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CSA4080: Adaptive Hypertext Systems II. Topic 4: User Modelling. Dr. Christopher Staff Department of Computer Science & AI University of Malta. Aims and Objectives. Short history of User Modelling In CSA3080 we covered some of the different approaches to user modelling...
CSA4080:Adaptive Hypertext Systems II Topic 4: User Modelling Dr. Christopher Staff Department of Computer Science & AI University of Malta 1 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Aims and Objectives • Short history of User Modelling • In CSA3080 we covered some of the different approaches to user modelling... • Empirical Quantitative vs. Analytical Cognitive • ... and Rich’s taxonomies • Canonical vs. Individual • Explicit vs. Implicit • Long-term vs. Short-term 2 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Aims and Objectives • In this lecture, we’ll cover the implementation approaches to user modelling... • Attribute-Value Pairs • Naïve Bayesian • ... and types of user model... • Overlay, Differential, Perturbation... • ... and capturing user behaviour 3 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
History of User Modelling • UM and its history are linked to the history of user-adaptive systems • Based on the way in which the UM updates its model of the user, the domain in which it is used, and the way the interface is caused to change 4 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
History of User Modelling • For instance, UM + ratings = stereotype/probabilistic recommender system • UM + hypertext + adaptation rules = AHS • UM + user goals + pedagogy + adaptation rules = ITS • UM representation, and how it learns about its users tends to depend on the domain 5 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
History of User Modelling • Focusing on generic user modelling • Has its roots in dialogue systems and philosophy • Need to model the participants to disambiguate referents, model the participants beliefs, etc. • Early systems (pre-mid-1985) had user modelling functionality embedded within other system functionality (e.g., Rich; Allen, Cohen & Perrault) 6 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
History of User Modelling • From 1985, user modelling functionality was performed in a separate module, but not to provide user modelling services to arbitrary systems • So one branch of user modelling focuses on user modelling shell systems 2001-UMUAI-kobsa (UM history).pdf 7 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
History of User Modelling • Although UM has its roots in dialog systems and philosophy, more progress has been made in non-natural language systems and interfaces (PontusJ.pdf) • GUMS (General User Modeling System) first to separate UM functionality from application - 1986 8 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
History of User Modelling • GUMS • Adaptive system developers can define stereotype hierarchies • Prolog facts describe stereotype membership requirements • Rules for reasoning about them 9 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
History of User Modelling • At runtime: • GUMS collects new facts about users using the application system • Verifies consistency • Informs application of inconsistencies • Answers application queries about assumptions about the user 10 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
History of User Modelling • Kobsa, 1990, coins “User Modeling Shell System” • UMT (Brajnik & Tasso, 1994): • Truth maintenance system • Uses stereotypes • Can retract assumptions made about users 11 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
History of User Modelling • BGP-MS (Kobsa & Pohl, 1995) • Beliefs, Goals, and Plans - Maintenance System • Stereotypes, but stored and managed using first-order predicate logic and terminological logic • Can be used as multi-user, multi-application network server 12 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
History of User Modelling • Doppelgänger (Orwant, 1995) • Info about user provided via multi-modal user interface • User model that can be inspected and edited by user 13 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
History of User Modelling • TAGUS (Paiva & Self, 1995) • Also has diagnostic subsystem and library of misconceptions • Predicts user behaviour and self-diagnoses unexpected behaviour • um (Kay, 1995) • Uses attribute-value pairs to represent user • Stores evidence for its assumptions 14 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
History of User Modelling • From 1998 and with the popularisation of the Web, web personalisation grew in the areas of targeted advertising, product recommendations, personalised news, portals, adaptive hypertext systems, etc. 15 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
What might we store in a UM? • Personal characteristics • General interests and preferences • Proficiencies • Non-cognitive abilities • Current goals and plans • Specific beliefs and knowledge • Behavioural regularities • Psychological states • Context of the interaction • Interaction history PontusJ.pdf, ijcai01-tutorial-jameson.pdf 16 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
From where might we get input? • Self-reports on personal characteristics • Self-reports on proficiencies and interests • Evaluations of specific objects • Responses to test items • Naturally occurring actions • Low-level measures of psychological states • Low-level measures of context • Vision and gaze tracking 17 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Techniques for constructing UMs • Attribute-Value Pairs • Machine learning techniques & Bayesian (probabilistic) • Logic-based (e.g.inference techniques or algorithms) • Stereotype-based • Inference rules kules.pdf 18 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Attribute-Value Pairs • e.g., ah2002AHA.pdf • The representation of the user and of the domain are inextricably linked • What we want to do is capture the “degree” to which a user “knows” or is “interested” in some concept • We can then use simple or complex rules to update the UM and to adapt the interface 19 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Attribute-Value Pairs • Particularly useful for showing (simple) dependencies between concepts • Complex ones harder to update • Can use IF-THEN-ELSE rules to trigger events • Such as updating a user model • Modifying the contents of a document (AHA!, MetaDoc) • Changing the visibility or viability of links 20 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Overview of AHA! • Adaptive Hypertext for All! • Each time use visits a page, a set of rules determines how the user model is updated • Inclusion rules determine the fragments in the current page that will be displayed to the user (adaptive presentation) • Requirement rules change link colours to indicate the desirability of each link (adaptive navigation) 21 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Attribute-Value Pairs • From where do the attributes come? • Need to be meaningful in the domain (domain modelling) • Can be concepts (conceptual modelling) • Can be terms that occur in documents (IR) 22 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Attribute-Value Pairs • What do values represent? • Degrees of interest, knowledge, familiarity, ... • Skill level, proficiency, competence • Facts (usually as strings, rather than numerical values) • Truth or falsehood (boolean) 23 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Simple Baysian Classifier • Rather than pre-determining which concepts, etc., to model, let features be selected based on observation • SBCs are also used in machine learning approaches to user modeling • Instead of working with predetermined sets of models, learn interests of current