visits. Adding a New Wetland Press <X> to close. Your data is saved.
Pick your site from this list to start adding data. Using the Wetland ID Search
Assigning a Project Name is optional. A single Project Name for multiple, related Wetland IDs allows grouping of records in Reports. The database aspect of MnRAM is fully utilized when a single copy is used to store wetland quality information. Instead of making several copies of the database for each project, assign unique Project Names Project Name
Existing wetland area (0.0001 if none). Estimated original size of the total wetland if effectively drained or filled areas were restored (not including any buffer area). Successful creation projects will show negative restorable acreage, upon completion. Wetland Size Restorable area and % drained/altered is calculated automatically in the database.
If several wetlands share similar characteristics, you can copy data from one record over to another… Adding a New Wetland ID Using <Copy Wetland >
Copy Wetland: Two Options • If you are entering an additional wetland “on the fly,” use “Copy to New Wetland” to name the new wetland now. • If you entered all your wetland names ahead of time, use the simple “Copy Wetland” option.
Even similar wetlands can differ in small ways—be sure to run through all the questions for every site! Copy wetland record, cont. Reminder: <Copy to New> will result in identical location data. Don’t forget to return to <Add/Edit> to change the ID of the new wetland.
If you want to attach a photo, press <Photos> on the General Information tab... Wetland photos
Wetland photos, cont. From this window you add, view, or delete photos. Choose the “open folder” icon to browse to a folder with photo files (set up ahead of time).
Add photos one at a time. Click the “camera” icon to view the photo. Once the photo is open, double-click the image to close it. Wetland photos, cont. Caution: photos take up lots of disk space! Work out a plan for managing photo files ahead of time.
Use this feature to Import data from a previous version of MnRAM Export data to an excel file for custom sorting Compile data from different users into a single copy of the database. Import/Export data
Only records that are checked “complete” on the Summary tab will be exported. Import/Export data, cont. • Importing will overwrite existing wetlands with new data if their Wetland IDs match. • To import without overwriting, use the <Upgrade from 3.2> option.
Set up in comma-delimited format. Comprehensive Guidance has detailed instructions. Imported data will overwrite existing data with same Wetland ID. Import GIS data
This option no longer has a function. Update functional summary
Run Summary Report Individual Site Response Individual Site Print Summary Getting Data Out: Reports
Run Summary Report Subsets of records can be filtered for: • Project • Location • Complete status of record Report Choices: • Numeric or Text • Veg or Functional (click to see sample report)
Individual Site Response Summary Shows your responses to each question for a single site. Does not show vegetation rating.
A complete summary of the wetland Numeric and text ratings of all functions. Vegetative communities, with ratings. Site Summary Report
Plan ahead to ensure quality data. Comprehensive Guidance covers: Procedures for an actual inventory. Map notation, GIS labeling, managing incoming field data, etc. Data Collection Procedures
Collect background documentation: Site survey, hydrology, topography, aerial photos, soils data Review other project information Enter all Wetland IDs Answer certain marked questions: Database red highlighted Excel fieldsheet italicized Text version “~” in left margin Data Collection Procedures, cont. Before you go outside…
Start on the General Information tab. Project name and Watershed. Other location data is optional. Size of existing and original size of wetland (anything = zero, enter “0.0001”). Record special notes and purpose of assessment. (See next slide for screen view and animated highlights) Entering Data: Getting Started
Some drop-down lists can be edited. Most are restricted, to limit confusing duplicates. Report missing choices to the MnRAM coordinator. FacWet Asclepias Last Seen Drop-down lists
Formula calculations require area data. If the current size is zero, enter 0.0001. Entering area data
Background history and purpose of wetland assessment and ranking structure. No data entry on this page. Introduction tab
Next set of slides for manual and digital users. Some data recording differs in manual versus database version, esp. in vegetation portion. Using MnRAM
Check all that apply. Use scroll bar to see lower portion of page: Special Features tab Some special features “bump” a wetland into an Exceptional rating. Others are for record-keeping.
