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Janessa Laupp

Janessa Laupp. CHILD ABUSE. Thesis.

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Janessa Laupp

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Janessa Laupp CHILD ABUSE

  2. Thesis Child abuse is a horrific act and needs to put to an end. To clarify, child abuse is considered anything a victim identifies as harmful. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention says child maltreatment is “any act or series of acts or commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child.”


  4. LOGOS The former slide exhibited logos because its appeal lies in the facts. It’s full of statistics and charts. Those who may not be so emotionally moved to do something about the problem of child abuse may be affected by the outrageous numbers and percentages of children who are affected.

  5. ETHOS • http://www.forthechild.org/Abuse-Stories.htm - Judy • http://www.newser.com/story/133075/teen-ashley-billasano-tweets-of-abuse-144-times-kills-herself.html These stories are examples of ethos because they are the stories of specific individuals and their experiences with child abuse. They are not necessarily appealing because of the details/facts or the heart-wrenching ends, but because they are real people who had real problems.

  6. PATHOS • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtNYA4pAGjI&ob=av3e • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpE73PvU9bk • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i94dUw4D4Cc These videos rely on pathos as a rhetorical technique. They used adorable children and the right kind of music to appeal to the hearts of viewers.


  8. KAIROS The previous slide held examples of the persuasive technique of kairos. They used imperative sentences and the word “NOW” is common amongst them. The intention of these pictures is to instigate action and progress.

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