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Unit 12. The Internet. Introduction. Introduction. The Internet (commonly called the Net) is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. Internet Services.
Unit 12 The Internet
Introduction The Internet (commonly called the Net) is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide.
Internet Services Different services are made available on the Internet including: • Email(electronic mail): for sending and receiving messages. • Usenet (User Network) : an internet service that allows users to communicate by means of newsgroups. Groups of users who send and read messages on a particular topic.
Internet Services 3. IRC(Internet relay chat): Chatting to other users using text messages in real-time (immediately, while users are logged on to the system) 4. FTP(file transfer protocol): Copying files between computers on a network. • Downloading • Uploading Copying files from a server computer to a client computer Copying files from a client computer to a server computer
Internet Services 5. Telnet (teletype network): Loggingon to your local server across a network communications system at a distance e.g. from another country. Connecting to a network system account, normally using a password
6. MOOs (Multi-user domain that is Object-Oriented): • MOOs are network accessible, multi-user, programmable , interactive systems well-suited to the construction of text-based adventure games, conferencing systems, and other collaborative software. • Is a text-based online virtual reality system to which multiple users (players) are connected at the same time. • Taking part in simulations in a shared environment. Each person assumes a person and communicates using text messages.
7. WWW (the World Wide Web): • Commonly referred to as the Web. • Contains interlinked documents called webpages. • Awebsiteis a set of related webpages stored together on a server computer. • Browsingmeans moving from one webpage to another.
8. Social Networks: • A social network service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, e.g., who share interests and/or activities. E.g. Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, • A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. • Social network services make it possible to connect people who share interests and activities across political, economic, and geographic borders.
Facebook launched in 2004, has since become the largest social networking site in the world. • Twitter set the trend for "real time" services, where users can broadcast to the world what they are doing, or what is on their minds within a 140 character limit.
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) Computer-mediated communication (CMC) • A term used to describe systems that allow users to communicate using a computer network. Asynchronous Synchronous Participants are not on-line at the same time and there are delays between messages. Participants are on-line at the same time. There may be a few seconds delay but the communication is closer to face-to-face interaction.
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) • Examples of asynchronous communication: • Mobile phone text messages. • Emails. • Bulletin boards. • newsgroups/discussion lists. • Examples of synchronous communication: • Chat rooms. • MOOs. • Audio and videoconferencing.
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) • Videoconferencing: a form of communication over a network that uses video cameras so that the people taking part can see and hear each other.
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) • With the exception of videoconferencing, there is no way to show facial expressions and emotions in text-based CMC systems. • To compensate, users have developed a number of strategies including: • Abbreviations and acronyms. E.g. LOL, BRB. • Simplified syntax. E.g. C U L8R. • Symbols and exclamation marks. E.gYeeeees!! • Emoticons: symbols indicating emotions. E.g. :-(
Internet Service Provider (ISP) • Most users connect to the internet using a modem. • Modem (modulator-demodulator) is an electronic device that converts signals to enable a computer to be connected to an ordinary telephone line thru a server and a router owned by an ISP (Internet service provider). • ISP is a company that offers its customers access to the Internet. • ISPs employ a range of data transmission technologies to enable customers to connect to the internet, such as dial-up, DSL, cable modem, satellite Internet access, fiber to the home (FTTH). • ISP also provide help and support services to its customers.
Internet Service Provider (ISP) To attract users to connect through their system, ISPs offer various options including: • Unlimited number of email addresses with filtering of email to remove Junkemail(unwanted email normally advertising or trying to sell something). • Web-based mail allows users to access their email form any computer with Internet access. • POP3 email requires a special email program. It is faster and more efficient.
Internet Service Provider (ISP) 4. Unlimited Web space for setting up your own website and viruses checking facilities for checking your computer files to detect programs written with the purpose of causing damage or causing a computer to behave in an unusual way. Web space file storage space for storing webpage files a set of related pages stored on a server on the world wide web. Website
1 Starter
Starter 1 • D • G • B • C • F • A • e
2 Reading
Language Work: Warnings Warnings are used to: • Ensure safety. • Prevent damage to equipment and breaches of security. • Ensure the law is not broken.
Language Work: Warnings -1- The simplest warning are basic instructions NOT to do something: • Don’t do X • Never do X • Avoid Xing • No Xing For example: 1- Never give out your home address or phone number. 2- Avoid turning off main power while computer is running. 3- No smoking, eating or drinking at the computer lab.
Language Work: Warnings -2- Sometime the warning is twinned with matching good practice: • Always do Y; never do X. • Do Y rather than doing X. For example: 1- Use an IC extraction tool rather than a screwdriver.
Language Work: Warnings -3- Warning may be made stronger by using : • must/must not • should/ should not. For example: 1- You must not drink coffee in this lab. If you spill it you may damage the keyboard.
Language Work: Warnings -4- If there is any reason to fear the warning may not be understood, a reason for the warning may be added. For example: 1- Never remove ICs with a screwdriver. The pins are very fragile.
Where might you see these warning ? Language Work: Warnings • Advice for using IRC. • Chassis of computer (Computer case). • Computer handbook. (Computer Manual). • Data protection Act. • Computer lab notice. • Technician’s handbook.
4 Language Work
Avoid giving open access to PCs because you may get viruses. • Never use your own programs on these machines. You may introduce viruses. • You must not drink coffee in this lab. If you spill it you may damage the keyboard. • Don’t give financial information in a chat rom. Some one may try to cheat you. • Always keep your password a secret. Someone may hack in to your system. • Use up to date antivirus software. New viruses appear all the time.
7. Always wait until a computer has reached normal room temperature before using it or you may damage the hard disk. 8. Never remove cards from there anti-static packing until required. Otherwise you may damage them. • Use an IC extraction tool rather than a screwdriver. The pins are fragile. 10. You must not work on a computer with the power on because you may be electrocuted.
6 Problem Solving
Problem Solving • 24 seven. • Broadband 2 • Broadband 1 • Pay As You Go
Specialist Reading – Part A • Line 9 • Line 12 • Line 13 • One • Line 28 • Line 35 • Line 45 • Line 52