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ŠKOLA: Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434 NÁZEV PROJEKTU: Šablony – Gymnázium Tanvald
ŠKOLA: Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434 NÁZEV PROJEKTU: Šablony – Gymnázium Tanvald ČÍSLO ŠABLONY: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT AUTOR: Zora Pavlištová TEMATICKÁ OBLAST: Anglický jazyk NÁZEV DUMu: Doplňování textu 2 POŘADOVÉ ČÍSLO DUMu: 19 KÓD DUMu: ZP_AJ4.R_19 DATUM TVORBY: 31.8.2013 ANOTACE (ROČNÍK): DUM procvičuje porozumění textu, odhadování děje a používání vhodné slovní zásoby nebo gramatických tvarů doplňováním chybějících slov do daného textu.. METODICKÝ POKYN: Studenti se nejdříve seznámí s 25 chybějícími výrazy uvedenými v abecedním pořadí. Na následujících snímcích se snaží text doplňovat větu po větě. Snímky jsou časovány po 15 vteřinách a po tomto časovém úseku se na dalším snímku objeví text s doplněným správným slovem do dané věty. Cvičení lze provádět ústně – studenti čtou (jednotlivě) text po úsecích, ve kterých vždy doplní jedno slovo, následně pak mohou doplnit celý text najednou (snímek 4) jako procvičení/test písemnou formou. Na posledním snímku je celý text doplněný, původně chybějící slova jsou zvýrazněna.
These 25 words are missing in thefollowing text (what do youthinkitwillbeabout?). Readthemcarefully and make sureyouunderstandtheirmeanings. Thatwillhelpyou to completethe text withthem. • at • by • can • cereal • eat • fat • fit • from • full • good • healthily • hunger • instead • keeps • lose • most • nothing • rich • slim • source • tired • trying • vitamin • weight • when
Readone sentence afteranother and alwaysfill in the gap. Thefollowingslidewill show youtherightword to havebeenfilled.
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to get ________. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to ________ weight. Whatweeatshouldkeepus ________ and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyone ________ feelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to ________ smallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( ________, dizziness and confusion). Eating ________ allday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are ________ to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselves ________ doingthis. Breakfastisthe ________ importantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more ________. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwater ________. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysuffer ________ headaches. Youshould drink ________ least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to ________ weight. Whatweeatshouldkeepus ________ and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyone ________ feelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to ________ smallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( ________, dizziness and confusion). Eating ________ allday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are ________ to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselves ________ doingthis. Breakfastisthe ________ importantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more ________. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwater ________. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysuffer ________ headaches. Youshould drink ________ least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepus ________ and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyone ________ feelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to ________ smallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( ________, dizziness and confusion). Eating ________ allday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are ________ to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselves ________ doingthis. Breakfastisthe ________ importantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more ________. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwater ________. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysuffer ________ headaches. Youshould drink ________ least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyone ________ feelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to ________ smallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( ________, dizziness and confusion). Eating ________ allday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are ________ to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselves ________ doingthis. Breakfastisthe ________ importantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more ________. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwater ________. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysuffer ________ headaches. Youshould drink ________ least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to ________ smallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( ________, dizziness and confusion). Eating ________ allday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are ________ to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselves ________ doingthis. Breakfastisthe ________ importantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more ________. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwater ________. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysuffer ________ headaches. Youshould drink ________ least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( ________, dizziness and confusion). Eating ________ allday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are ________ to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselves ________ doingthis. Breakfastisthe ________ importantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more ________. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwater ________. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysuffer ________ headaches. Youshould drink ________ least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating ________ allday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are ________ to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselves ________ doingthis. Breakfastisthe ________ importantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more ________. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwater ________. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysuffer ________ headaches. Youshould drink ________ least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are ________ to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselves ________ doingthis. Breakfastisthe ________ importantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more ________. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwater ________. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysuffer ________ headaches. Youshould drink ________ least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselves ________ doingthis. Breakfastisthe ________ importantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more ________. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwater ________. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysuffer ________ headaches. Youshould drink ________ least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthe ________ importantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more ________. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwater ________. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysuffer ________ headaches. Youshould drink ________ least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more ________. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwater ________. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysuffer ________ headaches. Youshould drink ________ least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-fatbreakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more ________. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwater ________. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysuffer ________ headaches. Youshould drink ________ least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-fatbreakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, orcereal. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more ________. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwater ________. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysuffer ________ headaches. Youshould drink ________ least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-fatbreakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, orcereal. