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Chatbots are about to change the world in more ways than we can imagine. Already, bots around the globe can complete a diverse set of varying tasks. chatbots are about to become a normal element in everyday life.
Q S ST E C H N O S O F T I N F O @ Q S S T E C H N O S O F T . C O M 6W A Y S A R T I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E A N DC H A T B O T S A R EC H A N G I N G E D U C A T I O N Q S ST E C H N O S O F T +919910511064 (IND) / +1612-424-3786 (USA)
Q S ST E C H N O S O F T I N F O @ Q S S T E C H N O S O F T . C O M Chatbotsareabouttochangetheworldinmorewaysthanwe canimagine. Already, botsaroundtheglobecancompletea diversesetofvaryingtasks. chatbotsareabouttobecomea normalelementineverydaylife. Asthescopeofchatbotsbecomesbroadereveryday, thereare newapplicationspoppingupconstantly. Educationhas traditionallybeenknownasasectorwhereinnovationmoves slowly. Duringthemostrecentyears, therehasbeenalargehype overinnovativetoolstoenhanceteachingandlearningthrough educationaltechnology.
Q S ST E C H N O S O F T I N F O @ Q S S T E C H N O S O F T . C O M “Thetimehascomeforchatbotsandartificialintelligencetomeet theeducationalsector. Already, there’salothappeningbutthere isnoquestiontechnologywillhaveanevendeeperreachinthe nearfuture.” We’vecomeacrosssixapplicationsofbothchatbotsandartificial intelligencewithintheeducationalareathatcouldhavean astoundingimpactonthewholeindustry.
Q S ST E C H N O S O F T I N F O @ Q S S T E C H N O S O F T . C O M 1. AutomaticEssayScoring Givingfeedbackonindividualwrittenessaysisanenormously timedemandingtaskthatmanyteachersstrugglewith, andin massiveopenonlinecourses, theproblemisevenlarger. Because thereareoftenover1000studentsinoneclass, there’ssimplyno realisticwaytogiveindividualfeedbacktowrittenessays. Tocombatthisproblem, innovatorshavebeenflirtingwiththe artificialintelligence (AI) industry, andasolutionisrelativelyclose athand.
Q S ST E C H N O S O F T I N F O @ Q S S T E C H N O S O F T . C O M Byfeedingamachine-learningalgorithmthousandsand thousandsofessays, manypeoplebelievethere’sagoodchance ofreplacinghumanfeedbackonessayswithAIsystems. The projecthasmaderapidimprovementsince2012whenThe HewlettFoundationsponsoredacompetitionbetweenessay gradingsystems. Thewinnerpresenteda0.81correlation, on average, withhumangraders. Sincethen, researchersandscholarshavecontinuedaccelerating andimprovingsystemsinfullforce. Onereportclaimstohave achieveda0.945correlationonthesamedataasintheHewlett competition. Astonishing!
Q S ST E C H N O S O F T I N F O @ Q S S T E C H N O S O F T . C O M However, there’salsostrongoppositiontowardsrelyingononly technologywhensettinggrades. SkepticLesPerelmanhassetout toexposethetruenatureofgradingalgorithmsandhas successfullymanagedtopointoutweakpointsamongstauto- gradingvendors. Howwillauto-gradingturnout? Thefutureisnotyetclear, but realisticallythereshouldbeachanceofreplacingatleastoneor twoofthenecessarygraderswithAIinafewyearstime.
Q S ST E C H N O S O F T I N F O @ Q S S T E C H N O S O F T . C O M 2. SpacedIntervalLearning PolishinventorPiotrWozniakhascomeupwithalearningapp builtaroundthespacingeffect. Thisappkeepstrackofwhatyou learnandwhenyoulearnit. Byincorporatingartificial intelligence, theappisabletolearnwhenyouaremostlikelyto forgetinformationandremindyoutorepeatit. Itonlytakesa coupleofrepetitionstomakesuretheinformationsticksforyears tocome. Insteadofstudentsstudyingintenselybeforefinalsonlytoforget everythingafewweekslater, schoolsanduniversitiesshouldaim formorelastingknowledgeretentionusingthismethod.
