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主语 Subject 谓语 Predicate 宾语 Object 主语补语(表语) Subject complement/ Predicative. 宾语补语 Object complement 定语 Attributive 状语 adverbial. 英语中的句子成分. Subject 主语. 下列句子用什么充当主语? Bread is made from flour . ( 面包是面粉作成的。 ) 1 .名 词 He enjoys playing tennis . ( 他喜欢打网球。 ) 2 .代 词

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  1. 主语 Subject 谓语 Predicate 宾语 Object 主语补语(表语)Subject complement/ Predicative 宾语补语 Object complement 定语 Attributive 状语 adverbial 英语中的句子成分

  2. Subject 主语 下列句子用什么充当主语? Bread is made from flour.(面包是面粉作成的。) 1.名词 He enjoys playing tennis.(他喜欢打网球。) 2.代词 The beautiful lives forever.(美是不朽的。) 3.the+形容词 (早睡早起使我们健康。) To keep early hours makes us healthy. 4.不定式

  3. (慢跑有益于我们的健康。) Jogging is good for our health. 5.动名词 (如何解决问题使我感到烦恼。) How to solve the problem troubles me much. 6.名词短语 (地球是圆的是众所皆知的。) That the earth is round is known to everyone. (他为何辞职对我来说是个谜。) Why he resigned is a mystery to me. 7.名词从句

  4. Subject 主语 • 英语中充当句子主语的成分除了常见的名词、代词之外,还可以用不定式、动名词、名词从句充当主语。 • 非常重要!!!!!! 汉语中可以用动宾词组充当主语,英语中不行! 可以转换为不定式、动名词或其它形式来充当主语。

  5. 不定式作主语 1.人非圣贤,孰能无过。 ______ is human; ______ is divine. To err …, to forgive …. 2.资助艺术家和音乐家是浪费政府有限的钱。 ______ is a great waste of limited government revenue. To subsidize artists and musicians …. 3.把小孩送到寄宿学校(学习)有助于培养独立性和交际能力。 ______ helps cultivate independence and social skills. To send children to a boarding school ….

  6. 4.政府有必要制定更加严厉的法律和法规来打击涉毒犯罪。4.政府有必要制定更加严厉的法律和法规来打击涉毒犯罪。 It is imperative for the government ______ to fight drug-related crimes. … to constitute more rigid laws and regulations …. 5.在公共场合安装摄像机确保公众安全的(做法)是必要的 It is quite necessary ______ to ensure the public security. … to install cameras in the public area ….

  7. 6.人类饲养、宰杀、吃掉其他物种是很自然的事情。6.人类饲养、宰杀、吃掉其他物种是很自然的事情。 It is natural ______. … for human beings to farm, kill, and eat other species. 7.为人父母除了快乐之外还要承担一系列的义务和责任 ______ is to accept a range of duties and responsibilities as well as pleasures. To become a parent …. 8.在活的动物身上做实验是不道德的。 It is morally wrong ______. … to conduct experiments on live animals.

  8. 9.当人类还有许多其它迫切的事情需要解决的时候,我们专注于太空探索是没有意义的。9.当人类还有许多其它迫切的事情需要解决的时候,我们专注于太空探索是没有意义的。 It does not make sense for us ______ when humanity has many other pressing issues to address. … to concentrate on space research …. 10.拥有武器保护自己、家人和财产是公民的合法权利。 It is a legitimate right of citizens ______ with which to protect themselves, their family,and their property. … to own weapons with …

  9. 11.鼓励妇女回家做全职太太是荒唐的(事)。 It's ridiculous ______. … to encourage women to go home to be full-time housewives. 12.家长体罚孩子是残忍和不文明的做法。 It is a cruel and uncivilized practice ______. … for parents to administer corporal punishment on children. 13. 给小孩一些零花钱是有益处的。 It is beneficial ______. … to give children some pocket money. 14. 服兵役保家卫国是我们的义务。 It is our obligation ______ to defend our motherland. … to serve in the army ….

