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Mercantilism is an economic system in which a nation increases its wealth & power by obtaining as much gold & silver as possible and by establishing a favorable balance of trade.
Mercantilism is an economic system in which a nation increases its wealth & power by obtaining as much gold & silver as possible and by establishing a favorable balance of trade. • Colonies provided raw materials and new markets that allowed countries to produce more goods cheaply and markets to sell the goods in to obtain the trade balance desired • They had to use colonial or British ships, crews had to be ¾ colonial or British, could export certain products only to England, goods must be unloaded at an English port • These laws benefited many industries in both England and the colonies that made $ for Britain
3. William and Mary took the British throne from James II in a bloodless coup and Parliament gained supreme power in England • England began focusing on European issues at home and leaving the colonies alone, this policy of salutary neglect continued until the French & Indian War 4. All power began with the British Crown, but there were Royal Governors, colonial assemblies, and councils that shared governing powers within the colonies • Royal Governors – controlled trade, approved laws, appointed by King • Council – highest court, advised governor, appointed by governor • Colonial Assembly – made laws, taxes, elected by eligible colonists
5. Plantation agriculture using a labor force that consists of slaves. • Tobacco, rice, indigo, cotton (after 1793) 6. It was difficult to enslave Native Americans because they were reluctant to learn English labor techniques and it was much easier for them to escape than Africans because they knew the land well and did not stand out like the Africans did 7. Europe, Africa, North/South America • Rum, slaves, sugar, molasses, iron, firearms, gunpowder, tobacco, etc.
8. Africans were not happy being enslaved so they faked illnesses, broke tools, staged work slowdowns, and sometimes openly revolted • Several slaves obtained weapons and attacked several white planter families in S.C. and began marching to Florida, a white militia met them and killed all of the revolting slaves, this led to tighter slave laws throughout the south 9. Farms in the north had several cash crops while southern farms focused on one • Northern economy was more diverse and included grinding wheat, fishing, lumber, shipbuilding, manufacturing, and trade
10. Most were from England but people began to come from Scotland, Ireland & Germany • Most were fleeing economic devastation from European wars, religious freedom, and opportunities to own and farm land 11. Slaves were treated as property and faced many racial prejudices in both north & south • Slaves reacted to their captivity by rebelling in both north & south • Slaves had more legal standing in the north • Slaves in the north worked in mills, factories, shipyards, and in the home while almost all southern slaves worked in the fields
12. A religious movement that aimed to bring many colonists back to the church and help them develop a stronger relationship with God • Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield • A greater diversity of Christian denominations appeared in the colonies and it increased interest in higher education as many colleges were built by church groups 13. The French empire was less populated, it had few towns or permanent settlements, it consisted primarily of single male fur traders, and Catholic missionaries, they also developed a good trading relationship w/ Native Americans
14. The French aided by Native Americans fought Britain aided by the colonists and some Native Americans later in the war • France gained many early victories due to their knowledge of the land and the cowardice of the British troops • Pitt borrowed a great deal of $ and built a very large and strong army as well as convincing several Native American tribes to join them 15. Great Britain – gained land (all of N.A. east of Miss. River), but they acquired a huge debt • France – lost land and much of their influence in North America
Native Americans – lost a valuable trading partner in the French and territory that was once left alone by the French would soon be settled by the colonists 16. The F&I War created a lot of debt for Great Britain. This caused them to abandon their policy of salutary neglect and begin to heavily tax the colonists and have a greater presence of British troops in the colonies. The Proclamation of 1763 prevented colonial expansion to avoid conflicts with Native Americans. This angered the colonists as well and led to further disputes between the 2 sides.