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Consumer Behavior Term Project. It is a Market Research Project!. You need to identify and to clearly state a problem to be solved (1). You need to run a market research that should help you to solve the issue (secondary and primary data) (2)
It is a Market Research Project! • You need to identify and to clearly state a problem to be solved (1). • You need to run a market research that should help you to solve the issue (secondary and primary data) (2) • You need to use your results to make clear and practical recommendations (3).
Problem Statement (1) • Broad issue if you want but specific questions. • There has to be a problem or interrogation ! No description. • Your questions dictates the rest of the study. Be precise.
Market Research (2) • Always start with secondary data analysis. • Clearly define what your population of interest is and how you choose your sample. • If multiple methods (qualitative and quantitative), think about the order and the information sought. • Carefully choose format and questions content. • Once the data collected, turn them into usable information. • Carefully analyze data using software and/or qualitative methods (turn in the data with your final work).
Recommendations (3) • Remember that you work for a specific company, it has a critical impact on your recommendations. • Always use data to justify recommendations. • Your plan of action may not focus only on the communication aspect, never forget the 3 other Ps of the marketing mix (depending on your product).
Final Report • Format in the guidelines. • Problem-Solving approach: Clear positioning and rationale, precise information with explanations when needed but no philosophical essays…maybe in the conclusion. • Much more detailed than the presentation.