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Keeping WV Babies Safe and Sound

Keeping WV Babies Safe and Sound. Learning Objectives. Today we will… Identify the issues surrounding infant sleep and abusive head trauma nationally and in WV Learn how to deliver and reinforce campaign messages Explore practices to prevent infant deaths in WV. Campaign Overview.

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Keeping WV Babies Safe and Sound

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  1. Keeping WV Babies Safe and Sound

  2. Learning Objectives Today we will… • Identify the issues surrounding infant sleep and abusive head trauma nationally and in WV • Learn how to deliver and reinforce campaign messages • Explore practices to prevent infant deaths in WV

  3. Campaign Overview Our Babies: Safe and Sound focuses on two issues: • Infant Safe Sleep • Shaken Baby/Abusive Head Trauma Prevention • Overall Goal: Help prevent injury and death of WV Infants

  4. Campaign Overview Campaign themes: • Say YES to Safe Sleep • Keep Your Cool When Baby Cries

  5. Campaign Overview Target Audiences: • expectant parents • parents of infants under age of one • other caregivers of infants under age of one • general public (through the media) • special emphasis regarding keeping your cool when baby cries targeted to young fathers & other adult males

  6. Campaign Supporters Our Babies: Safe and Sound is a project of the TEAM for WV Children, with support from: • Funders: WVDHHR/Children’s Trust Fund/Benedum • Advisory Panel of Experts • Parents • Media consultation • WV Broadcasters Association

  7. Campaign Advisory Panel • An advisory panel of members with experience, knowledge and interest from the child health and welfare fields was formed to help guide the campaign. • Members represent state government, the faith-based community, hospitals, pediatricians, community organizations and parents.

  8. Campaign Tools • Brochures and Posters • 60 second DVDs • 5 minute video on Say Yes to Safe Sleep • Say Yes to Safe Sleep Pledge Card • Erasable white boards • TV and radio spots • Resource Guide for Community Partners • Say Yes to Safe Sleep Training Module – New! • Website: www.safesoundbabies.com

  9. The Importance of Saying YES to Infant Safe Sleep • Suffocation & strangulation in an adult bed or other unsafe sleeping surface is the leading cause of injury-related death for WV infants under age 1 • Risk of sleeping-related infant death is 40 times higher for babies who sleep in adult beds compared to babies who sleep in their own cribs

  10. The Importance of Saying YES to Infant Safe Sleep • Data from WV Child Fatality Review Team shows: • Of 33 deaths attributed to SUIDs in 2010 • Bed sharing/co-sleeping was a factor in 16 deaths • Hazardous bedding was a factor in 21 deaths • Leading cause of death age 1-12 months in WV

  11. Say YES to Safe Sleep Messages • AAP: Put your baby’s bed near where you sleep – within arm’s reach – to make it easier to breastfeed and bond with baby • Babies should sleep alone in a crib (bassinet or portable crib) on their back at every bedtime & naptime • Don’tplace babies to sleep on adult beds, chairs, sofas, waterbeds, or cushions • Babies should not sleep with anyone else

  12. AAP Expanded Recommendations • 2011 AAP Expanded Policy Statement does not recommend any specific bed sharing situations as safe • Room sharing without bed sharing is recommended • There is evidence that this arrangement decreases the risk of SIDS by as much as 50%

  13. Say YES to Safe Sleep Messages • Babies should sleep in a smoke-free area • Babies should have only 3 layers: diaper, sleeper, light blanket – there should be no loose blankets • There should be no bumper pads, stuffed animals, or toys, or loose blankets in the crib • The crib should be in good condition and safe (no drop-down side cribs): www.cpsc.gov • Breastfeed your baby • Tell others: Say Yes to Safe Sleep

  14. AAP Expanded Recommendations • Avoid alcohol and illicit drug use during pregnancy and after birth* • Consider offering a pacifier at nap time and bed time* • Do not use home monitors as a strategy for reducing the risk of SIDS* * New Level A - 2011 AAP Recommendations

  15. The Importance of Keeping Your Cool • Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) & Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) • Crying recognized as key trigger for SBS/AHT • Shaking often occurs when a frustrated caregiver loses control with an inconsolable crying baby • Key is not the crying, but caregiver’s response to crying • Prolonged inconsolable crying bouts occur in completely normal developing infants

  16. The Importance of Keeping Your Cool • As many as 4,000 incidents of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) reported annually • Most frequently, SBS is reported for babies approximately 2 months of age • Fathers responsible for half of SBS incidents; adding boyfriends & other male caregivers, males account for over two-thirds of reported cases

  17. Keep Your Cool Messages • It is normal for babies to cry, even for long periods of time; crying is how babies talk to you • If you feel like you’re going to lose control, have a plan in advance • Step away, right away • Take a deep breath & count to 10 • Put baby in crib, and let her cry alone for a few minutes

  18. Keep Your Cool Messages • Call a friend/relative for support • Give your pediatrician a call • Never, ever shake a baby! It can cause brain damage/death; take action if you suspect a baby has been shaken – call a medical professional or 911 IMMEDIATELY • Tell others to keep their cool!

  19. The Period of PURPLE Crying • Evidence-based skill building program www.dontshake.org • Uses a Triple Dose Strategy • Dose 1: Maternity Wards • Dose 2: Post-Natal Reinforcement • Dose 3: Public Education & Media Campaign • Tools include DVD and booklet for each parent

  20. The Period of PURPLE Crying Peak of Crying Unexpected Resists Soothing Pain-like Face Long-Lasting Evening Crying

  21. The Period of PURPLE Crying • 4 Pilot Sites in WV hospitals through AAP-WV • CAMC Women’s and Children’s • Cabell-Huntington • Ruby – WVU • Davis Memorial • Deliver 1/3 of WV Babies each year! New interest areas: Wheeling, Lewisburg, Point Pleasant, and Parkersburg

  22. CLICK FOR BABIES • Collaborative national effort between National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome and 7 states, including WV • Grassroots campaign invites knitters to make purple colored baby caps which will be delivered to families in November and December with PURPLE materials. • www.CLICKfor babies.org

  23. How Can You Help? Join the Campaign Today! • It is free and easy! • Become a community partner & carry campaign messages to your families by visiting the campaign website: www.safesoundbabies.com • View videos, download & print individual copies of materials, order bulk materials, find additional resources

  24. Q & A • What additional information do you need? • What experiences have you had? • What ideas do you have about how campaign materials can be used? Thank You!

  25. For More Information: Jim McKay State Coordinator Prevent Child Abuse WV http://www.safesoundbabies.com Email: jim@teamwv.org Twitter: @TEAM4WVChildren Phone: 1-866-4KIDSWV

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