Is the wetland part of, or directly adjacent to, an area of special natural resource interest? Check those that apply: a. ____ Designated trout streams or trout lakes (see MnDNR Commissioners Order 2450 Part 6262.0400 subparts 3 and 5) (If yes, Fishery Habitat Rating is Exceptional). b. ____ Calcareous fen (Special Status see MN Rule Chapter 7050) (If yes, Vegetative Diversity/Integrity functional rating is Exceptional) Consult MN DNR for regulatory purposes. c. ____ Designated scientific and natural area (If yes, then Aesthetics/Recreation/Education/Cultural functional rating is Exceptional). d. ____ Rare natural community (refer to MnDNR County Biological Survey/Natural Heritage)(If yes, Vegetative Diversity/Integrity is Exceptional, also if question 36 is yes and Wildlife Habitat functional rating is Exceptional); e. ____ High priority wetland, environmentally sensitive area or environmental corridor identified in a local water management plan, f. ____ Public park, forest, trail or recreation area. Special Features in detail, a-f
Equipment: Laptop/tablet Field sheets GPS References Site, topo map aerials In the field
Up to five communities may be listed. Each community’s contribution to the whole wetland is counted as a percentage of 100%. Communities less than 10% are not counted*. #1: Identify Plant Communities *With one exception (see next slide)
Key out plant communities: Floodplain forest, 3B Sedge meadow, 13A Shrub-carr, 8B Shallow, open water, 16A Shallow marsh, 13B Wondering what happened to #2? It comes up later…. 2 #1: Identify Plant Communities #3: Rate Plant Communities Rate quality of each community: – High – High • [10% rule exception for shallow, open water: any fringe emergent community] – High Unsure after seeing the ratings? Reconsider your classification. – High – High 1 4 5 3
# 1 Identify communities. Fill in Cowardin and Circular 39 ratings for each community. #3 Rate each community for quality. #1: Identify#3: Rate ~ Plant Communities ~ #2 is a separate table...
Click here for a drop-down Cover Category list… #2: Dominant Species/Cover class Identify the dominant species that make up at least 10% coverage…
Look up species by common/group name or by scientific name. Click the Display Name Toggle to alternate. Don’t try to list every plant. #2: Dominant Species drop-down list • Use the <3% cover class only for rare or invasive species.
Image file for diagrams To access the images, press “Image”
Field Worksheet: Side 1 • On the Excel worksheet, each community has its own section. • You enter cover class and invasives, as well as community quality.
#2: Dominant species • Text version: list by community • Each community has a space for the dominants or invasive plants • Digital version: one list for entire site • No breakdown by community • List the dominant plants from the entire site • Whether text or database, this list is for record-keeping only: species entries do not affect ratings
For help distinguishing among native, invasive, and hybrid cattail, click on the Key (for a written description) or Table (summary version). (click for image) #2: Cattail Key/Table
4. Y N Are state or federally listed rare plant species or species found or known to be found recently? If Special Features questions d or i [rare natural community and rare plant species] are answered yes, then this question is yes and Vegetative Diversity function is Exceptional. 5. Y N Is the wetland plant community scarce or rare within the watershed, imperiled (S2), or critically imperiled (S1).? Yes if Special Features question b is answered yes. If the wetland community identified in Question #1 is 3A (not dominated by silver maple), 4A, 4B, 7A, 7B, 10A, 13A, 13B (mixed emergent marsh not dominated by cattails), 14A, 15A, AND has a High quality rating from Question #2, then this question is yes and Vegetation function is Exceptional; otherwise continue with following questions. #4-5: Rare or endangered vegetation
Guidance: The Mn DNR Natural Heritage Program collects, manages, and interprets information about nongame animals, native plants, and plant communities to promote the wise stewardship of these resources. The Natural Heritage Program has developed a ranking system that is intended to reflect the extent and condition of natural communities and species in Minnesota. These ‘state ranks’ have no legal ramifications, they are used by the Natural Heritage Program to set priorities for research and for conservation planning. They are grouped as follows: State Element Rank: S1: Critically imperiled in the state because of extreme rarity. S2: Imperiled in state because of rarity. S3: Rare or uncommon in state. S4: Apparently secure in state. S5: Demonstrably secure in state. #5 Guidance, rare community
Y N Does the wetland represent pre-European-settlement conditions? (e.g. MnDNR Native Plant Communities publication) If yes, then Vegetation function is Exceptional (continue to answer subsequent questions). Created wetlands would not qualify, regardless of quality. #6: Pre-European-settlement Condition
There are four ways to report this function: Individual Community Scores: maintain raw data as recorded. Highest Quality Community: report the highest-functioning community. Non-Weighted Average Quality of all Communities: straight average Weighted Average Quality Based on Percentage of Each Community: multiply each community rating by its percentage, then add all together. Formula: Vegetative Integrity/Diversity
Four columns per sheet One wetland per column or Same wetland, different assumptions (one as-is, another as expected, etc.) Watch ratings! You might circle High when the answer you want give is called “Low” on the worksheet. (click to see the sheet) Field Worksheet: Side 2