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Forces and Motion

Forces and Motion. Big Ideas. Motion is described as relative to something else A change in motion is due to unbalanced forces No change in motion and an object at rest are due to balanced forces Discuss in your groups what these big ideas mean. Make it go!.

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Forces and Motion

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  1. Forces and Motion

  2. Big Ideas • Motion is described as relative to something else • A change in motion is due to unbalanced forces • No change in motion and an object at rest are due to balanced forces • Discuss in your groups what these big ideas mean

  3. Make it go! • You and your friends enter a car racing competition and you are determined to win. When you get to the competition however you are in for a surprise. The competition will have several rounds. Round one of the competition is to make the car move along the track without touching it!!! • Look in the bin to see what materials you have

  4. With your group decide on a focus question and write it in your notebook. • Here is a sentence starter to help you: • How can we………. • Discuss with your group what you think you can do to determine a solution to the problem and explain why you think your solution will work. Write it in your notebook • If……..then………will happen because………

  5. Your task today • Your task today is to find two ways to make the car move and two ways that do not make the car move. • What will you be observing or measuring? • With your group discuss ways that you can collect and record your data. • You may not start testing until you have a data collection device

  6. Reflection • What patterns can you see from your data? • What claims can you make for when the car moves? • What evidence do you have to support your claims? • I claim the car moved because….. • What claims can you make for when the car does not move? • What evidence do you have to support your claims? • I claim the car did not move because……

  7. Reflection • What patterns can you see from your data? • What claims can you make for when the car moves? • What evidence do you have to support your claims? • I claim the car moved because….. • What claims can you make for when the car does not move? • What evidence do you have to support your claims? • I claim the car did not move because……

  8. Conclusion • How were your predictions supported by the evidence or how would you revise or change your thinking based on the evidence? The evidence supported/did not support my prediction because…… • Write a concluding sentence for today using one of the stems • Today I learned….. • In conclusion…….

  9. Conclusion • Write a concluding sentence for today using one of the stems • Today I learned….. • In conclusion…….

  10. Make it Go Part 2 • Go to a new page in your science notebook and title it Make it Move Part 2 • Write the date and the time and add this to your table of contents with the appropriate page number

  11. Make it Move part 2 • Answer these questions in your notebook • Think about what we investigated yesterday • What is motion? • How would you define it? • Why did the car move? Why doesn’t the car move? • What new questions do you have about motion? • Finish the sentences: • What really surprised me yesterdaywas…. • I would like to learn more about…. • I am confused about………..

  12. Round 2 • Today you will be taking part in the second round of the car race challenge. Today you and your team need to make your car along the track without touching it but the car is upside down!!Today you cannot touch the track either. • Talk to your team and determine what your focus question is for the day. When you have decided write it down • Here is a sentence starter to help you: • How can we……….

  13. Discuss with your group what you think you can do to determine a solution to the problem and explain why you think your solution will work. Write it in your notebook under a sub heading of Prediction • If……..then………will happen because………

  14. Your task today • Your task today is to predicttwo ways to make the car move and two ways that do not make the car move. • What will you be observing or measuring? • With your group discuss ways that you can collect and record your data. • You may not start testing until you have a data recording device

  15. Reflection • What patterns can you see from your data? • What claims can you make for when the car moves? • What evidence do you have to support your claims? • I claim the car moved because….. • What claims can you make for when the car does not move? • What evidence do you have to support your claims? • I claim the car did not move because……

  16. Conclusion • How were your predictions supported by the evidence or how would you revise or change your thinking based on the evidence? The evidence supported/did not support my prediction because…… • Write a concluding sentence for today using one of the stems • Today I learned….. • In conclusion…….

  17. Big Ideas • Motion is described as relative to something else • A change in motion is due to unbalanced forces • No change in motion and an object at rest are due to balanced forces • Discuss in your groups what these big ideas mean

  18. Next Steps • Answer these questions in your notebook • Think about what we have been investigating • What is Motion? How would you define it? • What is force? How would you define it? • Why did the car move? Why doesn’t the car move?( Think about the big ideas!!) • What new questions do you have about forces or motion? • Finish the sentences: • What really surprised me was…. • I would like to learn more about…. • I am confused about………..

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