  10. 动名词(GERUND)作主语 1.在事业和家庭之间找到平衡对于许多职业女性而言是个令人烦恼的事。 ______ is a vexing problem facing many career women. Balancing a career and a family ... 2.在过去几年里,保护濒危物种成了个热门话题。 ______ has become a popular topic witllin the last several years. Protecting and preserving endangered species...

  11. 3.吃肉不仅对动物很残忍,同时也对环境和生物多样性造成严重的危害。3.吃肉不仅对动物很残忍,同时也对环境和生物多样性造成严重的危害。 ______ not only causes cruelty to animals,but also causes serious harm to me environment and to biodiversity. Eating meat not only ... 4.吃肉会增加得心脏病的可能性——蔬菜不含胆固醇,而胆固醇在体内积聚可能导致肉食者动脉阻塞。 ______ increases the risk of heart disease——vegetables contain no cholesterol,which can build up to cause blocked arteries in meat-eaters. Eating meat increases ...

  12. 5. 吃肉也增加了得心脏病的危险。 ______ also increases the risk of heart disease. Eating meat also ... 6. 通过强制性的体育课鼓励年轻人参与体育活动,这有助于减少儿童肥胖症问题并有助于养成终生的锻炼习惯。 ______ fights child obesity and contributes to foming lifelong habits of exercise. Encouraging physical activity in the young through compulsory PE ...

  13. 7.培养(小孩)对宠物的同情心有助于小孩自尊和自信的形成。7.培养(小孩)对宠物的同情心有助于小孩自尊和自信的形成。 ______ can contribute to a child’s self-esteem and self-confidence. Developing positive feelings about pets ... 8.照料宠物可以培养小孩的社会交际能力。 ______ can help children develop social skills. Taking care of a pet ...

  14. 9.禁烟是对个人自由的不当干涉。 Banning smoking would be an unmerited intrusion into personal freedom. Banning smoking ... 10.提高空气流通的速度是个减少室内污染水平的经济有效的方法。 ______ can be a cost effective means of reducing indoor pollutant levels. Increasing ventilation rates ...

  15. 11.禁止用童工使青少年有更多接受教育和发展的机会。11.禁止用童工使青少年有更多接受教育和发展的机会。 ______ will allow the young to have greater chances of education and deVelopment. Prohibiting child labor .... 12.禁枪并不会令枪支消失或减少枪支的危险。 ______ would not make them disappear or make mem any less dangerous. Banning guns .... 13.辨认出潜在的犯罪行为对于预防和干预是至关重要的。 ______ is vital for prevention and intervention. Being able to identify potential criminal behavior ...

  16. 14.为接受学校教育的学生提供避孕套将降低早孕率和减少性病的传播 14.为接受学校教育的学生提供避孕套将降低早孕率和减少性病的传播 ______ will reduce the incidence of underage pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Providing condoms to students in public education programs ... 15.为学生提供避孕套实际上是鼓励学生过早进行性活动。 ______ actually encourages the earlier onset of sexual activity. Providing students with condoms ...

  17. 名词从句(NominaI CIause)指在复合句中当名词使用的从句,可作主语,也相应地称为主语从句 • 连词that引导的主语从句 连词that引导从句,并连接从句和主句。That在从句中不作任何语法成分。that不可省略。 1.人们普遍认为自然资源是有限的。 ______ has long been accepted . That natural resources are limited ... It has long been accepted that natural resources are limited.

  18. 2.很显然自从上星期以来价格一直在上升。 It is apparent ______. … that the price has been on the rise since last week. 3.制定更加严厉的法律和法规来震慑犯罪分子是必不可少的。 It is essential ________. … that more rigid laws and regulations should be enacted to deter criminals. 4.众所周知烟草含有许多致癌物。 It is a common knowledge ______. … that tobacco contains many carcinogens.

  19. 5.有人建议大城市应该限制私家车来解决能源短缺问题5.有人建议大城市应该限制私家车来解决能源短缺问题 It is suggested ______. … that private cars should be restricted in big cities to solve the energy shortage problem. 6.必须指出的是男生人数远比女生多。 It must be pointed out ______. … that the number of male students is much larger than that of female students. 7.人们相信太空探索将解决我们面临的许多棘手的问题 It is widely accepted ______. … that space research will resolve many thorny problems perplexing mankind.

