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Beyond Search : Evolving Strategies for an Emerging Ecosystem

Beyond Search : Evolving Strategies for an Emerging Ecosystem. Mike Bloxham Ball State University Center for Media Design. Steve on Search.

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Beyond Search : Evolving Strategies for an Emerging Ecosystem

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Beyond Search:Evolving Strategies for an Emerging Ecosystem Mike Bloxham Ball State University Center for Media Design

  2. Steve on Search “On the desktop search is where it’s at; that’s where the money is. But on mobile devices search hasn’t happened. Search is not where it’s at, people are not searching on mobile devices like they do on desktops.” WRONG

  3. Evolution of Search Tools • Not extinction of pre-existing tools • Not creation of new behaviors • Different tools for navigation • Growing significance of smaller tools • Recommendation / Referral engines (e.g. Amazon) • Sharing (e.g. ShareThis) • Social Networks • Consumer-generated content + WOM • Creative discovery (e.g. Stumble Upon)

  4. What about the 800lb Gorilla?

  5. What about the 800lb Gorilla? Manual channel change to TV program guide to widgets and more • Over the next few years TV is set to become much more like the web and the range of content and functions available to viewers will expand considerably How will we respond to these changes and the opportunities they present?

  6. Fundamentals of Human Behavior We are hard-wired to seek out information The only thing that’s new is the way we do it.

  7. The Evolution of Context Moving beyond search in its “primitive” stage Develop strategies and tactics for using those tools to move beyond narrow perspective

  8. Are You Adapting? The relevance and success of these various tools are rooted in the human behavior that defines the need for their existence. Success will be dependent on management’s willingness and ability to gain and act upon a deep understanding of the evolving attitudes, motivations, needs and behaviors of users.

  9. Transmedia Discovery Coherent strategy Communication style Cross-platform Context Considerations Consumer Satisfaction • User Experience • Utility (What’s Innit For Me?)

  10. Imagine… A world without search engines • What’s left? • What would you do? • What type of content do you share? • How would you position your content? • Entice people to refer, recommend and share the content • On what basis would you allocate budget? • What constitutes ROI?

  11. The Challenge

  12. Thank you. Questions? Abuse?

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