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Grand Inga – Too big to be constructed ?. For 60 years, in spite of the potential of the site, all previous schemes required considerable pre-investments in large civil works, making the first MW expensive. It was found that the minimum economically feasible size was 7000 MW.
Grand Inga – Too big to be constructed ? • For 60 years, in spite of the potential of the site, all previous schemes required considerable pre-investments in large civil works, making the first MW expensive. • It was found that the minimum economically feasible size was 7000 MW. • In 2011, Aecom-EDF was mandated by SNEL, with the funding of ADB, to optimize the Grand Inga site, considering the proposed Inga 3 project.
Grand Inga 2013 Feasibility Study : Main Results • A new approach has been proposed, making the development of the Grand Inga economically feasible in the very short term: • Innovative, flexible and economical staging identified • Each phase as small as 2,000 MW at competitive costs • Phase size can be adjusted to adapt to planned demand and export opportunities
Grand Inga 2013 Feasibility Study : Main Results • Inga 3 replaced by a simpler Grand Inga first phase at low head • with no closure of the Congo River and no tunnels, using an open channel • Integrating the final development of Grand Inga when river dam is built in the future • Turbine-generators designed to operate at low and high head • Bundi Dam and intake structures designed to be raised in the future
Site Inga Débit module: 41,000 m3/s Chute = 100 m Inga 1 (350 MW) Inga 2 (1 424 MW)
Inga 3 basse chute canal de transfert barrage de la Bundi Centrale Inga 3 P max : 4800 MW Q max : 6600 m3/s
Inga 3 basse chute remplissage du réservoir Niveau d’eau amont : 145 - 170m
Inga 3 haute chute Barrage sur le fleuve Congo Évacuateurs de crues Rehaussement du barrage Bundi chute +50% Pas de nouvelle centrale P Inga 3 HC : jusqu’à 7800 MW
Inga 3 haute chute Remplissage du réservoir Niveau d’eau amont : 202 – 205 m
canal de transfert @ 6,600 m3/s Inga 3 basse chute Centrale @ 4,800 MW barrage Bundi
Grand Inga – New, small, economical multi-stage development scheme • Main benefits: • To finally and rapidly start Grand Inga development • Flexibility to adapt to DRC and export demand patterns • Provide optimized generation costs at each stage by levelling investments over time • Allow multiple public / private operators to share the site
Inga 3-LH: Impacts on Land Use • Very low footprint on land: <19 km²; <0.5 ha/MW • Favourable Land Use: • 100% of the installations within SNEL concession • Few forest (2.6 km²) and cultivated zone (1.8 km²) • Biodiversity without particular or exceptional character • No habitation affected • No involuntary population displacement • No infrastructure destruction • Impacts on land use VERY limited
Number of inhabitants to relocate/MW INGA 3-LH Occupied Hectares /MW
Inga 3-LH: EIES Conclusions • Site specific initial conditions very favourable • Hydrology greater than the needs • Negative Impacts identified are of low intensity and manageable • Potential Social and Economic Positive Impacts