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STATE OF THE ART INNOENERGY in SLOVEI. Learn, Inform, Define! Laying the Ground for Industrial Take-up and Transfer. Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe, 23-24 Sept. 2013. Energy Innovation (wrt R&D ). 0,55 % of National Budget for R&D in general in 2012
STATE OF THE ART INNOENERGY in SLOVEI Learn, Inform, Define! Laying the Ground for Industrial Take-up and Transfer Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe, 23-24 Sept. 2013
Energy Innovation (wrt R&D ) 0,55 % of National Budget for R&D in general in 2012 = 200 mio € • Share of R&D in GDP: 2,47% (2011) goal in 2020: 3,6 % • Share of public spending for R&D in 2012: 0,55 % (planned 1% in coalition agreement and later 0,64 % in budget) goal in 2020: 1,2% GDP 3. Global list of innovation success: Slovenia placed 24th – best among CEE countries 4. Data are for R&D in general – no specific data for Energy Inovation are available In R&D Slovenia is a Follower country In recent years number of researchers in privat sector significantly increased
1990 – 1996 (Post)secession depression and political turmoil – YU markets losed, intensive integration in EU market, increase of basic research funding from public sources to assure survival. 1996 – 2004EU hope perspective – doing EU homeworks, when we will get in EU everything will be better – including R&D. Till 2004 – graduality, (neo)Keynessianism, (social) stability but no structural reforms of economy – “improve and expand of what allready exists”, few new start ups based on R&D, “we are the champions mentality” 2004 – 2008 “fast wild privatisation”(also in R&D) driven by neo-liberal ideology of “free market” – direct political management of R&D to make system changes and start politicaly sponsored start up R&D entreprises. Since 2008 – Slovenia as “the fallen transition champion” – economy in decline, banking sector in turmoil, no investment, growing unemployment, brain drain, dispair Political context
Energy sector is directly or inderectly completely state owned and heavily infuences the legislation (implementation) and the market. Largest investment in 30 years: EBRD supported investment in new large (domestic) coal (lignite) power plant (600 MW TEŠ 6) – total investment will exceed 1,3 billion € - “tail wags the dog” story Plans to build new nuclear power plant in progress and supported by mayor political players, yet post Fukushima stress and financing issue are postponing start up activitities. National Energy Programme drafted in 2009 but has was not put on the political agenda yet (permenent postponement) – steering capacities of politics to generate policies completly lost. Political context - continued
Basic research in domain of nuclear science – only “national energy science” in the country - half of “energy research” budget - only field with continuity of both finances and research teams - main focus nucelar safety and waste management EE R&D started in 1980ies by Centre of Energy Efficiency of Jozef Stefan Institute - first focus on EE policy in industry: “spin offs” INEA (industry), ENECOM (industry & buildings), Solvera Lynx,(ICT for EE) - few R&D activities however leading integrated energy planning and policy drafting institution in the country in charge for drafting National Energy Programme, climate, RES and RUE national Action Plans RES R&D activities at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Uni-Ljubljana since late 1970ies: Solar thermal, biomass combustion, process heat, RES in buildings - Brief history of Energy Innovation in Slovenia Nuclear science prevails in research R&D in RES&RUE lacks funds and continuity
Since 2000: R&D in fuel cell (Institute of Chemistry) Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon Technologies - global positioning of Slovene R&D in bio-technology and nano-materials at the level of fundamental research activities Faculty of Energy Technology of the University of Maribor – interests in integration of nuclear and RES but few actual R&D activities in the field Increased engagement of younger university researchers and teams in EU programmes focused on RES and RUE: EU Framework programmes, IEE, cross-border programmes Increased (over)complexity of policy & administrative framework Development of support environment for enternpreneurship: business centres, incubators, regional development centres – no particular focus on energy “one stop shop” administrative offices (VEM) Technology parks – none specialised in energy Technology platforms (PV, solar thermal, forestry-wood processing etc) Clusters - Brief history of Energy Innovation in Slovenia A lot of (dispersed) efforts – few success
Policy and Legislation Supportive Environment for Entrepreneurship Act (2007) Resolution on the National Research and Development Programme 2011-2020 (2011) Strategy on Smart Specialisation (draft – July 2013) Rules on: Procedures of the (co)financing and Monitoring of Research Activities Implementation Procedures of the (co)financing and Monitoring of Research Activities Implementation Co-financing of Basic, Applied and Postdoctoral Research Projects Training and Financing of Young Researchers in Research Organisations Financing and Co-financing the International Scientific Cooperation of the Republic of Slovenia National EE Action Plan 2011 – 2016 (2011) xxxx RUE Action Plan 2010 – 2020 (2010)
Key Players Government Ministries: Economy Development and Technology - - Higher Education, Science & TechnologyIndustry SPIRIT Slovenia- Promotion of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Development, Investment & Tourism Council of RS for Science & Technology Agency for Entrepreneurship and Foreign Investments Slovenian Entrepreneurship Fund Council for Competitiveness Excellence centre of LCT SlovenianCentre for Competitivness and Innovation Power Distribution Companies Slovenian Research Agency Faculty of Mech. Engineering Chamber of Industry Institute Jožef Stefan Hydria Ltd. Faculty of Electrotechnics Faculty of Electrotechnics Trimo Ltd. INEA Ltd. Chemistry Instiute Bisol Ltd. Faculty of Energy Technology Bio-Tech Faculty Kettler Organica Elan Wind
Key (Take-up) Obstacles/Barriers Strategic priorities on the operational level under definition Large number and lack of coordination between public bodies Overcomplex institutional framework Unstable financial support for R&D activities in the field of sustainable energy Weak monitoring & evaluation No clear vision & leadership Overcomplexity Weak coordination Economy in decline Inadequate financial motivation for researchers in public sector
Key Challenges: Technology Take-up Comprehensive, efficient and inclusive management of innovation system Defining strategic national priorites at operational level Enhanced transfere of public R&D results to industry Capital investment in new technologies and start up companies Energy renovation ofmultiapartment buildings owned by dwellers Smart Specialisation Institutional set up Coordination Enanced cooperation between R&D and industry Implementation of national R&D programe
Key (Take-up) Opportunities Strong basic research in the field of nano-technology Advanced hydrogen fuell cell research with strong connections with industrial partners wordwide. Strong integration of some industrial companies in the field of EE colling, ventilation and heating in global economy. Tax breakes for R&D activites in industry – increasing number of researchers in industry(60% in total in FTE) Nano-technology Photonics and electro-optics Smart (energy) systems & processes + EE buildings Fuel Cel Chemical Fuels (from biomass?)