user ProbUserModel.pdf 24 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Simple Bayesian Classifier • Let’s say we want to determine if a document is likely to be interesting to a user • We need some prior examples of interesting and non-interesting documents • Automatically select document features • Usually terms of high frequency • Assign boolean values to terms in vectors • To indicate presence in or absence from document 25 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Simple Bayesian Classifier • Now, for an arbitrary document, we want to determine the probability that the document is interesting to the user P(classj | word1 & word2 & ... wordk) • Assuming term independence, the probability that an example belongs to classj is proportional to 26 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Syskill & Webert • Learns simple Baysian classifier from user interaction • User identifies his/her topic of interest • As user browses, rates web pages as “hot” or “cold” • S & K learns user’s interests to mark up links, and to construct search engine query webb-umuai-2001.pdf, ProbUserModel.pdf 27 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Syskill & Webert • Text is converted to feature vectors (term vectors) for SBC • Terms used are those identified as being “most informative” words in current set of pages • based on the expected ability to classify document if the word is absent from doc 28 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Simple Baysian Classifier • Of course, the term independence assumption is unrealistic, but SBC still works well • Algorithm is fast, so can be used to update user model in real time • Can be modified to support ranking according to degree of probability, rather than boolean 29 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Simple Bayesian Classifier • Needs to be “trained”, usually using small data sets • Works by multiplying probability estimates to obtain joint probabilities • If any is zero, results will be zero... • Can use small constant e (0.001) instead (estimation bias) ... 30 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Personal WebWatcher • Predicting interesting hyperlinks from the set of documents visited by a user • Followed links are positive examples of user interests • Ignored links are negative examples of user interests • Use descriptions of hyperlinks as “shortened documents” rather than full docs pwwTR.pdf 31 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Personal WebWatcher • Also uses a simple bayesian classifier to recommend interesting links • where TF(w, c) is term frequency of term w in document of class c (e.g., interesting/non-interesting), and TF(w, doc) is frequency of term w in document doc 32 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Personal WebWatcher • “Training” set is set of documents that user has seen and user could have seen but has ignored • Uses short description of document, rather than document vector itself 33 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Logic-based • Does a UM only contain facts about a user’s knowledge? • Can we also represent assumptions, and assumptions about beliefs? • Assumptions are contextualised, and represented using modal logic (AT:ac, or assumption type:assumption content) pohl1999-logic-based.pdf 34 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Logic-based • We can also partition assumptions about the user 35 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Logic-based • Advantage is that beliefs, assumptions, facts are already in logical representation • Makes it easier to draw conclusions about the user from the stored knowledge 36 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Stereotype-based • Originally proposed by Rich in 1979 • Captures default information about groups of users • Tends not to be used anymore 1993-aui-kobsa.pdf 37 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Stereotype-based • Kobsa points out that developer of stereotypes needs to fulfill three tasks • Identify user subgroups • Identify key characteristics of typical user in subgroup • So that new user may be automatically classified • Represent hierarchically ordered stereotypes • Fine-grained vs. coarse-grained 38 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Inference rules • e.g., C-Tutor, avanti.pdf • May use production rules to make inferences about user • Also, to update system about changes in user state or user knowledge • Note that Polh points out that all user models (that learn about the user) must infer assumptions about the user (pohl1999-logic-based.pdf) 39 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Types of User Models • User Models have their roots in philosophy and learning • Student models assumed to be some subset of the knowledge about the domain to be learnt • Consequently, the types of user model have been heavily influenced by this 40 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Student Models • Student Models are used, e.g., in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) • In ITS we know user goals, and may be able to identify user plans • The domain/experts knowledge must be well understood • Assumption that user wants to acquire expert’s knowledge • Plan means moving from user’s current state to state that user wants to achieve 41 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Student Models • If we assume that expert’s knowledge is transferable to student, then student’s knowledge includes some of the expert’s knowledge • Overlay, differential, perturbation models (from neena_albi_honours.pdf p25-) 42 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Overlay models • SCHOLAR (Carbonell, 1970) • Simplest of the student models • Student knowledge (K) is a subset of expert’s • Assumes that K missing from student model is not known by the student • But what if student has incorrectly learnt K? 43 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Overlay models • Good when subject matter can be represented as prerequisite hierarchy • K remaining to be acquired by student is exactly difference between expert K and student K • Cannot represent/infer student misconceptions 44 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Differential models • WEST (Burton & Brown, 1989) • Compares student/expert performance in execution of current task • Divides K into K the student should know (because it has already been presented) and K the student cannot be expected to know (yet) 45 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Differential Models • Still assumes that student’s K is subset of expert’s • But can differentiate between K that has been presented but not understood and K that has not yet been presented 46 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Perturbation models • LMS (Sleeman & Smith, 1981) • Combines overlay model with representation of faulty knowledge • Bug library • Attempts to understand why student failed to complete task correctly • Permits student model to contain K not present in expert’s K 47 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Student modelling • See neena_albi_honours.pdf for more examples of student models... • We’ll look at ITS in more detail towards the end of the lecture series 48 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Making Assumptions about the user • Browsing behaviour • What does a user’s browsing behaviour tell us about the user? 49 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt
Making Assumptions about the user • Searle (1969)... when a speech act is performed certain presuppositions must have been valid for the speaker to perform the speech act correctly (from 1995-UMUAI-kobsa.pdf, 1995-COOP95-kobsa.pdf) 50 of cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt