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How to vacation in Hawaii any time you want ... using none of your own money

How to vacation in Hawaii any time you want ... using none of your own money. How to vacation in Hawaii any time you want ... using none of your own money. Brett McFall. Brett McFall.

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How to vacation in Hawaii any time you want ... using none of your own money

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  1. How to vacation in Hawaiianytime you want ... using none of your own money How to vacation in Hawaiianytime you want ... using none of your own money Brett McFall Brett McFall

  2. Why can't you currently fly to Hawaii any time you want ... for as long as you like ... using NONE of your own money? Working for an employer doesn't work Running a business with employees doesn't work Working HARD doesn't work ... but working smart does What is "working smart?"

  3. WORKING SMART IS... • Knowing how to create a passive income out of nothing • Knowing how to create a passive income that requires very little work • Using a system that is proven to work • Knowing how to replicate that system over and over again • If you had this knowledge, how would it change your life?

  4. www.scrapbookingprofits.com

  5. www.scrapbookingprofits.com April 05US$1505

  6. www.scrapbookingprofits.com March 05US$2506

  7. www.scrapbookingprofits.com February 2005US$1729

  8. www.scrapbookingprofits.com January 2005US$1786

  9. www.scrapbookingprofits.com Dec 2004 $1702.35 Nov 2004 $2612.48 Oct 2004 $2,615.90

  10. Are you going to have to learn new things? Are you going to have to take action ... even when you're scared? Are you going to have to invest time, money and effort? Will it be worth it?

  11. Guess what? I have the whole system down-pat from start to finish I have the marketing secret that makes this whole system run Without it you're doomed to fail Only a fraction of people know it The same secret that produces automatic sales on these sites too...

  12. www.passthebutterplease.com

  13. www.westernsydneynerd.com

  14. www.thenakedcopywriter.com

  15. www.burpiesbybrett.com

  16. www.baldheadedbastard.com

  17. The most important secret of all is... A magic formula I use to write the words on the page

  18. UNDERSTAND THIS ONE TRUTH: How your web page is written is the single most important factor of any website

  19. COPYWRITING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN: Search engine optimisation Google advertising Product development Niche markets Audio & video combined Business strategy ... or anything else

  20. But before we get on to that: There's something important I want to show you... How to createa "killer" product!

  21. How I created a "killer" product Discovered Ed Dale And Frank Kern’sUNDERACHIEVER FORMULAin May 2004 Watched breakfast TV Friday July 2 The weather girl told me that “Scrapbooking” was the fastest growing hobby in Australia My little peabody brain thought ... “Hmmmm”

  22. 144,000 people search for scrapbooking EVERY month! Instantly visited:http://inventory.overture.com

  23. How I created a "killer" product Had to think of an angle Checked out my competition and found only 1 business showing people HOW TO MAKE MONEY from scrapbooking Low competition ... great market Set up a “Flycatcher Page” to find people who were interested in Scrapbooking

  24. My Flycatcher Page:

  25. How I created a "killer" product Asked them to tell me their most pressing question about how to make money with scrapbooking 30 little souls left me their questionsThank you ... Thank you ... Thank you! Gave the list of questions to a ghostwriter atelance.com

  26. How I created a "killer" product 14 days later ... the ghostwriter came back with the e-book ready and all the questions answered Cost: US$800 I wrote a sales letter following my "magic formula" with a name that sounds like a human bodily function Buuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrpp.....

  27. www.scrapbookingprofits.com

  28. How I created a "killer" product I placed some ads on Google.com at 30c a click, with a spend limit of $20 a day

  29. How I created a "killer" product Everyday1.3% of people who search for “scrapbooking” ... or hundreds of other associated words ... CLICK on my ad and read my letter 3.6%of those people go on to buy my Scrapbooking e-book at $27.77

  30. How I created a "killer" product Everyday1.3%of people who search for “scrapbooking” ... or hundreds of other associated words ... CLICK on my ad and read my letter 3.6%of those people go on to buy my Scrapbooking e-book at $27.77

  31. How I created a "killer" product I don’t ship the product – it’s electronic I just sleep My ads cost me $21a day and make me up to $83a day Every morning I check my email and there are 3 sales ALWAYS ... and often 5 or more In a matter of 5 weeks I created a yearly income of $27,921

  32. How I created a "killer" product I don’t ship the product – it’s electronic I just sleep My ads cost me $21a day and make me up to $83a day Every morning I check my email and there are 3 sales ALWAYS ... and often 5 or more In a matter of 5 weeks I created a yearly income of $27,921

  33. QUESTION: Can anyone do this? ANSWER: No!

  34. There's one ONE thing stopping you My Magic FormulaFor Writing The Letter Why is it so important? Because you can't kick back in Hawaii until you sell something A good product is not going to buy you a cocktail on the beach - your sales letter WILL

  35. Why my "magic formula" works: It's taken me over 10 years to perfect Responsible for hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales It answers the readers natural questions without them realising it And with every line they read it pulls them further and further into the letter Making them certain that: "This really sounds like the product for me."

  36. So let's reveal this "magic formula" that unlocks the key to your dream lifestyle B.U.R.P.I.E.S.

  37. B.U.R.P.I.E.S. The B stands for... “Big Promise”

  38. B.U.R.P.I.E.S.

  39. B.U.R.P.I.E.S. The U stands for... “Use Imagination”

  40. B.U.R.P.I.E.S.

  41. B.U.R.P.I.E.S. The R stands for... “Rarity”

  42. B.U.R.P.I.E.S.

  43. B.U.R.P.I.E.S. The P stands for... “Points”

  44. B.U.R.P.I.E.S.

  45. B.U.R.P.I.E.S. The I stands for... “Irresistible Offer”

  46. B.U.R.P.I.E.S.

  47. B.U.R.P.I.E.S.

  48. B.U.R.P.I.E.S. The E stands for ... “Evidence”

  49. Want proof of how profitable "Evidence" is?

  50. B.U.R.P.I.E.S.

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