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Mitosis. Cancer. Meiosis. Non- disjunction. DNA. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mitosis Cancer Meiosis Non- disjunction DNA 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. If you break a leg, this process will return your muscle and bones cells and tissues to normal.

  3. What is mitosis? 100 Mitosis

  4. In unicellular organisms, mitosis achieves this.

  5. What is asexual reproduction? 200 Mitosis

  6. This type of cell has two sets of chromosomes.

  7. What is a diploid cell? 300 Mitosis

  8. This type of reproduction is favoured when the environment is unstable.

  9. What is sexual reproduction? 400 Mitosis

  10. This best describes apoptosis.

  11. What is programmed cell death? 500 Mitosis

  12. A mass of cells dividing uncontrollably is called this.

  13. What is a tumour? Cancer 100

  14. Cancer can result when this happens to the DNA.

  15. What is damage? Cancer 200

  16. A tumour that remains small and doesn’t spread is called this.

  17. What is a benign tumour? Cancer 300

  18. This is when a cancer cell from a tumour enters the blood and starts a tumour somewhere else.

  19. What is metastasis? Cancer 400

  20. These are the two main differences between cancer cells and normal cells going through mitosis.

  21. Cancer cells are uncontrolled and divide faster, normal cells are carefully controlled and divide slower. Cancer 500

  22. The picture shown here represents this phase in meiosis.

  23. What is metaphase I? Meiosis 100

  24. In the phase shown here, this happens

  25. What is chromosomes split and the pieces of DNA move to opposite ends of the cell? Meiosis 200

  26. This is the end product of meiosis.

  27. What is 4 haploid cells? Meiosis 300

  28. The pair of chromosomes that cross over in prophase I are called this.

  29. What are homologous chromosomes? Meiosis 400

  30. This is the point of meiosis.

  31. What is to create sperm and egg cells? Meiosis 500

  32. This is non-disjunction.

  33. What is chromosomes don’t split up. Non-disjunction 100

  34. A child has 45 chromosomes. In what stage of meiosis did the problem occur?

  35. What is anaphase I or II? Non-disjunction 200

  36. This chart shows all your chromosomes lined up biggest to smallest.

  37. What is a karyotype chart? Non-disjunction 300

  38. Males have these sex chromosomes (pair # 23).

  39. What is XY? Non-disjunction 400

  40. This disorder occurs when there are 3 copies of the number 13 chromosome.

  41. What is trisomy 13? Non-disjunction 500

  42. DNA is made of long chain of these.

  43. What are nucleotides? 100 DNA

  44. Hair colour, eye colour, height are three examples of these.

  45. What are genes? 200 DNA

  46. This best describes an allele.

  47. What is information to make the specific trait (or alternate forms of a gene)? 300 DNA

  48. If you have 2 different alleles for a gene, you are called this.

  49. What is heterozygous or hybrid? 400 DNA

  50. This is another word for homozygous.

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