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Le Prix IST: Objectifs et conditions de participation

Le Prix IST: Objectifs et conditions de participation. Georges Grunberg (EURO-CASE- Academie des technologies) mail@it-prize.org. The Goal. The Target of the Prize:. Novel products with a high content of information technologies and evident market potential. Européan IST Prize.

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Le Prix IST: Objectifs et conditions de participation

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  1. Le Prix IST: Objectifs et conditions de participation Georges Grunberg (EURO-CASE- Academie des technologies) mail@it-prize.org

  2. The Goal The Target of the Prize: Novel products with a high content of information technologies and evident market potential

  3. Européan IST Prize • Organized by Euro-CASE with the support of the European Commission - 6 PCRD IST • Recognized as the most prestigious award in the field of information technologies applications. • Amount of allocated money: 700 000 • Call of tender in 31 countries.

  4. What is Euro-CASE? Euro-CASE, (European Council of Applied Sciences and Engineering ) is a non-profit organisation consisting of Academies of Applied Sciences and Engineering from 18 countries in EU and EFTA. www.euro-case.org Through its member Academies Euro-CASE is a forum for permanent exchange of information between European institutions and research and industry.It has access to many of the most distinguished experts in Europe.

  5. Who can compete? • Any organization (enterprises, universities or any other institution). • Having a novel product or service, with a high information technologies content, and evident market potential. • Pure content products such as CD-ROM with no other novel features as the content itself, are not within the scope of the prize.

  6. What categories of products or services are considered? • Systems and services for the citizen. • Multimedia, tools and innovative content usage, (education, technology, knowledge management,. ) • New work methods (e-commerce, telework, security, …) • Technologies and infrastructures (components, microelectronics, communications…)

  7. What products? • This is not a R&D prize. • Pure electronic systems where IT is just an enabling tool are not part of the prize theme. • Products or services must be proven at least in the prototype stage. • They must be novel:if introduced on the market , not earlier than June 2001

  8. How to compete? • Fast and simple: No more than half a day work to fill the form if you have a clear idea of the competitiveness of your product and of its market potential. Form available at: • www.ist-prize.org • The dead line for receiving the proposals by mail, is May 15/ 2003. • European IST prize/Euro-Case. 28 rue St Dominique F 75007 Paris France

  9. Selection procedure • All applications are reviewed by an international Jury and around 60 Nominees , conformant to the strict selection criteria are retained , and 20 Winners nominated. • At the annual IST Event, the European IST Prize Executive Jury, consisting of 18 Executives designated by Euro-CASE, selects the three European IST Grand Prize Winners, among the 20 Winners. • All Nominees benefit from the international recognition and have acces to exclusive provided services, including contacts with registered investors. From applicant to Grand Prize Winner,example from previous competition:

  10. The Criteria for the Prize 1st Innovation and Technical Excellence (100%) 2nd Business Potential (100%) 3rd Societal Benefits (50%)

  11. Innovation and Technical Excellence Innovation and Technical Excellence (100%) • Is the product novel? • Does it represent a breakthrough in functional, • cost or market terms? • Is the technical basis of the product sound? • Is the technology state-of-the-art? • Has the appropriate technology been used?

  12. Business system innovation Key Factors for competitiveness Customer Intimacy Break-through products Excellence in execution (Technological innovation) Need to qualify the fundamentals of the business

  13. Jury Predictive value Importance of IST prize Technology adoption in the market place Prototype Conforting feedback ? Identified customers ? Pilot runs Enterprize Added value research technologymaturation technologyadaptation technologyexploitation

  14. Potential Business Potential Business (100%) • Is the team credible? • Is it product, a service or a combination of both? • What market need does it correspond to? • Size of the market (growth rate, percentage addressed) • Who are the main competitors? • What market penetration channels will be used? • What is the adopted business model? • Is the team credible? • Is it product, a service or a combination of both? • What market need doed it correspond to? • Size of the market (growth rate, percentage addressed) • Who are the main competitors? • What market penetration channels will be used? • What is the adopted business model?

  15. Societal Benefits Societal Benefits (50%) • Does the product contribute to the generation of employement? • Does the product result in setting up a new business venture? • Can a new product niche or a new market segment be created? • Can the product increase the acceptance and understanding • of IT by the society by enhancing education, health care, environment • protection, social services, access to and use of informaton...

  16. Business Objective. Product or Business innovation. Qualification of the Team. Who is the customer? What is the customer benefit? What is the market size? What is the competition? How to reach the market. Financial projections:(favorable cost structure…) Main points of the application Internal consistency of the proposal

  17. IST Prize:Most frequent elimination causes • Not ready for marketing: (needed at least an existing and proven prototype). • Not a new product: introduced before June 2001. • Only a new version of an older product. • Information Technology must constitute the core of the product. (General purpose electronic system using some IT, or CD-ROM with only novel content, not suitable..)

  18. Other questions? • All inquiries: Helle Bonnet  33(0)1 53 59 53 40 mail@ist-prize.org ggrunberg@wanadoo.fr

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