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Import credit card transactions into sage 50

The order in which you Import credit card transactions into sage 50 is really important. Some files contain data that may exist in the system before certain other data can be imported. For instance, you can not import the Deals invoice Journal if you haven't imported the Chart of Accounts or Customer List.

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Import credit card transactions into sage 50

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  1. Importcreditcardtransactions intosage 50 • TheorderinwhichyouImportcreditcardtransactionsintosage50isreallyimportant.Somefiles containdatathatmayexistinthe system before certainother data canbe imported.For instance,you cannotimporttheDeals invoice Journalif youhaven'timported the Chartof Accountsor Customer List. • WerecommendyoureviewImport/ExportTipsbeforeyouimportanydata. • Youneedtodothefollowing,inordertoimport dataintoSage50. • From the Filemenu,choose SelectImport/Export. • Selectthe programareaandthenselectthetemplate touse. • Select the Import button. Sage 50 displays the window for the template you named with the Fieldstabinfront. • Selectthe Showcheck boxfor eachfieldthat'sincluded inyour importfile. To make sure that you select the same fields that are included in your import file, check that you select the same number of fieldsandplacethem inthesame order as they appearedinthe imported file.The import will fail if the fields in the file you're importing don't match the order and number of the fields checkedtoshowon Still, also emphasize the first field you want to move, and select the Move button, If any fields listed aren'tinthecorrectorder.Click the rowjustbeneathwhere you wantto move the field. This willplace thefieldyoumoved justabove whereyouclicked. Thecolumnfigures adaptconsequently. Whenyou're finished withthe Fields tab,selecttheOptions tab. Select the Warn if Duplicate Reference check box if you want to be advised of indistinguishable check figures or damaged reference figures during the importprocess.Thisonly applies if you're importing Payments,Payroll,or Bill deals.Theimportedrecordwilloverwrite thebeing record. To specify the path and/ or the filename of the import file, click the arrow button, if necessary. Sage 50 supplies a dereliction path and file name conforming of C, the original filename in Sage 50, and the extension. CSV. You canclassover the dereliction ifyoulike. You canalsospecify a pathor directory fromwhichyouwanttoimportthefile. Still, select the First Row Contains headlines check box, If the file you want to import contains headers. ThistellsSage50tointerpretandignorethefirstrowinthedatatrainasatitleor nameofafield. To save thechangesyou havemade tothistemplate soyou canusethemlater,click save andalsoname thenew template.You mustentera unique name;youcannotusethe Sage 50derelictionname. Whenyou have finished makingselections,selectOKtobegin the importprocess.

  2. Sage 50 quests for the file in the place you specified, significances the file information, and translates as importantas possibleto theSage 50format.However,savant50informsyou oftheproblemandthe line number of the file in which it came, If there's a problem with the data in the file. You can also edit the data file directlyusingalineeditor,spreadsheet,or word-processingprogram.You can also trychanging theway youexportedthefilefrom theoriginal program.

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