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IAIN Sunan Ampel (Islamic higher educational institution) Towards Communi-university. Nabiela Naily Zumrotul Mukaffa Muhammad Hanafi. Design and Goal. GOAL Exchange of ideas and experiences
IAIN Sunan Ampel (Islamic higher educational institution) Towards Communi-university Nabiela Naily Zumrotul Mukaffa Muhammad Hanafi
Design and Goal GOAL • Exchange of ideas and experiences • Shared possible future strategies to improve community outreach function of university (university-community partnerships) • Design • Movie and Photo • Presentation • Discussion
Indonesia beyondthe Map Republic, numerous islands, 237 million citizens Highly populated by Muslims (88%) 1.128 ethnic groups, 583 local languages, and cultures Many potentials in economy, social, religion, and other issues yet many challenges as well
Indonesian Islam • Indonesian Islam can be said to be unique and moderate, even though a very small number of radical groups also exist. • Indonesian Islam also has long accommodated itself with local cultures.
Islam and Democracy Indonesia is classified as one of the democratic countries especiallysince the reform era (1998 onwards) Free and direct elections from the national to the local level In general, there is no conflict betwen the idea of democracy and Islam Democracy = Syuro Several debates regarding democracy and human rights
However Yet there are still some problems related to democracy: scope of participation; level of participation Gender issues, conflict and violence, and so forth Examples of real cases Faith-based conflict, gender issues, and so on Example of one issue in our development work : Village development worplan is being imposed not designed, as it is supposed to be, by the community
For whom? Participation and leadership Democracy
University’s Roles in Community Outreach and Democracy in Indonesia
IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya Islamic higher educational institution Under Ministry of religious affairs Faculties: Syariah (faculty of islamic law), Tarbiyah ( faculty of education), Dakwah (Faculty of social sciences), ushuluddin (faculty of philosophy and theology), and Adab (faculty of letters and humanities)
Community Ivory Tower University? Classroom
IAIN and Community Engagement • Tri dharma; Teaching, Research, Community Service • Historically, IAIN is established with focus on teaching • In subsequent development, research becomes one important area • Outreach/community enggagement is still below research and teaching in importance • Activities are not integrated
Community outreach Modes in IAIN • Instititutional: organized by LPM (Center for Community Service) representing IAIN • Collective: Performed by a group of lecturers from the same faculties but not necessarily representing IAIN • Individual: Performed by Lecturers individually
INSTITUTIONAL COMMUNITY OUTREACH • LPM as the center of community outreach • KKN, yearly student’s community service using PAR • Collaborative work with external fundings and or other institutions Service Learning-Based PAR.mpg • Faculties: • Tarbiyah: LAPIS with AUSAID; empowering the schools supervisors in managing community development • Syariah: Legal Aid for community & economic empowerment through the mini Syariah bank • Dakwah: Sanitation systems in the rural areas in cooperation with local govenrment • Adab: Empowering human resources in the schools • Ushuluddin: Interfaith peace building
Potentials and Assets Human resources and historical relations with civil society as many of the community leaders, preachers, and religious leaders are from this University LPM as the coordinator for community outreach KKN as annual program that is obligatory to all students PAR; IAIN is widely known with PAR
Challenges • Integrated Tri Dharma is still not yet a shared vision let alone being implemented • Lack of sinergy and coordination between units • Many outreach activities have been performed and some are extraordinary yet they are sporadic and not institutional
Some other challenges • The existing policy was not supportive • A sharp gap between financial support for research and community outreach • No clear mechanism and structure promote the mainstreaming of community outreach • Dominance, and limitations, of religious approach in community outreach
Tomorrow must be better • WHAT NOW? •
Crucial Momentum: Three Opportunities • IAIN Converts to UIN • SILE/ LLD http://sile.sunan-ampel.ac.id/ http://sile-lld.org/sile/ • (a Canadian-Indonesian project at the Ministry of Religious Affairs, IAIN Sunan Ampel, UIN Alauddin Makasar) • Part of the project is the Coady Institute at St. Francis Xavier University, the University of Guelph, the Institute on Governance in Ottawa and other Canadian institutions • Law number 12 of 2012 regarding higher education
Potentials in the UIN • IAIN converting to UIN means a wider range of disciplines and approaches in community outreach and a wider variety of issues being dealt with, including issues such as democracy, human rights, health, economic empowerment and the environment New faculties • Science and technology • Health • Politics and social science • Economy and business
Aimed at improving the university-community outreach function
Notable Achievements • POKJA (formal university-community partnerships that are experimenting with new ways of community engagement) • Civics curriculum review and redesign • Introducing ABCD (mobilizing assets for community-driven development) as an apporach
More Notable Achievements • Strengthened sinergy between units: Major change: three units: research and community outreach and gender study center that are used to be separated emerged to be one • Baseline data; facilitating SWAT analysis • Capacity buildings; Shortcourses in coady, Guelph • Widening networks: *Coady, Guelph university, CSO’s in Indonesia particularly East java And NOW the CU EXPO : great opportunity to meet people and exchange ideas
Another Promising Opportunity: Support from Policy New National Law no. 12/2012 on higher education: A potential supporting instrument for improved functioning of community outreach in the university It encourages and in fact forces the university to give much more attention and support to improving the community outreach function of the university
Great potential in the new law support the improved university community outreach function
Discussion TIME Whats the potentials and challenges in capturing the Momentum
Do you define preaching as community outreach function? • Do you think it is possible fo a university to equally perform the tridarma without sacrificing one or another • Do you think that the integration between tridarma is ideal and manageable? • How do you describe the design of the integration process of teaching, research, and outreach
Conclusion Thank you for Sharing ideas and experiences to Maximize the momentum of ours to reach towards the The communi-university