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UK PM Report Costs & Schedule

UK PM Report Costs & Schedule. Alan Grant, STFC. Overspend 2011/12. Overspend of £374k for the FY 2011-12. Everything looked on track up to end Feb £318k still to commit in March. Average monthly spend from Sept to Feb was £187k.

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UK PM Report Costs & Schedule

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  1. UK PM ReportCosts & Schedule Alan Grant, STFC

  2. Overspend 2011/12 Overspend of £374k for the FY 2011-12. Everything looked on track up to end Feb £318k still to commit in March. Average monthly spend from Sept to Feb was £187k. So planned for large stage payment of Focus Coil £165k in March. March there was financial-year-end budget-activity and payments made which where not anticipated.

  3. Overspend 2011/12 These late payments accumulated in March, added to the stage payment for the Focus Coil module of £165k equals a total £358k, which largely explains overspend of £374k. Summarising • Broken spreadsheet from December (introduction of new project numbers PPD) led us to believe MICE had more money to commit in March so we pushed for AFC payment • Unexpected late payments with end of yr balancing activities for Contracted Services • Late in House booking and claim submissions

  4. MICE Allocation 1 • Allocation breakdown for 2012/13. • Construction – Capital Project – NO O’HEADS CHARGED • Ops & Analysis - INCLUDES O’HEADS • University Staff Allocation ( not shown here) - £692K • STFC agreed allocation this yr including Universities £2.928M

  5. MICE Allocation 2 • Finance sheet updated end of June. • Common Fund income included assumed same allocation as last yr. • EUCard income included, assumed same allocation as last yr. • STFC agreed allocation this yr excluding Universities £2.236M. • Most of the allocation will be resource loaded to deliver StepIV. • No working allowance included at this point. • Variance £309k, will be required for items not yet costed ~ additional shielding, vacuum components, maintenance costs & issues arising during installation.

  6. Forecast Cost for FY 2012/13 • Forecast costs to deliver step IV only. • Labour intensive this year. • Assumed similar income lines from previous yr for Common Fund & EU Card. • Plan to monitor each month. • Final stage payment for AFC #1 not included in these figures.

  7. Finances • Identified following additional costs to deliver step IV • Vacuum system - £150k (common fund ???) • Additional shielding due to Magnetic Field - £80k • Outstanding Payments • Focus coil module 1 final payment - £150k • Upgrade requirements • Decay Solenoid Power supply - £50k

  8. Issues for Step IV • Magnet Field • Further analysis shows that problem is more severe than first thought. • Need to find alternative position for sensitive electrical components, racks & compressors etc. • Options being considered • Temporary solution - move equipment behind North Wall were RF amplifiers will be installed. • Distribute racks & compressors around west wall. • Install equipment in ISIS plant room – could be final solution for step VI also. • Solution’s 1 & 2 will be most expensive • labour • shielding

  9. Issues for Step IV • Spectrometer Solenoids HTS problems • Hot of the press. HTS leads failure. Delivery date for Spectrometer Solenoids will be delayed. • Need to update schedule once HTS problems resolved and shipping dates known.

  10. Staffing • STFC: • Mike Courthold now only contracted to work 3days each week. - Roy Preece returned from LTA in US. He will continue as magnet co-ordinator with Mike Courthold and assume role as installation manager in MICE Hall & R9. CONCERNS:- • Need to recruit Hydrogen System operator & provide safety training. - TD re-structuring at DL in the electrical group is a grave concern. Installing step IV and all necessary sub systems is a big task with reduced staffing levels. - RF work beginning to ramp up, need full commitment of ASTEC & RF systems engineers. Plan is to recruit a graduate engineer who eventually will be based at MICE.

  11. Step IV Focus Coil EMR Spectrometer Solenoid & Tracker

  12. Step IV Installation • Step IV base plate installation complete. • AFC rail installation complete. • SS rail system installation complete. • Tracker single station tests complete. • Hydrogen system tests ongoing. • EMR delivery delayed until beginning of November. • EMR commissioning after step IV installation.

  13. Step IV Critical Path • AFC is now the critical path item. • AFC delivery now expected 6th Aug into R9 for pre installation work and commissioning. • Downstream Spectrometer Solenoid cannot be installed until the AFC has been field mapped in Step IV position.

  14. Hydrogen System • Helium tests successful & now complete. • Hydrogen tests due to begin 23rd July, aim to complete 24th Aug. • Skilled shift teams have been organised to complete tests. • Currently working through Procedural Safety Requirements before tests can begin • Aim is to complete before we accept the Focus Coil & Solenoid into the MICE Hall.

  15. Focus Coils • Focus coil delivery slipped to end July. Delays due to supplier mechanical issues. • Control system complete and ready to be shipped to Tesla – waiting for Tesla. • Final assembly of turrets will take place in R9, which makes shipping easier. • Tesla submitted risk assessments & staff have been safety inducted • Final payment was in last yrs budget - NOT accounted for in this yrs budget.

  16. Spectrometer Solenoids • Control system in place and commissioned. • Delivery of 1st Solenoid expected mid August.

  17. Magnet Mapping & Movement Sequence • Field mapping to be carried out with beam path clear – no obstructions!!! • Focus Coil mapping in R9 & upstream Spectrometer Solenoid mapping clash currently. Both need to use the same mapping equipment. • Will manage this clash when we have the magnets. • May delay the final completion date by 2-3 weeks.

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