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Welcome to Green Run Service Unit #692. “Friendships Grow Stronger in GREEN RUN!!”. Goals. To provide New and Experienced Leaders with necessary information To introduce the contact persons in Green Run To explain the Green Run Service Team Structure
Welcome to Green RunService Unit #692 “Friendships Grow Stronger in GREEN RUN!!”
Goals • To provide New and Experienced Leaders with necessary information • To introduce the contact persons in Green Run • To explain the Green Run Service Team Structure • To Inform New and experienced leaders about Green Run Service Unit Expectations
Your Service Team Goals • The goal of the Service Team is to help guide, and assist new and experienced leaders • Plan the Service Unit functions • Operate the SU monthly Leader Meetings • Keep leaders informed about upcoming events and projects
Recruitment MangerMichele Atwell • Responsible for recruiting girls and leaders as well as helping troops secure meeting locations. • Service Term Members under Michele are: - Registrar/ Troop Organization Coordinator: Teri Boley, who is responsible for processing all girls and adult registrations as well as placing girls in troops. - Recruiters – Anyone that is willing to attend recruitments and assist with programs and set up.
Program and Training Manager-Taylor Engstrom • Overseas all programs on troop and service unit level. Processes all trip paperwork. Attend recruitments regularly and plans programs for the recruitments. Serves as the Service Unit event mentor. Offers program aid to all leaders.
Program and Training • Service Unit Team under Taylor are: - Event Mentor: Kristine Bentz - Daisy and Brownie Mentors: Jennifer Wartmann and Ruthann Sulik - Junior/ Cadet's/ Studio 2B Mentor: Teri Boley leaders or volunteers who visit troop meetings to ensure that the program goals are being met for each age level. Mentors are there to answer any question you might have as well as offer conflict resolution.
Program and Training • Service Unit Camp Coordinator- Jennifer Tatro leader or volunteer who will form to committee for SU encampment planning and makes sure all troop camp and SU camp paperwork is processes and approved through council. Helps troops secure campsites.
Cont. Program & TrainingTaylor Engstrom • Girl Advisory Board Coordinator. – Amber Parks Responsible for organizing girl input, involvement, and evaluation for service unit events, activities, and encampments according to service unit plan of work.
Finance Manager – Jennifer Tatro • Overseas anything and everything to do with money. Helps troops set up bank accounts, processes budgets and reviews financial reports.
Count. Finance Manager Jennifer Tatro • Service Unit Teams Members under Jennifer are: - Food Drive and Parade Chair- Stacey Bowlen- mobilizes and organized troops to participate in Girl Scout “Helping Hands” Food Drive. Also, • Family Partnership Chair– Tania Campbell- This position implements the service unit Family Partnership Campaign: collaborates with leader support team members to support service unit and council goals and plans.
Cont. Finance MangerJennifer Tatro • Community Relation Coordinator – Dianna Fogel- • Promotes local coverage of Girl Scouting, council activities and troop/Juliette activities within service unit; initiates and maintains media contacts and serves as community relations liaison between service unit and council communications director; collaborates with VST (Volunteer Support Team) members to support service unit and council goals and plans.
Cont. Finance ManagerJennifer Tatro • Product Sales Coordinator- Jennifer Tatro -Responsible for both Fall Product and Cookie Sales. Will offer training and overseas troops during product sales as well as help process all final paperwork. Cookie Booth Coordinator- Sue Koba -Will secure locations for booth sales as well as send thank you letters after end of sale. Secretary/ Treasurer – Wendy McMurry -Responsible for taking minutes of all meetings as well as maintaining the SU checkbook and financial report.
Who Do I Ask When I Have A Problem With……..? How Your Service Team Can Help You!
How do I get a troop bank account? I’m gong to collect troop dues, how much should they be? Talk to your Finance Manager –Jennifer Tatro Questions About Finances:
How do I get more girls in my troop? My daughter has a friend who wants to join our troop, what do I need to do? Talk to your Recruitment Manager- Michele Atwell Questions About Recruitment
I am a new troop leader and I am not sure how to get started. What should I do for my first Meeting? Talk to your mentors: Daisy/ Brownies - Jennifer Wartmann and Ruthann Sulik Junior and above- Teri Boley Program and Training Manager Taylor Engstrom Questions About Troop Meetings
Who do I talk to about selling cookies? Answer: your product chair coordinator. Who do I talk to about my troop going camping? Answer: the Camp Coordinator We want to go on a trip what form do I need to fill out? Answer: ask your program Manager I need a place to meet who do I ask? Answer: the Recruitment Manager I have a problem with a parent/ girl in my troop. Answer: Talk to your Program Manager What trainings do I need? Answer: Talk to your program Manage. Misc. Questions:
The Green Run Website • www.freewebs.com/greenrun • User name is daisy and password is brownie
Why does my troop need to use the website? • You can fill out and submit trip forms online. • You can find contact information for Service Unit Team members as well as other troops. • You can find dates and locations for events to keep your troop involved. • All the necessary forms are there for you to download, fill out and print.
