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LPWA Repeater for Harsh Environments

Proposal to amend the single-hop LPWA repeater for resolving harsh environment applications. This includes addressing coverage challenges in urban areas and underground facilities monitoring.

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LPWA Repeater for Harsh Environments

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  1. Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Single-hop LPWA repeater for harsh environment applications Date Submitted: 06 July, 2018 Source: Tae-Joon Park, Seong-Soon Joo, Eun-Hee Kim Company: ETRI Address: 218 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34129, KOREA Voice: +82-42-860-6902, E-Mail: tjpark@etri.re.kr Re: IEEE P802.15.4w Low Power Wide Area Call for Proposals Abstract: This is a preliminary proposal for amending the single-hop LPWA repeater to resolve the harsh environment applications. Purpose: Preliminary proposal for IEEE 802.15 TG4w Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. This work was supported by IITP funded by MSIT (No. R-20160227-002863, LPWA IoT network core technology development). Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

  2. Single-hop LPWA Repeater for Harsh Environment Applications Tae-Joon Park, Seong-Soon Joo, Eun-Hee Kim ETRI

  3. LPWA Services for Korea • UIS(Urban Information System) • Ground facility Management • Streetlight, guardrail, tunnel, bridge, underground roadway, … • Underground facility monitoring and control system • Utility company(Electric Power System), Gas/Water, … • Manhole, Temperature measurement, Fire detection… • Manhole monitoring System • Pilot program : SK telecom in KOREA • Node-to-Gateway : IEEE802.15.4g PHY, IEEE802.15.4k PHY [1] Tae-Joon Park et al., “Potential Applications for LPWA Networks,” 15-17/0154r01, 2017

  4. Domestic Constraints on LPWA • One of the most important issues in Korea[1] • Mainly used in urban areas : High path-loss environment • Most water meters arebelow the surface • Smart meters(Gas, water, …) in dense residential areas • It is not a distance issue

  5. Underground water meter Cover Without Iron cover Hm=300mm Dipole antenna(100mm) (4 - 35 dB less gain than free space) Water meter 13-40 dB decrease With Iron cover Shield case (20 - 50 dB less gain than free space)

  6. Radiation pattern w/o iron cover

  7. Radiation pattern w/ iron cover

  8. Coverage comparison • Parameters • Center Frequency : 920MHz • TX output power : +14dBm • RX sensitivity : -140dBm (+ 20dB) • Margin of 20dB applied to guarantee wireless connectivity Height of node antenna @ 30m

  9. Proposals on Single-hop Repeater (I) • LPWA prefers direct delivery, but what if not? • Work without complexity ; No installation and routing complexity  LPWA needs a Single-hop repeater • Repeater : As simple as possible! • Able to forward the message for a single hop • Intermediate node in a data communications network, retransmitting data without modifying address information(BS EN 13757-5:2015) • Limited functionality but Needs for low cost meters

  10. Proposals on Single-hop LPWA Repeater (II) • Limited to PHR modification

  11. Proposals on Single-hop LPWA Repeater (III) • Delay • Unregistered repetition • Random repetition delay, CAP • Registered repetition • Deterministic/Random repetition delay, CAP/CFP Legacy Repeater Uplink Device Signal Uplink Amplified RF Signal to Coordinator Power Amplifier Single-hop LPWA Repeater Uplink Device Signal Uplink Amplified LPWA Signal to Coordinator A/D Demod Single-hop LPWA Repeater function Mod D/A Amp

  12. Proposals on Single-hop LPWA Repeater (IV) • Amend the LPWA Single-hop repeater • Add phrases • 5.5.1 Star network formation • While maintaining the star topology, a single-hop LPWA repeater can be used to complement poor communication environment, such as underground metering services.

  13. Proposals on Single-hop LPWA Repeater (V) • Amend the LPWA Single-hop repeater • Add a sub section • 10.2.8 PHY level repeater LPWA Device PHY LPWA repeater PHY Coordinator PHY Repeater Enable set(1/0/0) Repeat Status set (1/1/0) w/ RepeaterID Repeat Enable set(1/0/1) w/ RepeaterID Repeat Status set(1/1/1)

  14. Proposals on Single-hop LPWA Repeater (VI) • Amend the LPWA Single-hop repeater • Add a field • 24. LECIM FSK PHY specification • 24.2.2 PHR field format(in IEEE Std 802.15.4-2015) The Parity field is calculated in the following way: Parity field = b0  b1  b3  b4  b5  b6  b7  b8  b9  b10  b11  b12  b13  b14  b15

  15. Thank you very much for your attention Any Questions?

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