Q S ST E C H N O S O F T I N F O @ Q S S T E C H N O S O F T . C O M Sadly, findingslikethespacingeffecthavehadasmallimpacton theeducationalsystem, whichlivesuptoitsreputationofbeinga sectorofslowadoptionoftechnologyandinnovation. 3. ConversationalCourseAssessments & StudentRatings Studentevaluationsofteaching-surveyshavebeenaroundfor almost100years. Despitemovingfrompapertoonlinesurveys, therehasbeenminimalprogresstomakethefeedbackprocess betterinanyway. Usingachatbottocollectfeedbackistheultimatecompromise betweenaqualitativeandaquantitativeresearchmethod. As teachersarenormallywaytoobusytocollectqualitativefeedback fromeachstudent, anend-coursesurveyisoftenused.
Q S ST E C H N O S O F T I N F O @ Q S S T E C H N O S O F T . C O M Achatbotcancollectopinionsthroughaconversationalinterface withthesameadvantagesasa ‘real’ interviewbutwithafraction oftherequiredwork. Theconversationcanbetailoredaccording totheresponsesandpersonalityofthestudent, askfollow-up questions, andfindoutthereasonbehindopinions. It’salso possibletofilteroutpersonalinsultsandfoullanguage, whichare sometimespresentinteacherratings. Otherthanbeingacompellingoptiontosurveysandwithmore qualitativedata, achatbotbringsmanyotheradvantagesfor teacherswhoseektoimproveefficiencyinteaching. Byinvolving moredatasourcessuchasself-assessment, grades, peerfeedback, andthelatestscientificfindingsonhowtoteacheffectively, it’s possibletoformamorenuancedpictureofteaching performance.
Q S ST E C H N O S O F T I N F O @ Q S S T E C H N O S O F T . C O M Comparingthedatatothatofotherteachersaroundtheworld shouldmakeitpossibleforthesystemtosuggestnewand powerfulwaystoimproveteachingandsharefindingsthroughout theteacher’scommunity. 4. Watson, theTeacherAssistant AttheGeorgiaInstituteofTechnology, studentswerecharmedby thenewteachersassistant, JillWatson, whomanagedtorespond tostudentinquiriesinafastandaccurateway.
Q S ST E C H N O S O F T I N F O @ Q S S T E C H N O S O F T . C O M 5. TheChatbotCampusGenie AttheDeakinUniversityinVictoria, Australia, developmentisin fullswingtocompletethefirsteverchatbotcampusgenie. Just likeinthecaseoftheAIteacherassistant, theintelligencebehind itcomesfromIBM’ssupercomputersystem, Watson. Onceoperational, theDeakingeniewillbeabletoanswer questionsrelatedtoeverythingastudentneedstoknowabout lifeoncampus. Howtofindthenextlecturehall, howtoapplyfor nextsemester’sclass, howtosubmitassignments, wheretofind parkingorwhereacounselorcanbereachedareallquestions thatcanbehandledbythegenie.
Q S ST E C H N O S O F T I N F O @ Q S S T E C H N O S O F T . C O M Whennewstudentsswarmthecampus, theyhavesimilar questionseveryyearwhichmakesforaperfectapplicationofa chatbot. WilliamConfalonieriisthedrivingforcebehindthegenie-project andtheCIOatDeakinsUniversity. Confalonierihopestobeabletoexpandthecapabilitiesofthe systemrapidlyinthecomingyearsandhaveithandle significantlymorecomplextasksinthefuture.
Q S ST E C H N O S O F T I N F O @ Q S S T E C H N O S O F T . C O M 6. Student-CenteredFeedback Thecurrenteducationalsystemcan, abitmaliciously, be describedasafactory-linewheretheend-goalistoproduce competentstudentstofillemployeeneeds. Thefactoryexpects thesamerawmaterial (students), thesameresponsetotreatment (lessons) andthesameresultinthesametimeframe. Ashumanbeingsarecomplexbeyondthereachofeventhemost advancedscience, thefactoryapproachisnotidealwhenitcomes totransferringknowledgetoadiversifiednewgeneration.
Q S ST E C H N O S O F T I N F O @ Q S S T E C H N O S O F T . C O M Thecontentadaptstoindividuallearningpaceandcanpresent graduallyharderproblemstoacceleratelearningasthestudent comprehendmoreandmore. Thisway, bothfastandslowlearners cankeepgoingattheirownpacewithoutbeingdiscouragedby otherstudents. It’salsopossibleforanAI-drivencurriculumtoforeseefuture troubleareasandpresentmoreproblemsrelatedtoitinorderto preventfuturestruggles.
Q S ST E C H N O S O F T I N F O @ Q S S T E C H N O S O F T . C O M T H A N KY O U ! F O RC O M M E N T SO RQ U E S T I O N S : Emailusat info@qsstechnosoft.com