  20. 8.有人建议不许小孩上网,从而可以避免他们接触到暴力和色情。8.有人建议不许小孩上网,从而可以避免他们接触到暴力和色情。 It is proposed ______ so that they will not be exposed to violence and pomography. … that children should not be allowed to access the Internet.... 9.据估计大约有三分之一的学生每天花费五小时玩游戏 It is estimated ______. … that about one third of students spend five hours in playing games. 10.现已证实过度看电视导致冠心病和焦虑症。 It has been proved______. … that heavy TV viewing leads to coronary heart disease and anxiety.

  21. 11.毫无疑问,收音机和电视是信息交流的重要工具。11.毫无疑问,收音机和电视是信息交流的重要工具。 There is no doubt ______. … that radio and television are important means of communication. 12.很明显,家庭、朋友、宗教和学校的影响在青年人道德观的形成中起决定性的作用。 It is obvious ______ in forming the moral values of young people. … that the influence of family,friends,religion and school is decisive in forming .... 13.人们普遍认为旅游业的发展对当地经济有深远的影响。 It is commonly believed ______. … that the development of tourism exerts profound influence on local economy.

  22. Whether引导的名词从句可作主语 1.该不该给小孩零花钱引发了激烈的争论。 ______ has sparked a heated discussion. Whether or not children should be given pocket money ... 2.关于该不该禁止克隆人引发一场激烈的讨论。 ______ has triggered a fierce argument. Whether human cloning should be banned ....

  23. 辩论的话题是关于为了人类的利益我们应不应该牺牲动物权利。 辩论的话题是关于为了人类的利益我们应不应该牺牲动物权利。 This debate is about ______ we should sacrifice animal rights for human benefits. • whether 不知道你是否能帮我个忙? I don‘t know ______ you could do me a favor. • if 至于是否废除体罚。人们看法不一。 As to ______ we should abolish corporal punishment,people‘s views vary . • whether

  24. Whether引导的名词从句可作主语、动词宾语和介词宾语,Whether引导的名词从句可作主语、动词宾语和介词宾语, 而if从句却只能作动词宾语,不能作主语或介词宾语。

  25. 连接代词:WHO,WHOM,WHOSE,WHAT,WHICH等wh-词既充当连接词,连接主句和从句,又可在从句中作主语。连接代词:WHO,WHOM,WHOSE,WHAT,WHICH等wh-词既充当连接词,连接主句和从句,又可在从句中作主语。 1.现阶段人们更加关心的是政府是否能够创造更多的就业机会。 ______ is whether the government can create more job opportunities. What people are more concerned with at this stage ... 2.谁胜任(新闻)审查员的职位依然是具有争议的话题。 ______ remains an issue of controversy. Who is qualified to be the censor ...

  26. 3.什么因素导致一些稀有物种的灭绝一直是科学家的研究重点。3.什么因素导致一些稀有物种的灭绝一直是科学家的研究重点。 ______ has always been a research focus of scientists. What factors contribute to the disappearance of some rare species ... 4.一些心理学家认为,家长在孩子面前的一举一动将对小孩的行为举止有重大影响。 ______,according to some psychologists,will have a great impact on their children in shaping their behaviors. What the parents do and how they behave in front of their children,...

  27. 连接副词:WHEN,WHERE,WHY,HOW 1.近来在我们社区人们广泛讨论如何遏止急剧上升的犯罪率。 ______ has been widely discussed in our community these days. How we can curb the soaring crime rate ... 2.如何弘扬传统文化近来成了个热门话题。 ______ has become a hot topic these days. How we can carry forward our traditional culture ...

