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BEST PRACTICES RELATED TO EDUCATION FOR PERSONS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS. Donata Vivanti - Vice-president EDF. www. edf -feph.org. Art. 24.1 States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to education… without discrimination on the basis of equal opportunity
Art. 24.1 States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to education… without discrimination on the basis of equal opportunity shall ensure an inclusive education system at all levels and lifelong learning Educationin the UNCRPD
Ensuring: adequate resources appropriate support reasonable accommodation of environment, teaching organisation in mainstream education Removing barriers to inclusive education
Developing legislative measures and policies in close cooperation with organisations of persons with disabilities without any compromises with the principle of equal opportunities regardless the nature or severity of the disability or difficulties in being included in mainstream schools Moving towards inclusive education
According to the NESSE report: Some students are difficult to be included in maistream classes: : With complex health problems With pervasive or specific learning disorders and/or challenging behaviours (Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD) The challenges for inclusive education
No distinction or exception are acceptable in the UNCRPD perspective The right to inclusive education stressed in the ECSC decision on the AE collective complaint (n.13/2003) The interest of the child must come first According to the DECLOC study, persons with challenging behaviours require the most intensive support also in segregating settings The challenges for inclusive education
YES, WE CAN With a more intensive (quantitative and qualitative) support Can we include in mainstream education children with severe learning disabilities and/or challenging behaviours?
Constitutional guarantee of free and compulsory education to all children Definition of reasonable accommodations (of school buildings, equipment and materials) in the legislation on accessibility Legislation which defines any child or group of children with disabilities as ‘uneducable’ should be repealed Failure to accept a disabled student in a mainstream school should be recognised as an offence based on anti-discrimination laws Developing legislative measures
Incentives for the transition to mainstream schools Ensuring adequate educational support Adopting special education good practice and skills in the general education systems Pre-service and in-service training of teachers to meet the educational needs of all students with disabilities Lifelong learning opportunities and strategies Coordination between ministries Developing policy measures
Human rights education and peer support included in the school curriculum Parents and students involved in the definition and implementation of IEP Apply new technologies for teaching in mainstream schools Address the specific needs of girls and women with disabilities Developing positive actions
Special measures are needed to ensure equal opportunities to girls and women with disabilities lower access to school and qualifications (notwithstanding the opposite trend for students without disabilities without in some EU countries) higher rates of school drop outs higher illiteracy rates decreased access to employment Gender perspective
Improves the capacity of teachers to meet the educational needs of any other student Enhances since childhood the awareness and understanding of diversity as a richness of our society Benefits of inclusive education of students with disabilities
Inclusive educationMoving from words to deedswww.edf-feph.org