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Facts You Should Know About Your Oral Health

Oral care is the primary thing that you have to take care of. Queen Chinguacousy Dentistry always suggests to you the best and possible Oral health care helpful tips. In this PPT, read to know these important oral health facts you should.

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Facts You Should Know About Your Oral Health

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  1. Facts You Should Know AboutYour Oral Health Oralcareisthe primary thing that youhavetotake care of. Queen ChinguacousyDentistry always suggeststo youthebestand possible Oral health care helpful tips. Inthis article, read to know these importantoral health facts you should. BrushingTwicea DayHelpsto Keep theCavities Away When you brush your teeth properly, at least twice a day, you remove the plaque that causes cavities.Plaque is asoft and stickysubstance that accumulateson theteeth fromfooddebris and bacteria. Daily flossing removes plaque from between the teeth that thetoothbrush cannot reach. Removing plaque from your teeth also helps to prevent gum disease. DentalCheck-UpsIncludeOralCancerScreenings When you gofor your regular dentalcheck-up, your dentistandhygienist arealso screening you forany signs of oral cancer.

  2. Some serious dental disease, which pertains to the mouth, lips, or throat, is often highly curable if diagnosed and treated early. Visiting your dentist for regular check-ups and avoiding tobacco are the key factors in preventing oral cancer. Clicktobookyourappointmenttoday:qcdentistry.ca/contact-us Gum(Periodontal)DiseaseAffectsYourOverallHealth Gum disease is one of the main causes of tooth loss. In adults it has also been linked to heart disease and strokes. Ifdiagnosed inthe earlystages,gingivitis can betreated and reversed. If treatment is notreceived, a more serious and advanced stage of gum disease,called periodontitis,which includes bone loss, may follow. Brushing twicea day, flossing daily, and getting regular dental check-upsand cleanings arethebestpreventionagainst gum disease. DentalCleanings and Check-UpsAreExtremely Important Going to the dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings is one of the most important factors in maintaining good oral health. Regular check-ups can prevent cavities, root canals, gum disease, oral cancer, and other dental conditions. Please don’t wait until you have a problem before you see your dentist.Help prevent problems before they happen.

  3. BadBreathcould betheResultofaDentalProblem About 85 percentof people with persistent bad breathhave a dentalcondition that is to blame. If bad breath is the cause of a dental condition, mouthwash will only mask the odor and not cure it. Don’t beembarrassedtotalktoyourdentist;theyaretheretohelpyou.Badbreathcanbe greatly reduced or eliminated by brushing your teeth and tonguetwice a day. ProperNutritionIsImportantforGoodDentalHealth The sugars from soft drinks and non-nutritional foodscombinewith thebacteriain our mouths to produce acidsthatattacktoothenamel.Thiscanleadtocavitiesandgum disease.Limiting sugarybeveragesandfoodscangoalongwaytowardmaintaininggooddentalhealth.Hereis the list of some Healthy Food for Strong Teeth. Dental Problems Do Not Get Better or Go Away Without Treatment If your dentist gives you a treatment plan for dentalwork that you need to have done, you should focus on gettingyour teeth fixedas soon aspossible. Even cavitiescontinueto getbigger. If they get big enough to reach the nerve in your tooth, your only options would be to have a root canal orhave the tooth extracted.

  4. ARootCanalisUsuallyNotPainful With today’s technology, root canals are nothing like most people think. A root canal is as painless as having a filling. Read more about Root Canal Therapy by Queen Chinguacousy Dentistry ChangeYourToothbrush Manual toothbrushesbecomeworn outafteraboutthreemonthsandarenotaseffectiveasthey once were. If you have gum disease, you should change your toothbrush every 4 to 6 weeks because bacteria can be harbored in the bristles. You should always rinse your toothbrush out withhot water after every use and change it after being sick. MaintainingGoodDentalHealthIsEasy Some people think that having good dental health takes too much effort. Seeing your dentist for regular dentalcheck-ups and cleanings, brushing twicea day, flossing daily,andeating a nutritional diet arethe keyfactors inhaving healthyteethandgums. Now,what’s so hard about that?

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