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Lecture 2

Lecture 2. Introduction. IMS is information management systems Information output of computers is used by managers Managing the information is a very difficult, complex game. Accounting information and different other aspects. Main Types of Resources.

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Lecture 2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lecture 2

  2. Introduction • IMS is information management systems • Information output of computers is used by managers • Managing the information is a very difficult, complex game. • Accounting information and different other aspects

  3. Main Types of Resources • The Manager five main types of information • Personnel • Material • Machines • Money • Information

  4. How information is managed • Looks easy • Managers manages the information in a conceptual way • Using information in an effective and discarding it in a proper time is information management

  5. Who are the users • Managers • Non Managers • Persons and organisation in the firms environment But in this subject we will be mostly talking about the managers

  6. What does managers do • Plan • Organise • Staff their organisation • Direct the staff • Control • Waste time in meetings, tea breaks

  7. Managers Skills • Communication skills • Problems solving skills Management Knowledge • Computer Literacy • Information literacy

  8. System and subsystems • System: Group of element working for a common goal • Sub System The further parts of the system

  9. Physical Systems and Conceptual Systems • Physical System: composed of physical resources • Conceptual System: Conceptual system consist Information and data.

  10. Decision Support System • Is an information producing system • Is different from a normal system • User don’t know what he needs • Can be made by using a MIS

  11. A model of a Computer Based Information system Computer Based system Problem AIS MIS Decision Information DSS Virtual Office Solution KBMS

  12. Example Of MIS • In insurance companies • In Medications • Rental organisations • Banks • etc

  13. Information Specialists There are five main categories of information specialists • Systems analyst • Database administrators • Network specialists • Programmers • Operators

  14. CBIS • Computer Based Information System • For achieving the CBIS need to go through SDLC • Managing the CBIS

  15. Using IT for Competitive advantage • Competitive advantage can be achieved by different aspects • Low price • Better products and services But in MIS by eliminating physical interaction

  16. Porters Value Chain

  17. Types of information resources • Computer hardware • Computer software • Information specialists • Users • Facilities • The Database • Information

  18. Strategic planning • Marketing resources • Manufacturing resources • Human resources • Financial resources

  19. IRM model

  20. Workshop • Make a group of Five people • Choose a organisation of your choice • Describe that how will you have competive advantage from your organisation

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