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SmartPlayer : User-Centric Video Fast-Forwarding

SmartPlayer : User-Centric Video Fast-Forwarding. K.-Y. Cheng, S.-J. Luo , B.-Y. Chen, and H.-H. Chu. ACM CHI 2009 ( international conference on Human factors in computing systems ). Outline. Introduction SmartPlayer User-Centric Video Fast-Forwarding Skimming Model User Interface

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SmartPlayer : User-Centric Video Fast-Forwarding

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  1. SmartPlayer: User-Centric Video Fast-Forwarding K.-Y. Cheng, S.-J. Luo, B.-Y. Chen, and H.-H. Chu ACM CHI 2009(international conference on Human factors in computing systems)

  2. Outline • Introduction • SmartPlayer • User-Centric Video Fast-Forwarding • Skimming Model • User Interface • Results • Conclusion

  3. Introduction • Microsoft Windows Media Player • Play, pause, stop, fast-forward, rewind/reverse video

  4. Introduction • Video summarization • Still-image abstraction—key frame extraction • Ex: image mosaic • Video skimming • Short video summary • Video analysis techniques • Image/video features • Different video types

  5. Introduction • SmartPlayer • Adjust playback speed • Complexity of the current scene • Predefined semantic events • Learn user’s preferences • About predefined semantic events • User’s favorite playback speed • Play video continuously • Not to miss any undefined events

  6. Introduction • SmartPlayer

  7. User Behavior Observation And Inquiry • User inquiry • 10 participants: 5 males and 5 females • How users fast-forwarding these videos?

  8. User Behavior Observation And Inquiry • User inquiry • surveillance, baseball, tennis, golf, and wedding videos • training videos • prototype player • accelerate and decelerate (1~16x) • Can jump to the normal speed One user’s watching pattern for a baseball video.

  9. User-Centric Video Fast-Forwarding • User behavior • Users tend to maintain a constant playback speed within a video shot. • Users prefer gradual increases of playback speed. • Users set the playback rate based on several minutes of recently viewed shots. • SmartPlayer • Cut the video into segments • Adjust the playback speed gradually across segment boundaries • Speed control

  10. Skimming Model • Speed control • motion complexity • speed of the previous content

  11. Skimming Model • Motion layer • Color[1] • detect shot boundaries • Motion • extract optical flows between frames using the Lucas-Kanade method [1] Lienhart, R. Comparison of automatic shot boundary detection algorithms. SPIE Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases VII 3656, (1999), 290-301.

  12. Skimming Model • Semantic layer • Extract semantic event points in video • Manual annotation

  13. Skimming Model • Personalization layer • Learning from user input

  14. User Interface

  15. Results • Personalized adaptive fast-forwarding • 20 participants: 13 males and 7 females

  16. Results • Comparisons of different video players Video watching time Video content understanding rate

  17. Results • Average rating of three types of video players

  18. Results

  19. Conclusion • Automatically adapts its playback speed according to : • scene complexity • predefined events of interest • user’s preferences with respect to playback speed • Learn user’s preferred event types and playback speeds for these event types • Not skipping any segments

  20. An Extended Framework for Adaptive Playback-Based Video Summarization Kadir A. Peker and Ajay Divakaran SPIE ITCOM 2003

  21. Features • Visual complexity • Motion activity: motion vector • Spatial complexity: DCT coefficient visual complexity=(motion vector)‧(DCT coefficient) For each DCT coefficient For each frame visual complexity= mean(cumulative energy at each visual complexity value)

  22. Features • Audio classes • 1-s segments • GMM-based classifiers • Silence, ball hit, applause, female speech, male speech, speech and music, music, and noise • Sport highlights detection • Face detection • Viola-Jones face detector based on boosting[2] [2] P. Viola and M. Jones, "Rapid object detection using a boosted cascade of simple features, " In Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Kauai, HI, December 2001.

  23. Features • Cut detection • Software tool Webflix • Camera motion[3] • Translation parameters and a zoom factor • Camera motion and close-up object motion [3] Yap-PengTan; Saur, D.D.; Kulkami, S.R.; Ramadge, P.J., "Rapid estimation of camera motion from compressed video with application to video annotation, " IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 0, Feb. 2000, Page(s): 133 –146.

  24. Summarization Method • Shot level • Find key frames • Local maxima in the face-size curve • Local maxima of the camera motion • Combine close key frame points as one segment • Adaptive fast playback • According to visual complexity • Normal playback at highlight points

  25. Results

  26. Results

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