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The Civilizations of East Asia

The Civilizations of East Asia. Chapter 12. China under the Sui, Tang, and Sung Dynasties. Objectives Explain how Chinese civilization advanced during the Sui and Tang Describe what daily life was like for the Chinese people during the Sung dynasty. The Sui and Tang.

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The Civilizations of East Asia

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  1. The Civilizations of East Asia Chapter 12

  2. China under the Sui, Tang, and Sung Dynasties • Objectives • Explain how Chinese civilization advanced during the Sui and Tang • Describe what daily life was like for the Chinese people during the Sung dynasty

  3. The Sui and Tang • Sui came into power in 589 • Grand Canal- waterway linking northern and southern China • Sui dynasty ended in 618

  4. Tang Expansion • Defeated the Turks in the north and west • Made contact with other cultures to enhance their knowledge • Built capital at Xian • 2 million people • Consisted of Arabs, Persians, Jews, Greeks, and Chinese • China became the most powerful country in the world under the Tang Dynasty

  5. Tang Literature • Around 2300 poets contributed to 49,000 works • Li Bo- a Daoist, described life's happiness • Du Fu- a follower of Confucius, wrote about suffering and tragedy

  6. Tang Religion • Buddhism died out under the Tang • Seized monasteries, persecuted Buddhists • China adopted Confucianism as the official religion from 800-1900 AD • Temples were built to Confucius and officials required to study his works

  7. Sung Dynasty • Never had control of all of China • Sung Dynasty was in Southern China • Paid huge tribute every year to keep the Mongols from attacking them • The Jin Dynasty in the north • Established by the Juchen people in 1126

  8. Trade and Arts • Exported porcelain, gold, silver, and copper • Vases were colorful and complex in design • Paintings was of landscapes

  9. Civil Service • Examinations every 3 years • Only important families took the exams • Assigned numbers and had clerks copy the answers to cut down on cheating and corruption

  10. Inventions • Invented gun powder • Invented printing • Worlds first known printed book created by block letters called the “Diamond Sutra” • Religious text of the Buddhists

  11. Peasant Life • Farming methods improved with irrigation systems and quick ripening rice • Heavy taxes forced peasants to sell lands and become tenant farmers

  12. City Life • Wealthy lived in nice homes with gardens and lakes • Cities had thriving markets and cultural events • Poor people lived in crowded apartments or went homeless begging for food • Practice of foot binding for women

  13. The Mongol Empire • Objectives • Explore how the Mongol invaders were able to conquer and rule so much of Asia • Examine the effect Mongol rule had on China

  14. Genghis Khan & the Mongols • Lived in current day Mongolia, north of China • Skillful warriors on horseback with bow and arrow • Traveled 100 miles/day • Threat of constant attacks would wear down enemy

  15. Genghis Khan • Fiercest ruler of all time • Ruled from 1162-1227 • Name means “Universal Ruler” • Captured Beijing, Persia, and Central Asia

  16. Mongol Conquest and Rule • Kublai Khan • captured the rest of China and parts of SE Asia • Received title Great Khan • Batu • invaded Europe around 1240 • Europeans gave them the name Golden Horde • Controlled Russia from 1250-1450

  17. China under the Mongols • Kublai Khan • created own dynasty called Yuan • China’s trade and influence grew • Extended the Grand Canal • Divided kingdom into 25 mile courier routes • Benefited from trade and contact with Europeans • Harsh taxes and tributes undermined Yuan authority

  18. Marco Polo • Famous merchant and explorer • Served as special representative to Kublai Khan for 17 years • Book called Travels of Marco Polo

  19. Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia • Objectives • Investigate how the geography of Japan influenced its development • Analyze how China influenced the early development of Japan • Describe how changes in government influenced society in feudal Japan • Examine how Southeast Asia was influenced by China and India

  20. Physical Setting • Island chain stretching for nearly 1400 miles • Mountainous volcanic islands • Small part of land suitable for farming • Many rivers for irrigation • Preferred to live in isolation

  21. Japan’s Beginnings • Early History • Practiced the religion Shinto, spirits lived in natural objects(Kami) • No scripture or doctrine • Worship involves prayers and rituals • Shinto help unify all people of Japan • Only 1 imperial family has ruled, Yamato Clan • Most Japanese practice Shinto and Buddhism

  22. Japan’s Beginnings • China Influence • Influenced Japanese art, science, and law • Centralized government and gave emperor more power • Law code modeled after the Tang Dynasty • Lady Muraski Shikibu wrote the worlds 1st novel, The Tales of Genji

  23. Feudal Japan • Japan developed a system of local power known as the feudal system • 2 sources of power- central government and powerful landowners • Minamoto reign changed how government was run • Granted Minamoto the shogun • Ashikaga was the longest ruling at 250 yrs. • Wealthy land owners held power & hired samurai's for protection • Samurai followed the Bushido code

  24. Feudal Japan • The Daimyo…”great names” • Local lords and their samurai became the most powerful people in Japan during the Ashikaga shogunate • Conducted trade &collected taxes to strengthen their power • Wars offered people of lower status to rise in society • Zen Buddhism • Introduced in the 1100’s • Showed appreciation of nature (Daoism)

  25. Korea • Development shaped by China • Serves as a bridge to the island chains • China controlled northern Korea • 3 Korean kingdoms: • Koguyro, Peakche, Silla

  26. Korea • Unification under the Silla • Formed alliance with Tang Dynasty to conquer Koguyro & Peakche • United Korea by 670 • Infighting weakened Silla • By 900 AD, kingdom of Koyro had taken control • 1200 AD, Mongols gained control • 1392 AD- Yi Dynasty(powerful Korean Dynasty) ruled until 1910.

  27. Korea • Growth of Korean Culture • Adopted Chinese civil service system • Buddhism was the state religion • Aristocrats influenced political development • No development of educated social class • Large divide between small upper class and large lower class • Sejong development of the Korean Alphabet showed sign of independence.

  28. Civilizations in Southeast Asia • Mainland is known as Indochina • Vietnam • Won independence in 939 from China • Civilization was influenced by contact with China • Accepted Mahayana Buddhism • Cambodia • Khmer Empire controlled Southeast Asia • Strongly influenced by India • Accepted Hindu and Buddhism beliefs

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