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Welcome. Good Morning, Fifth Graders!. Please find your seat and locker space (AKA cubby) and unpack . Borrow a sharpie from the back table and label your supplies. Watch the PPT for help.
Good Morning, Fifth Graders! • Please find your seat and locker space (AKA cubby) and unpack. • Borrow a sharpie from the back table and label your supplies. Watch the PPT for help. • Read over the class syllabus (the white sheet with the koala in the top left) and be prepared to discuss. • Complete the worksheet on your desk. :)
To-Do List • Who in the world is Ms. Casey? • Schedule • Syllabus • Label Stuff, Worksheets • CLIMB
Hometown: Rocky Mount, NC
This Year We’ll Be Learning About… Ecosystems Motion & Design Weather Human Body
What to expect every quarter… • Flashcards or Word/Def/Pics • Regular homework: Reflections • One paragraph each day about what we learned or reviewed in science. These will be turned in on Fridays. • Unannounced quizzes (with an occasional hint) • 1 Midterm (in the middle of the quarter) • 1 Final (at the end of the quarter) • Notebook Checks
USE THE WEBSITE! caseykoalas.weebly.com Twitter & Instagram: @caseykoalas Ms. Casey’s email: mcasey@wcpss.net Mrs. Aldridge’s email: caldridge@wcpss.net Mrs. Palmer’s email:dwilson@wcpss.net Aldridge & Palmer Continue…
What about Social Studies? Economy The Revolution Government & Westward Expansion Civil War & Reconstruction
And Writing…? • Narrative Essay • Persuasive Essay • Fantasy Story • Interpretive Essay • Research Paper (w/Mrs. Seitzsinger)
NO EXCUSES because… 2. You can do it. • We love you and careabout your education. • 3. You’re the big kids and set the example. 4. Hard work pays off, BAE.
USE THE WEBSITE! caseykoalas.weebly.com Twitter & Instagram: @caseykoalas Ms. Casey’s email: mcasey@wcpss.net Mrs. Aldridge’s email: caldridge@wcpss.net Mrs. Palmer’s email:dwilson@wcpss.net Aldridge CLIMB Palmer CLIMB
Koalas CLIMB! are for others C L I M B isten to learn nteract safely ake good choices ecome successful
What does CLIMBinglook like in class? Casey Homeroom/Science/SS/Writing
What does CLIMBinglook like in class? Aldridge Science
What does CLIMBinglook like in class? Palmer Science
Credit • http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-478hApKDROg/TgjZNaqbUmI/AAAAAAAAABM/x6KJFqDA8QQ/s1600/Back_to_school_Wallpaper_asg75.jpg • http://www.idcide.com/i/mc2/nc/rocky-mount.gif • http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/251/4/a/subtle_texture_16_by_allthingsprecious-d6lhsj2.jpg • https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/6/5697895_5c57981a6d_z.jpg?zz=1 • https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8243/8583337740_2f1c85fb46_z.jpg