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Stress, Workload and Job Control. An OHS issue An issue for unions An issue for action. Stress, Workload and Job Control. What are the main causes of stress in your workplace?. Stress, Workload and Job Control. What is stress?
Stress, Workload and Job Control • An OHS issue • An issue for unions • An issue for action ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job Control What are the main causes of stress in your workplace? ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job Control What is stress? The harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury (NIOSH, 1999). ACTU
Lack of job control Poor communication Bullying Too much work Long hours and bad rosters Job insecurity and uncertainty Inadequate resources Unrealistic expectations Poor performance monitoring Stress, Workload and Job Control What causes stress? ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job ControlReasonable hours are safer hours • Australia - 2nd longest working hours in the developed world and increasing. • Only South Koreans work longer average full-time hours, with decreasing hours. • 25% full time employees not paid for an average 2.7 hours a week each = 400,000 extra jobs. • 1981 - 2000: 76% more people worked more than 45 hours each week, and 94% more worked 50 - 59 hours per week. ACTU
Decision Latitude Stress, Workload and Job Control Demand-Control Model High Control Low Strain Active High Strain Low Control Passive Low High Job Demands ACTU
Lack of job control Ambiguous role Conflicting roles Conflict in the workplace Work overload Insufficient reward Breakdown of community Absence of fairness Stress, Workload and Job ControlWhat produces high strain jobs? ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job Control What does stress do to you? There is no such thing as “good stress” This is called challenge or stimulation ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job Control What does stress do to you? • Health problems • Physical injuries • Psychological effects • Burnout ACTU
Heart disease Autoimmune diseases Ulcers Arthritis Infectious diseases Mental illnesses Sprains and strains Stress, Workload and Job Control What does stress do to you?Health problems ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job Control What does stress do to you? Physical injuries “of all the factors related to the causes of accidents, only one emerged as a common denominator: a high level of stress at the time the accident occurred” International Labour Organisation (ILO) ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job Control What does stress do to you? Psychological effects • Greater use of alcohol and drugs • Depression • Headaches • Absenteeism • Post-traumatic stress disorder ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job Control What does stress do to you? Burnout • Emotional exhaustion and negative attitude • Result of excessive work demands • Affects job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intentions ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job ControlIs stress a problem in Australia? What Australian workers have been saying about the causes and symptoms of stress at work - a brief summary of ACTU surveys of workers from 1997 to 2001 ... ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job ControlIs stress a problem in Australia? 1997 ACTU National OHS campaign and national survey on stress at work (9,912 respondents) ... ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job ControlIs stress a problem in Australia? • 1 in 4 people take time off due to stress at work - mostly using sick or recreational leave • Mostly because of lack of consultation, poor communication, intimidation and bullying by employers, managers and/or supervisors (more than 40%) ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job ControlIs stress a problem in Australia? • 19% reported increased workload as the most stressful condition at work • 42% included increased workload among the three most stressful conditions at work. • Feelings of being overwhelmed, swamped and exhausted by growing workloads and numbers of tasks ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job ControlIs stress a problem in Australia? • Too much work - not enough time in the day to handle same... • Workload is increasing day by day and workers get told at the last minute…. • More and more demands to do a “complete” job but you’re stretched left, right, past capacity…. • A feeling of constantly being ‘snowed under’ as administrative pressures and new curricula initiatives etc increase….. ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job ControlIs stress a problem in Australia? • 38% reported long hours as a problem in their workplace, • 14% named long hours and rostering among the three most stressful conditions at work. ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job ControlIs stress a problem in Australia? • In 55-60 hours per week I only skip the surface of my tasks without time to do my work thoroughly…. • Longer hours expected - no extra pay... • Long hours - take home work frequently…. • Long hours (50+ per week) without [paid] overtime.. Never leaving work on time... • Feeling like a criminal when you want to knock off on time. ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job ControlIs stress a problem in Australia? 2000 ACTU National Health and Safety Campaign - Being bossed around is bad for your health - the workplace is no place for bullying, including public phone in .... ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job ControlIs stress a problem in Australia? • Intimidating behaviour – shouting, ordering, belittling - 87% • Oppressive unhappy workplace - 80% • Fear of speaking up about conditions, behaviours, health and safety etc. - 61% • Abusive language - 58% • Threats of the sack - 52% • Pressure of impossible tasks - 46% • Demands to perform tasks without adequate training - 45% ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job ControlIs stress a problem in Australia? 2001 ACTU National Health and Safety Campaign - reactivate health and safety at work - including national survey of 1,275 workplace health and safety reps ... ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job ControlIs stress a problem in Australia? 17% of males and 28% of females nominated stress as one of the main injuries/illnesses in their workplaces, after back injuries and sprains and strains. ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job ControlIs stress a problem in Australia? • 25% of HSRs say that they have been pressured by the employer/management not to raise health and safety issues • 20% say they have been bullied or intimidated by the employer/management as a result of raising health and safety issues ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job Control What can we do about stress? An employer’s responsibility But an employee’s right ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job Control What can we do about stress? ACTU Reasonable Hours Test Case • Seeks to establish guidelines on excessive hours and unhealthy rostering by considering employees' health and safety, workload and family responsibilities. • The proposed reasonable hours clause provides for additional days of annual leave for employees who work a large number of hours over an extended period. ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job Control What can we do about stress? Organise on the job • Treat stress as any other OHS problem - identify, assess and control • Reasonable working hours and overtime • Better rosters and breaks • Increase job control and autonomy • Stop bullying and harassment • Improve job design • Proper training ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job Control What not to do about stress? Don’t rely on counselling and stress management programs These can be worse than not doing anything at all. ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job Control What can we do about stress? Tools we can use to identify causes of stress • Surveys of the workforce • Body mapping • Workflow mapping • Checklists • What else? ACTU
Stress, Workload and Job Control What can we do about stress? What action can you take about the main cause of stress in your workplace? ACTU