  28. Object 宾语 下列句子用什么充当宾语? I have a headache.(我头疼。) 1.名 词 Playing tennis made him popular. (打网球使他受欢迎。) 2.代 词 The rich should help the poor.(富人应帮助穷人。) 3.the + 形容词 I want to go to the concert.(我要去音乐会。) 4.不定式 I enjoy watching a football game.(我喜欢看足球赛) 5.动名词

  29. Object 宾语 I don't know how to swim.(我不会游泳。) 6.名词短语 (告诉我你为何来迟了。) Tell me why you were late. (我不知道他何时会来。) I wonder when he will come. (我想公共汽车已经走了。) I thought that the bus had left. 7.名词从句 They told me the news. =They told the news to me. He showed me how to do it. 8.直接宾语与间接宾语

  30. Object 宾语 (她过着幸福的生活。) She lives a happy life. (他睡得很安稳。) He slept a peaceful sleep. (她强作笑容。) She smiled a forced smile. (他纵情大笑。) He laughed a hearty laugh. (他们进行了一场激烈的战斗。) They fought a fierce battle. (他做了一个奇怪的梦。) He dreamed a strange dream. 9.同源宾语

  31. Object 宾语 不定式作宾语 (一) 1.新政府决定制定更多严厉的法律和法规来遏制急剧上升的犯罪率。 The new government decides ______. … to constitute more rigid laws and regulations to curb the soaring crime rate. 2.艺术资助有助于保护和弘扬传统艺术。 Art funding helps ______. …. preserve and carry forward the traditional arts.

  32. Object 宾语 3.在本文中,我试图从不同角度分析这个棘手的问题。 In this essay,I aim ______. … aim to analyze this thorny issue from diverse perspectives. 4.有些人更愿意把小孩送去外国接受更好的教育。 Some people prefer ______. … to send their children abroad to receive better education.

  33. 5.一些城市通过限制私家车和发展公共交通来缓解沉重的交通压力。 Some cities manage ______ by restricting private cars and developing public transportation. … to ease the pressure of heavy traffic… 6.在表明我的态度之前,我打算讨论一下克隆技术的利弊。 I intend ______ before presenting my view· … to explore the pros and cons of the cloning technology…

  34. 7.语言学家希望储存尽可能多关于濒危和已经灭绝的语言和文化的资料,以便更好地了解它们的历史。 Linguists hope ______ about endangered and extinct languages and cultures to learn their histories. … to store as much information as possible about … 8.旅游业的发展有助于保护我们的文化遗产,提供更多的就业机会。 The development of tourism helps ______. … preserve our cultural heritage and create more job opportunities.

  35. 不定式作宾语 (二) 1.健身包括养成健康的饮食习惯和经常参加锻炼。 Keeping fit includes ______. … having healthy eating habits and participating in a regular exercise program. 2.对互联网的审查意味着限制信息的获得和全球性的交流。 Censoring the Internet means _____. … limiting the accessibility of information and restrict global communications.

  36. 不定式作宾语 (二) 3.吃素意味着大幅减少感染由食物传播的疾病的可能性。 Going vegetarian means massively _____. … massively reducing the risk of contracting food-borne diseases. • 部分动词需接动名词作宾语: • finish,avoid,enjoy,appreciate,practise,can't heIp,defer,deIay,deny,dislike,imagine,mind,risk,suggest,postpone

  37. 连词that引导的名词从句作宾语 1.许多文化一体化的反对者担心西方势力将渗透和支配其他文化,这样一来将在全球形成所谓的西方霸权。 Many adversaries of cultural globalization fear ______, creating a kind of Western hegemony throughout the world. … that Western influences will infiltrate and dominate other cultures, …

  38. 2.毒品合法化的支持者认为如果吸食毒品合法化,犯罪和暴力将减少。 Supporters of drug legalization believe ______. … that crime and violence would decrease if drug use were legal. 3.合法化的支持者认为,如果政府通过征税的方法对可卡因和大麻等毒品加以监管,黑市就会不复存在。 Advocates of legalization hold _______. … that if government regulates drugs such as cocaine and marijuana by imposing taxes,then the black market will be eliminated.

  39. lf,whether,whether or not,whether...or not引导从句作宾语 1.我不知这种做法是否经得起推敲。 I wonder ______. … if this practice can stand testing. 2.有人对义务兵役制的合理性表示怀疑。 Some doubt ______. … whether compulsory military service is justified.

