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Welcome!. Please put your name on your present progressive homework and pass it forward. 1.) hand out (paper I gave you in class on Friday) 2.) Keep your Post card to a friend. Don’t pass it forward. Present Progressive: Function. Function
Welcome! • Please put your name on your present progressive homework and pass it forward. 1.) hand out (paper I gave you in class on Friday) 2.) Keep your Post card to a friend. Don’t pass it forward.
Present Progressive: Function Function • The present progressive expresses actions that are happening right NOW while the speaker is speaking.
Present Progressive: Form Form: Subject + be + (verb +ing) + object or complement Example 1: Iamsittingin class right now. Example 2: Yu-Hais listening to the teacher right now. Example 3: Amal’s brother is studying English right now.
SP and PP Practice • I _____ ___________ in class right now. (sit) • I am sitting in class right now • Turki _____ ___________ in class everyday . (sit) • Turkisits in class everyday. • ______ Fatma sitting _________ in class right now? • IsFatmasitting in class right now? • She _______ ______ _____ ____ in class everyday. • She doesnotsit in class everyday. • You ____ _____ ____________ in class right now. • You arenotsitting in class right now.
More Present Progressive Practice • Share Postcards • Teacher Hand Out (Worksheet)
Grammar: Married Life Chapter 5: Do/Does
At Home • What kind of housework or chores need to be done at home? Example: Wash the dishes. • What kind of housework do you do? • What kind of housework do people in your family do? • Who should do the housework? The husbands or the wives?
Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmE5WHNKCEk
Do/Does: Function Function Use do or does to ask yes or no questions about habits or usual activities (simple present).
Do or Does: Form Form Do + subject + main verb + object or complement. Example 1: Does Jim help with the kids? Example 2: Do you cook dinner every evening? What are the only possible anwers for these questions? Yes __ do/does. Or No ___ do/does not.
Practice _______ Jim ________ with the kids’ homework? (help) Does Jim help with the kids homework? Do ______ _________ dinner every night? (cook) Do you cook dinner every night Does ______ ________ the clothes every week? (iron) Does he/she iron the clothes every week? ______ _________ ________ the children every day? ________ __________ ________ the car once a month?
Grammar: About People Chapter 6: Negatives no/not
About People What kind of person are you? Busy? Lazy? Calm? happy? Tell us about yourself!
No/ Not Function • To state that something is not true or not happening.
No/Not: Form NOT Subject + not + adjective Subject + is + not + verb. Example 1: He is not interesting. Example 2: He is not working. NO Subject + no + noun. Subject + no + adjective + noun. Example 1: He has no money. Example 2: He has notallchildren. **Exception: Subject + not + a + (adjective) noun.