Can My Troop Have a Website? • YES!! You can! • www.freewebs.com offers a great forum for creating fast and easy websites for FREE!!!
Can My Troop Have a Website? Cont. • However, there are some Agreements you follow…….. - No First or Last names of anyone, you can use Jane D., but not the full name. • Never list the names of the girls! • DO NOT Post any Pictures of the girls! • Do not put Exact location information! For EX. Do not put troop meets 5 pm on Wednesday at Green Run Elm. You can put- Troop Meets Wednesday 5pm
All Leaders and Co-Leaders are requested to have: • 1. Orientation/ Quickstarts- Online and with Program Manager • 2. Leader Essentials • 3. Troop Paperwork and Trip Planning • 4. CPR/ First Aid- Classroom Only! • 5. Camp Training- Outdoor I- Cabin Camping-using charcoal. Outdoor II- Tent Camping with fire • All online trainings are offered through the Green Run Website under the Training tab. • Council wants you to have your training within the first 6 months of volunteering. You need to have #1 done before your first meeting with girls! To get point for the Report card we require you to have it within 2 months you started volunteering.
Basic Forms • In the next few slides you will see some basic forms you need to get your troop up and running. • Please just look over them. The forms you see will be the forms you will be using the most throughout your Girl Scout Year
As a Troop Leader in Green RunYou Are Encouraged To: • Attend Leader meetings on the FIRST Monday of every month. • Take necessary trainings. • Attend SU events with your troop AND participate in planning you assigned event. • Fill out and submit trip paperwork at 2 WEEKS prior to your trip. • Participate in product sales • Participate in SU fundraisers • Let your troop know about EVERYTHING! Even though you may not be able to personally attend, please invite your girls and parents to come!
Leader MeetingWhat to expect at a Leader Meeting • At each meeting you will be broken down by age groups and assigned to a table. • You will participate in the folder activity. • You will follow a specified agenda. • You will be able to get all the information you need for the month, • Most importantly- you will be able to meet and greet with people just like you! Those people that volunteer their time to make a difference in our community and in girls lives.
Containment As Girl Scouts we are know got our reputation as impeccable citizens and we would like that reflected in everything we say and do. Therefore, we ask each leader to please treat sensitive issues with the utmost care. If you have a problem or just need to “get it out” please Feel free to talk to your Managers or Membership Specialist. We will follow in councils footsteps by adhearing to the 4 agreements.
The 4 Agreements: • Be impeccable with your word: Impeccability of the word can lead you to personal freedom, to huge success and abundance; it can take away all fear and transform it into joy and love. You can attain much from this ONE agreement. When you speak with integrity, and say exactly what you mean, you are impeccable with your word; you feel good, you feel happy and at peace.
2. Don’t take anything personally: Personal importance, or taking Things personally is the maximum expression of selfishness because we make the assumption that everything is about “ME”. When you defend you belief’s and create conflicts. You Make something big out of something little, because you have the need to be right and make everybody else wrong. NOTHING OTHER PEOPLE DO IS BECAUSE OF YOU. It is because of themselves. All people live in their own world from the one you live in.
3. Don’t make assumptions: We make assumptions about what others are doing or thinking, we take it personally, and then we blame them. And react by sending emotional poison with our word. The way to keep Yourself from making assumptions is to ask questions. Make sure the communication is clear. If you don’t understand, ask. Have the courage to ask questions until you are clear as you can be. Once you hear answer, you will not have to make assumptions because you will know the truth.
4. Always do your best: Expressing what you are is taking action. You can have many great ideas in your head, but what makes the DIFFERENCE is the actions. Without action upon an idea, there will be NO manifestation, no results, and no reward. When you always do your best, you take action. Doing your best is taking action because you love it, not because you’re expecting a reward. Most people do exactly the opposite: They only take action when they exactly Reward, and they don’t enjoy the action.
Keep your attention to today, and stay in the moment, Just live one day at a time, Always do you best to keep these agreements and soon it will be east for you. Today is the beginning of a new way of living.
If your assigned a sister troop, it will be your job to help guide and assist the leader/s of you sister troop. Help them get acquainted within the SU and include them in on activities, or give them suggestions on what they might do. Please remember you are a sister to every Girl Scout and this is a great way to encourage the girls to do just that. Sister Troops • A Sister Troop is a pair of troops that work together. They may meet separately, but they will come together to go on outings, or do a service project. • This year troops that have been in the service Unit for 2 years will be paired with up and coming troops. • Your sister troop may or may not be the same grade level.
Question and Answer Time Please write down any questions, along with the questions below and bring them to your quickstart training. Please Answer the following questions: What did you learn from this presentation? Do you feel like you understand Green Run Service Unit, and who to contact if you need help? What do you need to do before your first meeting?