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Psychology 317 Chapter 1

Psychology 317 Chapter 1. Drug Experience Depends On Three Factors. 1. Pharmacological; The drugs effect on our system. A. This depends on: Drug Dosage, route of administration, chemical properties & action on body 2. Characteristics of Drug User;

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Psychology 317 Chapter 1

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  1. Psychology 317Chapter 1

  2. Drug Experience Depends On Three Factors 1. Pharmacological; The drugs effect on our system. A. This depends on: Drug Dosage, route of administration, chemical properties & action on body 2. Characteristics of Drug User; A. This includes genetic make-up, gender, age, drug tolerance, & personality 3. Setting of Drug Use: A. This includes, community laws about drug use, where drug is taken, physical environment of drug use, whether drug is taken socially.

  3. DSM IV Definitions • Tolerance/Dependence: Diminished effects of a drug with continued use. (physical and psychological craving) • Withdrawal: Definable illnesses that occur with a cessation or decrease in use of a drug.

  4. Drug use pattern in the USA • Experimental: Ten or fewer experience with particular drug. Usually remain experimental. • Social Recreational: Used with friends to share pleasurable experience. Use usually does not escalate to abuse. • Circumstantial/Situational: Short-term use to cope with immediate stress or pressure.

  5. Cont. Drug use pattern in the USA • Intensified: Steady, long-term use to get relief from persistent Stress or pressure. Indicative of psychological and physical dependence. • Compulsive: Use becomes primary focus of life. Use escalates and drug must be had to prevent discomfort.

  6. Types of Toxicity • Physical: Danger to the body: Abuse of barbiturates can cause breathing problems. • Behavioral: Interfere with ability to function, to perform. Drinking and driving. • Acute: Danger from a single drug dose. Fentanyl and death. • Chronic: Danger from repeated exposure to a drug. Cigarette and lung cancer.

  7. Synthetic/Designer Drugs • Fentanyl/Sublimaze: Narcotic, 1,000 times more potent than heroin. Developed for use as an anesthetic. • MDMA (Merthylenedioxy metamphetamine): Developed from MDA (Methylenedioxy amphetamine): An Hallucinogen, developed as an appetite suppressant.

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