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Kontraception U-kursus 2014. Kresten R. Petersen overlæge, dr.med Gynækologisk-obstetrisk afd. Odense Universitetshospital. Disposition. Kontraception i forskellige aldersgrupper med særlig vægt på de unge og de ”gamle”. Medicinske fordele ved kontraception.
KontraceptionU-kursus2014 Kresten R. Petersen overlæge, dr.med Gynækologisk-obstetrisk afd. Odense Universitetshospital
Disposition • Kontraception i forskellige aldersgrupper med særlig vægt på de unge og de ”gamle”. • Medicinske fordele ved kontraception
Legal abortions/1000 w. in Denmark 1975-2012 • StatensSeruminstitut2014
Antal tilfælde af Klamydia T. i Danmark 1994-2011 Statens Seruminstitut
Use of contraception in women seeking legal abortion - 00 Rasch et al: Human Reprod 2007;22:1320-6
Contraceptive efficacy - % women pregnant during first year Hatcher RA, et al ContraceptiveTechnology: NineteenthRevised Edition. New York NY: Ardent Media, 2007
De unge • Ca 50 % bruger p-piller • Dårlig compliance • Glemmer tabletterne • Generet af bivirkninger
Discontinuation of OCs Rosenberg, Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;179:577
Side effects Weight gain Health problems/risk Not natural Forgot to take No need for contr. 24 % 8 % 16 % 5 % 5 % 30 % Discontinuation of OCEuropean study Skouby. Eur J Contracep Reprod Health 2004;9:57
Discontinuation of OC during first 6 months – American study Bleeding irreg. Nausea Weight gain Mood changes Breast tenderness Headaches Method related No need for contr. 12 % 7 % 5 % 5 % 4 % 4 % 14% 23 % Rosenberg, Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;179:577
Ring and patches Patches: 20 mcg EE + 150 NGT 3 x1 w.patch 1 w without Pearlsindex < 1.5 Continoususe Rings 15 mcg EE + 120 ETO 3 w.ring 1 w without Pearlsindex < 1 Canberemoved for 3 h Same contraindications as OCs
Common questions.Can the ring be felt ?? • 87 % of the women never/seldomly felt the ring during intercourse • 74% of the partners never/seldomly felt the ring during intercourse • 5% considered it a problem Dieben et al. Obstet Gynecol 2002;100:585-93
Etonorgestrel implantContraceptive effect - 3 y • At registration • 73429 cykles • Nopregnancies • Latestpost marketing report*: • 218 pregnancies in 205.000 insertions • 13 directlymethodrelated Harrison. Contraception 2005;71:306
DepoProvera • 150 mg MPA given i.m. every 3 months • Pearlsindex far below 1 • Wellsuited for womenwithquestionablecompliance
Whatabout Cupper IUDs ???? Mode of action: Foreingbodyreaction in endometrium Cu ions aretoxic to spermatozooes Reduced fertilisation Main concerns: Decreasedfertility due to PID Increasedmenstrual flow and pain
Proportion of women with tubal infertility, non-tubal infertility and fertile women who had used IUDs Hubacher. N Engl J Med 2004;345:561-67
1 year clinical performance of OCs and LNG-IUDs in nullips – a randomized study Suhonen. Contraception2004:69:407-12
Særlige hensyn • Konkurerende medicinske sygdomme (adipositas, DM, hypertension,cancer) • Gynækologiske tilstande (fibromer, blødningsforstyrrelser)
WHO – medical eligibility for contraceptive use 2004 The eligibility was graded in four categories: 1: OCs can be used in any circumstances 2: OCs can generally be used 3: OCs not usually recommended unless other more appropriate methods are not available or not acceptable 4: OCs should not be used
WHO – medical eligibility for oral contraceptive use - Smoking: Age < 35 y Age > 35 y. Light Heavy (>20 cig/day 2 3 4
WHO – medical eligibility for oral contraceptive use - Headache • Mild • Severe (recurrent incl. Migraene without focal neurological sympt). • With focal neurological sympt 1 2 4
Onlyonerisk factor allowed • Age > 35 • Smoking • Obesity • Varicoseveins • Mild hypertension • DM withoutcomplications • Migraine
Non contraceptive effects of EE+Progestogen methods Positive: Bleeding disturbances, endometriosis, dysmenore, hirsutism, ovarian cysts, endometrial- and ovarian cancer Negative: Vascular disease
OCs and reprod. cancerRCGP: 46.000 w recr. from 1968-69 1.083.000 w. years Hannaford.BMJ 2007:335:651-9
Ovarian cancer and oral contraceptivesCollaborative Group onEpidemiological Studies of Ovarian CancerLancet 2008;371:303-14 • 45 epidemiological studies from21 countries • 23257 women with ovarian cancer. • 87303 controls without ovarian cancer • Median age of cancer diagnosis: 56 y. • Median year of diagnosis: 1993 • Average duration of use: 4.4 y (cancer) 5.0 y (controls)
Relative risk of ovarian cancer in everusers. Effect of duration of useNeverusers =1