  40. 3.关于赌博该不该合法化出现了一场激烈的争论。 There arises a contentious debate over ______. … whether gambling should be made legal. 4.辩论的话题是关于为了人类的利益我们应不应该牺牲动物权利。 This debate is about ______. ... whether we should sacrifice animal rights for human benefits.

  41. 连接代词:WHO, WHOM, WHOSE, WHAT, WHICH 连接副词:WHEN,WHERE,WHY,HOW 作宾语 1.本图展示了雅思考生参加口试的过程。 This diagram illustrates ______. • … how an IELTS candidate takes an interview. 2.在本文中,我将探讨许多语言和文化不断消失的原因。 In this essay,I intend to explore ______. • ... why many languages and cultures are disappearing. 3.该图表描述了人们如何在野外取水生存的。 This diagram depicts ______. • … how people obtain water in the wild in order to survive.

  42. predicative表语/ 主语补语subject complement • 下列句子用什么充当主语补语? 1.His name is Sam. • 名 词 2.The victim was she. • 代 词 3.Fast food is popular with young people. • 形容词 4.The house is to let. (这间房子要出租。) • 不定式 5.His great pleasure in life is traveling. • 动名词

  43. predicative表语/ 主语补语subject complement • 下列句子用什么充当主语补语? 6.The boy came crying.(那男孩哭着过来。) • 现在分词 7.Her parents were satisfied with her school report. • 过去分词 8.Water is of great importance to us. • 形容词短语 9.The question is whether to go or stay. • 名词短语 10.My opinion is that you must go right away. • 名词从句

  44. predicative表语 • 不定式作表语 1.成为素食者的主要原因是要减少动物遭受的痛苦。 The main reason to be a vegetarian is ______. • … to reduce animal suffering. 2.培养小孩独立性和自信心的最佳办法是给他/她一份兼职工作。 The best way to foster a child’s independence and self-confidence is ______. • … to give him/her a part-time job.

  45. predicative表语 • 不定式作表语 3.政府的目的是为全体公民提供全面和高质素的教育。 The government‘s aim is ______. • … to produce a comprehensive and high-quality education for all its citizens. 4.政府的一个主要职责就是确保人民的安全。 One of the main responsibilities of any government is ______. • … to ensure the safety of its population.

  46. 5.帮助小孩减肥、维持正常体重和养成健康的习惯的重要方法是鼓励他们参加有规律的活动。 An important way to help your child with weight loss,maintain a normal weight and develop healthy habits is ______. • … to encourage him to participate in regular physical activity. 6.短期内有效预防犯罪的最好方法是把违法者关起来。 The best way to prevent crime in the short run is ______. • … to lock up the offenders.

  47. 7.处理压力的艺术是使自己保持一种愉悦的刺激。7.处理压力的艺术是使自己保持一种愉悦的刺激。 The art of stress management is ______. • … to keep yourself at a level of stimulation that is healthy and enjoyable. 8.减肥的最有效方法是减少摄入的热量单位和增加小孩的活动量。 The best way to lose weight is ______. • … to reduce the number of calories being eaten and to increase the child's level of physical activity.

  48. 9.改进教学质量的非常有效的方法是鼓励学生批评和评价他们的老师。 A very effective way to improve teaching quality is ______. • … to encourage students to criticize and evaluate their teachers. 10.解决能源问题的最好方法是开发新的能源。 The best way to solve the energy problem is ______. • … to develop new source of energy. 11.解决垃圾问题的一个对策是禁止使用一次性产品。 One of the solutions to the rubbish problem is ______. • … to ban disposable products.

  49. 动名词作表语 1.解决淡水短缺的较为实际的方法是用科学的方法循环利用废水。 A practical solution to fresh water shortage is ______. • …recycling wastewater in a scientific way. 2.这个项目的目的是减少空气污染。 The aim of the program is ______. • … reducing air pollution.

  50. 动名词作表语 3.解决环境问题的另外一个方法是禁止一次性产品。 Another solution to the environment problem is ______. • … banning disposable products. 4.负责任的政府的主要任务是消除贫困、疾病和文盲。 The main task of a responsible government is ______. • … eliminating poverty,disease and illiteracy.

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