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A Queens Probate Lawyer specializes in supporting clients with wills, trusts, and estate planning. They assist in managing and distributing assets after a person's passing, ensuring the wishes of the deceased are carried out.
4 REASONS WHY ESTATE PLANNING IS IMPORTANT BY QUEENSPROBATE LAWYER www.queens-probatelawyer.com contact@queens-probatelawyer.com
Most people don’t like to talk about estate planning because thinking about death is uncomfortable. However, you should plan for the future to ensure your assets ─houses, cars,orinvestments─aredistributedthewayyouwantthem. Toputitsimply,estate planning includescreatingawillor trust. Withoutanestateplanin place, you could leave your family with a long-lasting and time-consuming burden, which mightcostyoualotmorethanyouthink. Not convinced? Take some time to read these four reasons how estate planning can save yourlovedones’futures.
WHATISESTATEPLANNING? Estate planning is all about passing on your assets or investments from generation to generation. In other words, estate planning is creatingaplanformanaginganddistributingyourassetsafteryour death. It involves deciding who gets your stuff, how, and when. In caseyourkidsareminors,italsoincludesmakingarrangementsfor theircare.
HEREARE4REASONS Estateplanningprotectsyourassets. Estateplanningtakescareofyourlovedones. Estateplanningsavesyourfamilymesses. Estateplanninghelpsyouwithtaxes.
ESTATE PLANNING PROTECTS YOUR ASSETS Estateplanningisoneofthebestwaystoprotectyourassets.Estate planning involves creating legal documents like a will or trust that outlinehowyourassetswillbedividedafteryourdemise.Ifyoudon’t haveanestateplan,yourassetscouldgothroughprobate,whichcan bealongandexpensiveprocess.
ESTATE PLANNING TAKES CARE OF YOUR LOVED ONES Without a question in mind, the future is completely unpredictable. You don’t know what will happen to your spouse or your children after your death. If you have an estate plan in place, you purposely ensure that your loved ones are taken care of in your absence. This includes designating guardians for minors, for example, who will raise your young children. A well-designed estate plan can ease the financial pain for your loved ones duringadifficulttime.
ESTATE PLANNING SAVES YOUR FAMILY MESSES Without a question in mind, the future is completely unpredictable. You don’t know what will happen to your spouse or your children after your death. If you have an estate plan in place, you purposely ensure that your loved ones are taken care of in your absence. This includes designating guardians for minors, for example, who will raise your young children. A well-designed estate plan can ease the financialpainforyourlovedonesduringadifficulttime.
ESTATE PLANNING HELPS YOU WITH TAXES Estateplanningisallaboutreducingthetaxburdenonyourheirs.Inmany cases, estate planning reduces federal and state estate taxes and state inheritance taxes partially or fully. There’s also a way to lower income taxes. Having an estate plan in place helps your assets be passed on to your beneficiaries rather than contributing towards taxes. When you strategically plan your assets using a combination of trusts and tactical accounts,thishelpsdecreasetheoveralltaxburdenonyourlovedones.
THEFINALSAY Insimplewords,QueensProbateLawyerhelpsinestate planningwhichisessentialtosavingyourfamily.Thethought of death can be uncomfortable when we are enjoying our lives.Thisiswhereestateplanningcomesintoplay.Thereare alotofbenefitstoestateplanningforyouandyourfamily. In case you haven’t already engaged in estate planning, you shouldseektheadviceofaqualifiedestateplanninglawyer.In this way, you can make sure your wishes are carried out that youwant.
CONTACTDETAILS Phone:1-718-544-1000 Website: www.queens-probatelawyer.com Email:contact@queens-probatelawyer.com Address:118-21QueensBoulevard,Suite 504ForestHills,NY11375