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Language. Maths. Science. Cymraeg. History. Geography. ICT. Design Technology. Music. Art. Timelord - Class 7 - Autumn 2010. Overview. PE. RE. PSE. Language. Maths. Science. Cymraeg. History. Geography. ICT. Design Technology. Art. Music. PE. RE. PSE. TP 1. 2. 3. 4.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Language Maths Science Cymraeg History Geography ICT Design Technology Music Art Timelord - Class 7 - Autumn 2010 Overview PE RE PSE

  2. Language

  3. Maths

  4. Science

  5. Cymraeg

  6. History

  7. Geography

  8. ICT

  9. Design Technology

  10. Art

  11. Music

  12. PE

  13. RE

  14. PSE

  15. TP 1 2 3 4 5 Thinking Skills - Plan

  16. TD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Thinking Skills - Develop 8

  17. TR 1 2 3 4 Thinking Skills - Reflect

  18. CO1 CO2 Communication Skills - Oracy

  19. CR1 CR2 Communication Skills - Reading

  20. CW1 CW2 Communication Skills - Writing

  21. CX1 CX2 Communication Skills - Wider

  22. ICT 1 ICT 2 ICT Skills Ladders

  23. NU1 NU2 NU3 Number Skills – Using Mathematical Information

  24. NC1 NC2 Number Skills – Calculate

  25. NI1 NI2 NI3 Number Skills – Interpret and present findings

  26. Overview In response to Curriculum 2008 and the Non Statutory skills framework, KS2 staff at Abercanaid Community school are adapting their planning to refocus the theme based approach, which has always been central to our ethos, whilst ensuring coverage of the necessary skills and range from Curriculum 2008. In order to achieve this KS2 will be adopting themes set out by ESIS in the “Making the Links” project. This identifies a theme and 2 or 3 key subjects which link together. Other subjects are also included throughout the term but in lesser detail – linking when possible to the theme. When using a theme based model it is important to adopt a flexible approach to planning and teaching as some subjects lend themselves more readily to topics than others. We are mindful as a staff that we need to ensure coverage of skills and subject range. Staff in KS2 will be working from the same theme each term. This will allow for staff to collaborate on projects, planning, trips and theme days; to share ideas and resources; identify clear opportunities for assessment to show progression; and to ensure that year groups which are split across classes access work at the appropriate level. This terms topic is called TimeLord – and is structured around the history of the 20th century. Can the children of Abercanaid Community School help The Doctor get his facts straight?

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