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Tuning (Medicine) 2007. MEDINE Thematic Network. THE TUNING PROJECT “HARMONISATION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION”. Funded by European Commission Learning outcomes/ competences for graduates Generic and subject-specific outcomes
Tuning (Medicine) 2007 MEDINE Thematic Network
THE TUNING PROJECT “HARMONISATION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION” • Funded by European Commission • Learning outcomes/ competences for graduates • Generic and subject-specific outcomes • Europe-wide survey and consultation → consensus
The Tuning Project (Medicine) - process and methods • Review of existing outcomes / competency frameworksExisting institutional or national learning outcomes/competency frameworks reviewed by the Project steering group • Development of draft frameworkPreliminary draft learning outcomes/competency framework for Tuning (Medicine) generated by the Project steering group
The Tuning Project (Medicine) - process and methods • Tuning (Medicine) Task Force workshops - • Budapest (April 2005) • Amsterdam (September 2005) • Edinburgh (February 2006) • Prague (May 2006) • [Genoa (September 2006) – mapping workshop] • Members of Tuning (Medicine) Taskforce sequentially reviewed draft framework and progressively refined it in the light of expert opinion • Also: presentations at Learning and Teaching Support Network UK (Nov 2005), Chinese Association for Medical Education (Dec 2005), European Medical Students Association (July 2006), Rektors of German Medical Schools (Oct 2006)
The Tuning Project (Medicine) - process and methods • Web-Based Opinion Survey • Tuning methodology - include academics, graduates and employers. Rate learning outcomes for importance for graduates in the discipline. Ratings combined and outcomes arranged in a rank order. Informs the formulation of final Tuning report. • Questionnaire based on draft learning outcomes, incorporated into the Surveymonkey.com on-line survey instrument, translated into German and French. • Through MEDINE Network, primary contacts identified for each European member state. Asked to identify respondents under each heading and circulate the url. In later stages, url sent to all members of Network to increase number of respondents. • Respondents rated 115 learning outcomes/competences on four point Likert scale as essential, very important, quite important or not important for primary medical degree.
The Tuning Project (Medicine) - process and methods • First section - 29 generic outcomes for Higher Education degrees, from previous phases of “parent” Tuning Project”. Minor amendments made to take account of specific requirements of medical practice. • Second section - 12 discipline-specific Level 1 outcomes which together describe the competences required of medical graduates. • Third section - for each Level 1 outcome, discipline-specific Level 2 outcomes (74 in total) • Fourth section - 39 knowledge domains and 14 practice settings in which students might gain experiential learning. • Information regarding respondents - background (academic, graduate, employer, student or other), country and institution. • Free text comments - qualitative analysis using the NVivo7 software tool.
The Tuning Project (Medicine) - process and methods • Ratification of findings by MEDINE Thematic Network. AGM of MEDINE Thematic Network, Oslo, May 2007. Informed by the analyses and by agreement of the Task Force members, low-scoring outcomes may be omitted from the final Tuning document outcomes framework, or new outcomes added derived from the free text comments. • Validation of Tuning Outcomes by Expert Panel. Presentation of final outcomes framework at Sectorial Validation Conference, Brussels, June 2007. Expert Panel invited by the European Commission to review the outcomes framework, meet members of Task Force, leading to a Validation statement for the discipline. Same process for each health-care Tuning project (medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy). • Final report to the European Commission. At the conclusion of MEDINE Thematic Network, October 2007.
TUNING MEDICINE – SURVEY RESULTS • 10th April – 30th October 2006 • 1302 responses • 830 English version • 453 German version • 19 French version • All EU member states except Luxembourg, Estonia, Cyprus
Interpreting Survey Results NI QI VI E 1 2 3 4 ↑ NI QI VI E 1 2 3 4 ↑
GENERIC COMPETENCY AVERAGE RATING BY RESPONDENT CATEGORY med3 ability to recognise limits and ask for help med4 probity (honesty, maintaining good practice) imp2 capacity for applying knowledge in practice imp16m ability to make decisions imp10m capacity to learn (including lifelong self- directed learning) imp15m ability to solve problems imp12 critical and self-critical abilities imp18 interpersonal skills Average Rating 1=not important 2=quite important 3=very important 4=essential imp29 concern for quality imp28 ethical commitment imp20m ability to work in a multidisciplinary team imp13 capacity to adapt to new situations med1 empathy Generic Tuning Competency imp1 capacity for analysis and synthesis imp21 ability to communicate with experts in other fields Employer imp25 ability to work autonomously imp3 capacity for organisation and planning (including time management) Academic imp17 appreciation of diversity and multiculturality imp30 will to succeed med2 ability to teach others Graduate imp24 understanding of cultures and customs of other countries imp4m basic general knowledge outside medicine Student imp27 initiative and entrepreneurial spirit imp19m ability to lead others imp7 knowledge of a second language imp9 research skills imp14m creativity imp26m ability to design and manage projects imp23 ability to work in an international context 1 2 3 4
Level 1 Competences/Learning Outcomes for medical graduates and practice of medicine in Europe
The Tuning Project • Not about identity or conformity (the European Commission values diversity) • Identifying common ground to build on • “Just a little more tuneful”
WORLD FEDERATION FOR MEDICAL EDUCATION TASK FORCE (2000) Defining international standards in basic medical education. Report of a Working Party, 1999, Medical Education, 34(8), 665-675.
The WFME standards 1.4 EDUCATIONAL OUTCOME Basic standard: The medical school must define the competencies that students should exhibit on graduation in relation to their subsequent training and future roles in the health system. Quality development: The linkage of competencies to be acquired by graduation with that to be acquired in postgraduate training should be specified. Measures of, and information about, competencies of the graduates should be used as feedback to programme development. Annotations: • Educational outcome would be defined in terms of the competencies the students must acquire before graduation. • Competencies within medicine and medical practice would include knowledge and understanding of the basic, clinical, behavioural and social sciences, including public health and population medicine, and medical ethics relevant to the practice of medicine; attitudes and clinical skills (with respect to establishment of diagnoses, practical procedures, communication skills, treatment and prevention of disease, health promotion, rehabilitation, clinical reasoning and problem solving); and the ability to undertake lifelong learning and professional development.