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EEM.scmA. Satellite Communications A Part 3. Link planning / budgetting -Professor Barry G Evans-. Link budget & system planning. Mobile System. Performance. (i) QoS – b.e.r. 10-4 if speech 10-6 – 10-8 data (extra coding) (ii) Availability 95% Channel conditions. Basic Transmission.
EEM.scmA Satellite Communications APart 3 Link planning / budgetting-Professor Barry G Evans- SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Link budget & system planning SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Mobile System SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Performance • (i) QoS – b.e.r. • 10-4 if speech • 10-6 – 10-8 data (extra coding) • (ii) Availability • 95% • Channel conditions SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Basic Transmission SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Carrier Transmission Budget-Antenna Gain- The antenna gain is defined as the ratio of the power per unit solid angle received/radiated by the antenna in a given direction to the power per unit solid angle received/radiated by an isotropic antenna supplied with the same power. SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Basic Transmission SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Basic Transmission SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Antenna radiation pattern Antenna radiation pattern = gain variations as a function of the angle relative to boresight SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Transmitted power in a given direction SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Predicted coverage areas for the HOTBIRD satellites • Superbeam • Widebeam • (courtesy of EUTELSAT) SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Effective isotropically radiated power (EIRP) SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Exercise (1) - Carrier Transmission Budget • Given • Power fed to antenna: PT = 10W • Antenna gain (at boresight): GTmax = 40dB • Distance: R = 36000km (earth to geostationary satellite • Calculate • Transmitter EIRP in dB(W) • Flux density at receiver in dB(W/m2) SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Down Path SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
GEO - Geometry SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Earth station from the geostationary orbit • Satellite • Height h above the equator • Sub-satellite point, longitude ΦS • Earth station • Latitude E, longitude ΦE • Relative longitude satellite = (ΦE – ΦS) = ΦES SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Exercise (2) – Carrier Transmission Budget • Given • Uplink frequency = 14GHz • Eart station • Power fed to the antenna: PT=100W • Antenna diameter: D=4 (efficiency =0.6) • Location: Bercenay (France) • Latitude = 48º13’07”N • Longitude = 03º53’13”E • Satellite • Receiving antenna gain at boresight: GRmax=40dB • Location: 7ºE (EUTELSAT 1-F2) • Calculate • EIRP of earth station • Free space loss • Received power SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Noise in an Earth Station Noise comes from: Ta= picked up by antenna from outside ( =effective noise) Tf= lossy feeder TLNA, TIPA= amplifiers in receiver chain TD/C= down converter Refer all noise to a reference plane into the LNA G/T Ref rf if Ta DEMOD Tf BASEBAND QoS (BER) IPA LNA TLNA TIPA Lo DOWN CONV TD/L C/NOD Ts SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Noise in a Payload Noise comes from: Antenna received noise –earth + galaxy Feeder lossy noise (nb.290K) Equipment noise –amps / D/C etc. added in same way as for earth station. G/T Ref CD Cu D/C C/Nou eirps SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Noise Characterisation (1) SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Noise Characterisation (2) SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Noise contribution of an attenuator SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Earth-station system G/Tand noise temp. Ref Ta TLNA Tf D/C TIPA TD/C LdB IPA LNA GLNA GIPA TLNA LD/C SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Earth station antenna noise temperatureExamples (clear sky conditions) SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Exercise (3) - Noise Contribution Budget • Operating frequency = 12 GHz • LNA: TLNA = 150K, GLNA = 50dB • MIXER: TMX = 850K, GMX = -10dB • IF AMP: TIF = 400K, GIF = 30dB • Calculate • Receiver effective input noise temperature TR • Receiver noise figure SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
D/C Feeder if IPA LNA Exercise (4) - G/T of C-band earth station • Dish=15m, n=70% • Ta=30K • Tf=290K • Loss f=0.5dB • TLNA=35K • GLNA=30dB • FIPA=3dB • GIPA=20dB • TD/C=1000K • Loss D/C=-10dB • Calculate the earth station G/T • What are the advantages of trading off dish size and LNA temp.? SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Propagation-Effects to be considered- • Radio noise • Ionospheric effects • Absorption • Total electron content effects (group delay, refraction, polarisation rotation) • Scintillation • Tropospheric effects • Attenuation by rain • Depolarisation • Refraction effects • Shadowing and multipath effects SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Clear Sky Noise Temperature • Any ATTENUATION process which involves energy absorption is associated with THERMAL NOISE GENERATION from the medium • Absorption by atmospheric gases is frequency dependent, hence clear sky noise temperature exhibits similar variations with frequency SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Attenuation by atmospheric gases • See CCIR Rep.719 for a detailed description of practical techniques of calculation for LAG. The following curve displays AAG(E) versus frequency; E is the elevation angle. SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Noise temperature of the sun SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Ionospheric effects SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Attenuation due to rain, etc. • Mist • Clouds • Snow • Ice SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
References for calculation methodology • Course notes or chapter 8 of the book • ITU-R PN 618-3 splant path rain induced attenuation and depolarisation and scintillatin (available from lending libraries or ITU, Geneva) SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Attenuation due to precipitation and cloudsRelevant techniques described in CCIR (see rep.563, 564, 721, 723) SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Maps of rainfall contours (1/3) Contours of RAINFALL RATE R₀․₀₁(mm/h) exceeded for 0.01% OF AN AVERAGE YEAR: SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Maps of rainfall contours (2/3) Contours of RAINFALL RATE R₀․₀₁(mm/h) exceeded for 0.01% OF AN AVERAGE YEAR: SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Maps of rainfall contours (3/3) Contours of RAINFALL RATE R₀․₀₁(mm/h) exceeded for 0.01% OF AN AVERAGE YEAR: SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Nomogram for determination of specific attenuation with circular polarization use the arithmetic mean of attenuation with horizontal and vertical polarization SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
Typical values of rain attenuation Comments: 30/20 GHz systems face a problem, especially in tropical regions where rainfall rate is very high during small percentage of time. Performance objective must be achieved when rain occurs. The link will probably be over dimensioned during most of the time (margin). SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans
DEPOLARISATION • Rain and ice cause this due to shape of particles • Need to know shape and orientation of particles • Linear and circular POLN different • Circular POLN is worst case • Can form a model linking depolarisation (XPD) and attenuation SatComms A - part 3 - B G Evans