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Supporting science breakthroughs through CI-enabled workforce development at Minority-Serving Institutions. Training, education, and access to cyberinfrastructure. Promoting diversity and inclusion in advanced computing.
The Minority-Serving Institutions (MSI) Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Institute [MSI C(I)2] Providing a scalable mechanism for developing a CI-enabled science and engineering workforce
Advisory Team • Malcolm Atkinson, NESC (UK National e-Science Center), ICEAGE (EU Grid Education) • Dan Atkins, Michigan and future director OCI NSF • Fran Berman, SDSC • Kelvin Droegemeier, Oklahoma, LEAD • Mark Ellisman, SDSC, BIRN • Ian Foster, Chicago, Open Science Grid Globus etc • Dan Reed, UNC, Renaissance Computing • Larry Smarr, Calit2 San Diego
Our Goal “Support the development of computing professionals, interdisciplinary teams, and new organizational structures, such as virtual communities, needed to achieve the scientific breakthroughs made possible by advanced CI, paying particular attention to the opportunities to broaden the participation of underrepresented groups.” Atkins CI report
Simple Strategy • Help minorities take advantage of e-Science and Cyberinfrastructure by linking world experts in these areas to organizations representing all minority serving institutions Alliance for Equity in Higher Education • HACU Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities • NAFEO National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education • AIHEC American Indian Higher Education Consortium • Together represent 335 MSIs for three major minority groups in USA • I am Visiting Scholar for Cyberinfrastructure Development at the Alliance • http://www.educationgrid.org
MSI C(I)2 Components • Training and Education at Research, Education, Executive and Systems support levels • Mentored internships and e-Science projects linking PIs in MSI and nonMSI institutions • Collaboratory/Portal including Science Gateways as in TeraGrid • Access to Cyberinfrastructure from MSIs building on earlier AN-MSI project • Provision of Cyberinfrastructure both at MSIs and virtually (with Ian Foster’s help) as part of Nationally run facilities
Indigenous Nations • My involvement started in 2000-2001 when the “Prosperity Games” activity identified Cyberinfrastructure as key to supporting Indigenous Nations in geographically isolated locations • For example the Navajo Nation (Colorado Plateau covering over 25,000 square miles in northeast Arizona, northwest New Mexico, and southeast Utah) has over 40% unemployment • http://www.win-hec.org/ World Indigenous Nations Higher Education Consortium • Cyberinfrastructure allows Nations to preserve their geographical identity but participate fully with world class jobs and research
Education and Training Categories • Research (Advanced Undergraduate and above including Graduate education) • Education (K-12 and Undergraduate) • Executive (Decision makers, University Administrators etc.) • Technical (Compute and Data Systems and Network Support and Installation • Prerequisites (level skill set) a problem
Education and Training Events 2006 • SDSC Train the Trainers January 30 and 31 2006http://www.educationgrid.org/msicii/Jan3031-06Meeting.html • See link to CIChannel link for webcast of talks • TeraGrid All Hands Meeting in Indianapolis June 12-15 (EPIC) • MSICII Summer School at SDSC June 19-23 largely for Research and executive categories • Supporting Cyberinfrastructure at MSIs at NCSA in August 2006 • Open Science Grid Summer School, SC06 education program, ICEAGE (?) etc. • http://www.educationgrid.org/msicii/CIEdTrainActivities.html
Jan 30: Setting the Cyberinfrastructure Scene • 08:30-09:00 am Welcome • 09:00-10:00 am Introduction to Cyberinfrastructure and Grids - Fran Berman • 10:00-10:30 am Welcome to TeraGrid - Scott Lathrop • 10:45-11:30 am Bioinformatics - Mark Ellisman • 11:30-12:30 pm Grid Technology - Karan Bhatia • 01:45-02:15 pm Virtual Infrastructure - Kate Keahey • 02:15-03:00 pm Data Grids and Data Management - Reagan Moore • 03:15-03:45 pm Security and Shared Cyberinfrastructure - Victor Hazlewood • 03:45-04:30 pm Cyberinfracture in Earth Science for LEAD - Jay Alameda • 04:30-04:45 pm Tapping into National Cyberinfrastructure Resources - Don Frederick • 04:45-05:00 pm Wrap-up discussion: Evaluation Forms - Julie Foertsch
Jan 31: Planning the MSI Cyberinfrastructure Future • 08:30-10:00 am Panel on Developing a Cyberinfrastructure Curriculum - Geoffrey Fox (Moderator) • 10:30-12:00 am Panel on Practice and Experience in Cyberinfrastructure for MSIs - Karl Barnes (Moderator) • 01:00-02:30 pm Panel on Institutional, Policy and National issues in engaging MSI in Cyberinfrastructure - Alex Ramirez (Moderator) • 03:00-04:30 pm Wrapping up: Panel on Developing a White Paper with Strategy Recommendations for including MSI's in Cyberinfrastructure - Al Kuslikis (Moderator)