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超新星遗迹与分子云作用的多波段观测分析. Ctb 37b Kes 41. Ctb37b, Kes41 周围分子云CO观测. CO by Mopra (22-m single-dish radio telescope located at the edge of the Warrumbungle Mountains near Coonabarabran ) Radio by MOST ( The Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope )

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  1. 超新星遗迹与分子云作用的多波段观测分析 Ctb 37b Kes 41

  2. Ctb37b, Kes41周围分子云CO观测 • CO by Mopra • (22-m single-dish radio telescope located at the edge of the Warrumbungle Mountains near Coonabarabran) • Radio by MOST (The Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope) • X-ray by XMM (kes 41) & Chandra (ctb 37b)

  3. kes41 Combi et al. 2008, A&A, 488, L25

  4. kes41 • Diffuse X-ray emission with an apparent filled-center structure and the absence of a compact source in its center.

  5. kes41 • Detected lines in the spectrum.

  6. Conclusion : • Kes 41 is characterized by an apparent centrally filled X-ray morphology not well correlated with the radio shell, and thermally dominated X-ray emission. • Thus, Kes 41 could be classified as a thermal composite(or mixed morphology) remnant.

  7. Kes41 CO Average in FOV 蓝色:12CO 绿色:13CO

  8. -100 -80 -130 -110 -110 -100 -40 -25 -15 0 -25 -15

  9. -80 -40

  10. -65 -60

  11. 计划: • Grid of 12CO spectra • Image overlaid with X-ray • others Jiang, Bing., et al. ApJ,712,1147

  12. THANK YOU!

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