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more tired. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwater ________. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysuffer ________ headaches. Youshould drink ________ least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-fatbreakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, orcereal. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more tired. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwaterinstead. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysuffer ________ headaches. Youshould drink ________ least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-fatbreakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, orcereal. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more tired. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwaterinstead. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysufferfromheadaches. Youshould drink ________ least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-fatbreakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, orcereal. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more tired. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwaterinstead. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysufferfromheadaches. Youshould drink at least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. ________ C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-fatbreakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, orcereal. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more tired. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwaterinstead. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysufferfromheadaches. Youshould drink at least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. Vitamin C isextremelyimportant. It ________ ushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-fatbreakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, orcereal. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more tired. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwaterinstead. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysufferfromheadaches. Youshould drink at least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. Vitamin C isextremelyimportant. Itkeepsushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-fatbreakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, orcereal. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more tired. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwaterinstead. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysufferfromheadaches. Youshould drink at least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. Vitamin C isextremelyimportant. Itkeepsushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most importantsourceof vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-fatbreakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, orcereal. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more tired. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwaterinstead. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysufferfromheadaches. Youshould drink at least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. Vitamin C isextremelyimportant. Itkeepsushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most importantsourceof vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are allrich in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eat ________ and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-fatbreakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, orcereal. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more tired. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwaterinstead. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysufferfromheadaches. Youshould drink at least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. Vitamin C isextremelyimportant. Itkeepsushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most importantsourceof vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are allrich in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eathealthily and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeel ________ ofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-fatbreakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, orcereal. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more tired. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwaterinstead. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysufferfromheadaches. Youshould drink at least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. Vitamin C isextremelyimportant. Itkeepsushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most importantsourceof vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are allrich in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eathealthily and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeelfullofenergy. Losing ________ is not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-fatbreakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, orcereal. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more tired. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwaterinstead. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysufferfromheadaches. Youshould drink at least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. Vitamin C isextremelyimportant. Itkeepsushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most importantsourceof vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are allrich in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eathealthily and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeelfullofenergy. Losingweightis not important. Thesecretisthat ________ youfeelgood, youlook ________!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-fatbreakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, orcereal. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more tired. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwaterinstead. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysufferfromheadaches. Youshould drink at least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. Vitamin C isextremelyimportant. Itkeepsushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most importantsourceof vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are allrich in vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eathealthily and youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeelfullofenergy. Losingweightis not important. Thesecretisthatwhenyoufeelgood, youlookgood!
TheUltimateEnergy When most ofusheartheword ´diet´, weimmediatelythinkabouttrying to getslim. However, a diet shouldbeabout more than just trying to loseweight. Whatweeatshouldkeepusfit and healthy and make usfeelenergetic. Withtherighteatingplan, anyonecanfeelgreat. Oneofthebestways to keepyourenergylevelshighis to eatsmallsnacksfrequentlythroughouttheday. Havingseverallightmealskeepsyourbloodsugarat a healthylevel and stopsyoufromexperiencingthesymptomsoflow-bloodsugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eatingnothingallday and thenhaving a largeeveningmealwill not only make youfeelexhausted but also make yougainweight. Peoplewho are trying to lose weightoften miss breakfast. They are not makinglifeeasyforthemselvesbydoingthis. Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday, and withoutityour body will not workproperly. Eating a small, low-fatbreakfastwillgiveyoutheenergy and nutrientsyouneed to getthroughthemorning. Tryfreshfruit, juice, toast and honey, orcereal. Although many ofus drink coffee to ´keepourselvesawake´, caffeine (whichis in coffee, tea and fizzydrinks) actuallymakesuseven more tired. Nexttimeyoureachforthecoffeemachine, stop, and have a glassofwaterinstead. Without plenty ofwater, youwillfeelexhausted and maysufferfromheadaches. Youshould drink at least fiveglassesofwatereveryday – your body needsit. Vitamin C isextremelyimportant. Itkeepsushealthy and helpsourblood to absorb iron and calcium. The most importantsourceof vitamin C isfreshfruit and vegetables, so youshouldeat a variety of these everyday. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are allrichin vitamin C, and delicious, too! Itdoesn´ttake much effort to eathealthilyand youwillsoonfeelthebenefits. Theright diet will make youfeelfullofenergy. Losingweightis not important. Thesecretisthatwhenyoufeelgood, youlookgood!
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