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Transforming mental health services for young people in Norfolk & Waveney

Transforming mental health services for young people in Norfolk & Waveney. Voluntary Sector Forum for Children and Young People 05 March 2019. CYPMH Review – what we did. Our brief:

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Transforming mental health services for young people in Norfolk & Waveney

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  1. Transforming mental health services for young people in Norfolk & Waveney Voluntary Sector Forum for Children and Young People 05 March 2019

  2. CYPMH Review – what we did Our brief: To support the Norfolk & Waveney system to drive (at pace) the transformation of mental health services for children and young people We have looked at partnership arrangements, leadership, governance and capacity We also looked in detail at the current pattern of services We have gathered the views of children and young people and have produced a supporting ‘Insight’ report RETHINK PARTNERS

  3. CYPMH Review – our report RETHINK PARTNERS

  4. CYPMH Review – our conclusions • current weaknesses are recognised, strong appetite for change • compelling vision exists, but no clear route map • Governance complex and bureaucratic, which clouds accountability • significant fragmentation: of leadership; of contracting; of capacity • no clear framework for routinely gathering and acting on insight • not an integrated, whole system approach and some relationships are strained • clinical and professional leadership is not embedded • provision is siloed, pulling CYP ‘up’, not pushing ‘down’ • no clear system financial envelope, or a forward investment plan • risk of short term contractual/procurement concerns precluding further integration RETHINK PARTNERS

  5. CYPMH Review – our recommendations We developed our recommendations together with teams and individuals across the system… …and tested/refined them at a major cross-system workshop in November Our recommendations address each of the issues we highlight in our report, but we have worked hard to ensure that together they are implementable RETHINK PARTNERS

  6. CYPMH Review – our recommendations 18-36 Months 6-18 Months 0-6 Months RETHINK PARTNERS Development programme – learning through doing

  7. CYPMH Review – workstreams As part of phase two (implementation), we have now established 15 workstreams grouped into four main areas: RETHINK PARTNERS

  8. CYPMH - Workstream mandate Workstream title • 3rd sector partnerships Clinical lead • n/a Rethink lead • Clare Morris Executive sponsor • Rebecca Hulme / Sarah Jones Workstream lead • Dan Mobbs Workstream objectives To develop a broader strategic approach to working with the 3rd sector joined up between NHS and CCG partners. Core team • Jonathan Stanley, Stuart Bell GYW Mind, CindeeCrehan Momentum, Andrea Bell ADHD Norfolk, Kirsty Pitcher Benjamin Foundation Other key contributors • Wider 3rd sector organisations • End Feb – Agree process and membership of initial group; confirm mandate • 5th March – Voluntary Sector Forum for Children and Young People • March / April – 3 x meetings • Meeting 1: Define scope / refresh problem statement, share current approaches in system and best practice from elsewhere, agree objectives and core elements of model, identify other key stakeholders • Meeting 2: share emerging model; identify resource implications • Meeting 3: Finalise recommended model, confirm resources and other implications • May – Share proposed 3rd sector model with Executive Sponsor group for decision to pause or progress to implementation Milestones (Feb – May)

  9. Wider engagement • Vision for integrated children’s services • Communications and engagement: how can we keep voluntary sector partners informed and engaged? RETHINK PARTNERS

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