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This report covers the setup of BaBarGrid in Ferrara, BaBar software development, job submission procedures, and output file handling. It provides insights into the current status, scripts used for job submission, and monitoring processes for BaBar accounts in the EDG farm of Ferrara.
INFN - Ferrara BaBarGrid Meeting SPGrid Efforts in Italy BaBar Collaboration Meeting - SLAC December 11, 2002 Enrica Antonioli - Paolo Veronesi
Topics • Ferrara Farm Configuration • First SP submissions through the Grid • Work in Progress • Future Plans • Conclusions
250 GB RB SCSI SE Data server LCFG Server UI Management R A I D 0 Lock server CE-WN SPGrid Farm in Ferrara CNAF - Bologna CERN Ferrara - EDG 1.2.2
Configuration • INFN Grid Testbed Status: EDG 1.2.2 (RedHat 6.2). • A BaBar software special release (12.3.2y) has been built and installed to: • Write Kanga files • Run Moose on RH 6.2 • A special tag of ProdTools has been installed to perform tests. • A pool of BaBar accounts (babar000, babar001,…) has been created in the EDG farm of Ferrara. • Each member of BaBar VO is able to submit jobs to the farm of Ferrara through the RB located at CNAF (grid009g.cnaf.infn.it).
Current Status • Created a JDL file to run Moose on Grid resources. • Created scripts containing EDG commands to submit jobs, to check their status and retrieve output files. • An user can submit a range of runs. • For each run a job is created and submitted to the Resource Broker, then it is sent to the Ferrara CE (grid0.fe.infn.it). • The output file is then transferred to the closest SE (grid2.fe.infn.it).
Moose.jdl Similar to SP standard scripts (Job.Xsh) grid1> more Moose.jdl Executable ="Moose.csh"; InputSandbox ={"Moose.csh",".cshrc","config.csh"}; StdOutput ="Moose.txt"; StdError ="Moose.log"; OutputSandbox ={"Moose.txt","Moose.log"}; Config file for BaBar. Similar to SP standard scripts General environment configurations Globus command: To copy output files from WN to SE […] tar -czvf run${RUNNUM}.tar.gz *.root globus-url-copy -vb file://`pwd`/run${RUNNUM}.tar.gz \ gsiftp://grid2.fe.infn.it/flatfiles/SE00/enrica/run${RUNNUM}.tar.gz
The launch script grid1> more launch #!/bin/tcsh -v @ num_f = $1 @ fin = $2 while ( $num_f <= $fin ) ####build the run directories […] ####build a config.csh with the appropriate environment variables echo "#\!/bin/tcsh -v" > config.csh […] #### now run the job dg-job-submit -o run$num_f.jobid -r \ grid0.fe.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-pbs-long Moose.jdl cd .. @ num_f++ end For each run a job is created runtime Range of runs to submit A config file is created for each run EDG job submission command
grid1> ls 1962016/ Moose.csh Moose.jdl config.csh run1962016.jobid grid1> ls 1962017/ Moose.csh Moose.jdl config.csh run1962017.jobid Job Submission Range of runs to submit grid1> ./launch 1962016 1962017 […] dg-job-submit -o run$num_f.jobid -r grid0.fe.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-pbs-long Moose.jdl Connecting to host grid009g.cnaf.infn.it, port 7771 Logging to host grid009g.cnaf.infn.it, port 15830 ================== dg-job-submit Success ================ The job has been successfully submitted to the Resource Broker. Use dg-job-status command to check job current status. Your job identifier (dg_jobId) is: https://grid009g.cnaf.infn.it:7846/ The dg_jobId has been saved in the following file: /home/enrica/stress/1962016/run1962016.jobid […] CNAF RB Job ID grid1> ls 19620161962017 Moose.csh Moose.jdl config.csh launch monitor retrieve
The monitor script grid1> more monitor #!/bin/tcsh @ num_f = $1 @ fin = $2 while ( $num_f <= $fin ) echo Run $num_f is `dg-job-status -i \ $num_f/run$num_f.jobid | grep Status` @ num_f++ end EDG command grid1> ./monitor 1962016 1962017 Run 1962016 is Status = OutputReady Status Reason = terminated Run 1962017 is Status = OutputReady Status Reason = terminated grid1> ./monitor 1962016 1962017 Run 1962016 is Status = Scheduled Status Reason = initial Run 1962017 is Status = Scheduled Status Reason = initial grid1> ./monitor 1962016 1962017 Run 1962016 is Status = Running Status Run 1962017 is Status = Running Status grid1> ./monitor 1962016 1962017 Run 1962016 is Status = Ready Status Reason = job accepted Run 1962017 is Status = Ready Status Reason = job accepted
Globus command: Direct copy of file from SE to UI Globus command: delete file fromSE The retrieve script grid1> more retrieve #!/bin/tcsh -v @ num_f = $1 @ fin = $2 while ( $num_f <= $fin ) cd $num_f #### get logfiles dg-job-get-output -i run$num_f.jobid --dir $PWD #### get rootfiles globus-url-copy \ gsiftp://grid2.fe.infn.it/flatfiles/SE00/enrica/run$num_f.tar.gz \ file://`pwd`/run$num_f.tar.gz tar -xzvf run$num_f.tar.gz rm -f run$num_f.tar.gz #### delete rootfiles form SE globus-job-run grid2.fe.infn.it /bin/rm \ /flatfiles/SE00/enrica/run$num_f.tar.gz cd .. @ num_f++ end EDG command
grid1> ls 1962017/ 150551318931039 Moose.jdl Moose.csh config.csh run1962017.jobid rootdef-tru.rootrootdef-tag.rootrootdef-aod.root grid1> ls 1962016/ 150546318633191 Moose.jdl rootdef-tru.root Moose.csh config.csh run1962016.jobid rootdef-tag.rootrootdef-aod.root grid1> ls 1962016/150546318633191/ Moose.log Moose.txt grid1> ls 1962017/150551318931039/ Moose.log Moose.txt Retrieving Output grid1> ls 19620161962017 Moose.csh Moose.jdl config.csh launch monitor retrieve
Work in progress • We are now trying to copy files to the SE through the Manchester Replica Catalog. • We are checking package dependencies (e.g. flat files, shared libraries) to build a Moose RPM to be automatically installed on Grid machines. • We are testing the special tag of ProdTools which includes an option to create and submit Moose jobs to the Grid resources.
Integration of Moose Application with EDG software releases RB (UK) RPM RPM MOOSE SE Lock server LCFG Server UI Management Objectivity DB Data server CE-WN Future Plans Ferrara 3) Install Objy DB on the SE SPGrid Farm 2) MOOSE in RPM format 1) Use of IC RB and others
Summary • In order to be integrated with the Grid we need: • To produce RPM packages for Moose Application. • To install OBJY DB on the SE. • To submit the resulting RPMs to the EDG Integration Team. • After that we will be able to install and manage Simulation Production software and environment on EDG farms via LCFG server. Thanks to Peter Elmer, Alessandra Forti, Douglas Smith, Matthias Steinke and Steve Traylen for their collaboration.