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Sciences of Homeopathy, Biochemic & Pressure pointing – A bird’s eyeview By Prof. K. Satyanarayana Rao Dept. of ECE, TJIT. HOMEOPATHY. The science o f Homeopathy is an ancient law which was in operation thousands of years ago.
Sciences of Homeopathy, Biochemic & Pressure pointing – A bird’s eyeviewByProf. K. SatyanarayanaRaoDept. of ECE, TJIT
HOMEOPATHY • The science o f Homeopathy is an ancient law which was in operation thousands of years ago. • In between it became lost in antiquity, and eventually discovered by a German doctor by name Samuel Hahnemann, in 1793. – In fact, this was the outcome of dissatisfaction & frustration the doctor had with the framed rules of the medical field at his time. • It was through Hahnemann that the method of experimentation began on healthy humans in order to ascertain the action of a drug.
To start with, Hahnemann experimented the drug Cinchona bark (meant for Malaria) on some healthy people. The symptoms experienced by them have been noted down and recorded . This collection was named as the ‘ MateriaMedica’ It is the ‘bible’ of symptoms-each drug, each symptom, having been experienced by healthy humans. Any person who is ill, can be cured by one of these drugs in potentized form, if their symptoms agree with those of the remedy chosen from the MateriaMedica. “Potentization”, the development of healing power, takes place when the crude drug is diluted and shaken by a mechanical action. – One drop of crude substance (mother tincture) to nine drops of alcohol, shaken for three hours will give “1X. Potency”; One drop of this substance diluted with nine drops of alcohol gives “2X. Potency” and so on. Just as the atom is split and the power doubles, so with each new potency, the power increases. The higher the dilution, the more powerful the remedy.
High potencies (200 and over) are like dynamite. This is why, Hahnemann taught : ‘One dose and wait….it may work from one day to fifty days in the system; so wait and see.’ Working Hahnemann’s way is, when one has time to sit and talk to a patient, to note down his/her symptoms and to take a complete case history from the beginning of his/her life to the present time; to inquire into his/her family history, his/her birth, his/her mother and what she was like in health when pregnant. With this way of working, the one remedy one chooses breaks down the walls, clears the debris, the block, the toxin, and cures all.Methods of treatment : The following is a list of various types of treatment :1. Hahnemann, 2. Vaccination, 3. Shock, 4. Constitutional, 5. Miasms, 6. Organ remedies, 7. Drug removal, 8. Double potency levels, 9. Mind, 10. Mixtures, The open book, and 12. Pendulum dowsing. Of the above, the first, fourth and seventh methods are more commonly used by the Practitioners.
LIST OF IMPORTANT HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIESApisIpecacuanaLedumNatrumsulfuricum Cantharis Opium CarbovegetabilisPulsatillaChamomillaRuta China StaphisagriaColocynthisGelsemiumHypericum
Carbon associated REMEDIES AcidumcarbolicumAcidumsalicylicum Aniline sulphateBarytacarbonica BenzenumBisulphid of Carbon CalcareacarbonicaCarboanimalis CarbohydrogenisatumCarbooxygenisatum CarbovegetabilisCarbon sulphuratum Carbon tetrachloride Carboneum Carbonic oxide Coal gas GraphitesKreosote Natrumcarbonicum Petroleum
Sluggish mental activity Lazy Giving meanings Self-worth Non-materialistic Father figure & authorities Honorable Obedient Stupid Slow grasping power, Principled Unselfish Shrinks from damage Aristocratic Lack of confidence Timid Easily fatigued MENTAL GENERAL
Lack of muscular strength & energy Prostration & debility Offensive discharge Fermentative process Tendency to varicosity & ulceration Engorged capillary circulation & venous congestion Swollen & indurated glands Skin unhealthy, œdematous Eruptions & intertigo Tendency for boils Ulcers & crust formation Catarrhal condition of mucus membranes Distension of abdomen Craving for open air Sour & coffee-ground vomiting PHYSICAL GENERAL
BIOCHEMIC WAY OF TREATMENT The biochemical treatment of diseases was discovered by Dr. Schuessler in Germany in 1873. He discovered that diseases are caused by unbalanced inorganic salts in the cells of human body, and cure is effected by making-up the deficiency. A human body consists of matter, inorganic salts and organic matter in the proportion 14:1:5. The inorganic salts, although in the minority, are the important vital elements for the health, of not only human beings but also animals and plants. Of all the tissue salts, twelve are dominating over the human body, and care has to be taken to always keep them balanced. These tissue salts are : 1. Calc. Fluor, 2. Calc. Phos, 3. Calc. Sulph, 4. FerrumPhos, 5. Kali Mur, 6. Kali Phos, 7. Kali Sulph, 8. Mag. Phos, 9. Nat. Mur, 10. Nat. Phos, 11. Nat. Sulph, and 12.Silica.
Examples : Found on the enamel of teeth and surface of bones- is the salt in elastic fibres giving elasticity to all tissues and the cells of the skin; Used extensively in “Cataract” and partial blindness. Hard body swellings or growths anywhere in the body. Lumps in breasts; Swelling of elbow joint. Anxious about money matters; Skin – Chaps & cracks especially in hands; Calcareous deposits on ear-drum causing deafness. Silica is one of the most widely used tissue salts to help in pulling-out pus from a fissure or a boil at the most alarming rate, to draw-out the morbid matter from any part of the body, to draw-out the discharges from nose and chest which are thick, yellow-green with pus, etc. Since the tissue salts do not have any side effects, they can be safely administered to children ( even at the infant stage, upto 3 years age), and also to the aged persons. The maximum potentization of biochemic remedies will be 12X.
PRESSURE POINTING One has to be aware of that cosmic energy flows in the body through its own channels. If the inner environment is out of balance, then the energy is disturbed, and in turn the body. Along these channels there are small switches or fuses called “aqua – points”. By finding these points and making contact by gentle pressure, the energy balance can be restored and disease of the body corrected. This method has been used in the east for centuries and proved very efficient. When working with patients, always get them to bring a member of the family or a friend, so that they can be shown the method used in order that the treatment can continue daily. A good ruling in ‘pressure – pointing’ is that, once you have identified the point which will be indicated by pain, hold for the count of ten – release – repeat twice more.